Stress Eating

Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
So I just thought I'd tell everyone I've been stress eating lately. Not until after 9 p.m. of course! It's SO stupid, but I just can't stop. I haven't gained any weight though. Any ideas?

Mostly I eat popcorn (*AH! CARBS!) or Ice CREAM! (I KNOW!!!!!!!!) Last night I had Reese's miniatures. Ate 400 calories worth.

What is my problem and what do you do when you're stressed and you want to reach for something terrible?


  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Wow I know I'm not the only stress eater on here!
  • hllamaster
    hllamaster Posts: 137 Member
    Yes it is a problem for most of us..I spend time cardio to help with helps me a lot...long brisk walks girl
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    This is usually after a heavy workout day. I don't feel like getting sweaty again, and taking ANOTHER shower that late at night. I eat enough at dinner, I don't know why I get hungry later!
  • Frannswaz
    Frannswaz Posts: 172 Member
    I hear you! I try green tea and jasmine. Or something filling like bran flakes. When that doesn't work I eat what my taste buds ask for then make it up the next day in the gym.The best plan I've found is to decide just not to be stressed .......makes me FAT and UNFIT...... I know that for sure!! I'm still working on that last bit!
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    Hmm. I haven't drunk tea since my last cold. Sounds like an idea....

    Stress is what keeps us alive! Hahah. Not true, but it's always there nonetheless.
  • Trudger
    Trudger Posts: 13 Member
    I'm with you on this one...I have done really well, but lately...stress = binges at night.

    My best asset in these situations is accountability...I jump from food to food and never seem to get satisfied - it's because I'm *NOT* hungry physically, but emotionally.

    I try to connect with a friend, blog a little (aka journal), send some emails, letters, etc. Most of all, I have an accountability partner that I call that night or the next day and have to tell them everything I ate and what is going on with me that day. Also, I log into MFP and read posts like yours! You just helped me tonight...thanks!

    Hope these ideas help!

    Hang in there...stress comes and goes...weight....not so easy.

  • CarlHollomon
    This is a major problem for me. In fact, probably my biggest problem.
  • Rworthy
    Rworthy Posts: 271 Member
    I'm with you on this one...I have done really well, but lately...stress = binges at night.

    My best asset in these situations is accountability...I jump from food to food and never seem to get satisfied - it's because I'm *NOT* hungry physically, but emotionally.

    I try to connect with a friend, blog a little (aka journal), send some emails, letters, etc. Most of all, I have an accountability partner that I call that night or the next day and have to tell them everything I ate and what is going on with me that day. Also, I log into MFP and read posts like yours! You just helped me tonight...thanks!

    Hope these ideas help!

    Hang in there...stress comes and goes...weight....not so easy.


    You're welcome. Glad I helped. I guess because I'm all alone at night when my BF is working on the computer...and I'm all alone all day long...and I have no job or friends or family here...yeah, it's really damn hard!!! I will keep truckin as they say.
  • kimmae17
    kimmae17 Posts: 64 Member
    I always have a backup stress food ready! like the diet hot chocolate (25 calories) i sip it VERY slowly! or a sugar free fudgesicle. cool whip and some strawberries. Tea is definetly a good idea as well if you are into, Caffeine free if its later in the day!
  • Amandalovesfood89
    I just did this last night..went up to the corner store and went crazy! lol
    I still haven't found my niche when it comes to not stress eating...
  • Chunkabutt83
    stress eatting is a huge factor in how i even got overweight. Its super hard to manage when its been what youve always turned to. I had a hugely stressful night last night and kept walking through the kitchen and opening the fridge, then i looked at a picture of my daughter and remembered why im doing this, so i put her picture front and center on my fridge with the quote "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels" and i went to bed without caving.