60 Minutes per Month Plank Challenge - February 2018!



  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    I've been distracted this week with the arrival of my new adjustable dumbbell set and reworking my exercise schedule to compensate. I'm not looking likely to hit 60 minutes by the end of Wednesday, but I did find that mixing up my 30 second planks has been keeping my attention going, so there you are.

    2/1 - 1 x 30 - 0:00:30
    2/2 - 1 x 30 - 0:00:30
    2/3 - 2 x 20 - 0:00:40
    2/4 - 2 x 25 - 0:0
    2/5 - 2 x 25 - 0:00:50
    2/6 - 2 x 30 - 0:01:00, BO - 0:01:00
    2/7 - rest
    2/8 - 2 x 30 - 0:01:00
    2/9 - rest
    2/10 - 3 x 25 - 0:01:15
    2/11 - 3 x 25, 3 x 30 - 0:02:45
    2/12 - 3 x 30 - 0:01:30
    2/13 - 4 x 30 - 0:02:00, BO - 0:01:00
    2/14 - rest
    2/15 - 2 x 1 - 0:02:00
    2/16 - 2 x 1:10 - 0:02:10
    2/17 - 2 x 1:10 - 0:02:15, 2 x 1:20 - 0:01:45
    2/18 - 2 x 1:20 - 0:02:50
    2/19 - BO - 0:01:08
    2/20 - Rest
    2/21 - 0:02:00 mixed AM, 0:02:30 mixed PM
    2/22 - unplanned rest (i.e. slacking off)
    2/23 - " "
    2/24 - " "
    2/25 - 0:03:30 mixed
    2/26 - 0:04:00 mixed

    Total: ~ 40 minutes
  • dinadyna21
    dinadyna21 Posts: 403 Member
    2/1 6 minutes complete
    2/2 Rest day
    2/3 10 minutes complete
    2/4 12 minutes complete
    2/5 16 minutes complete
    2/6 Rest day
    2/7 20 minutes complete
    2/8 24 minutes complete
    2/9 Rest day
    2/10 28 minutes complete
    2/11 31 minutes complete
    2/12 35 minutes complete
    2/13 40 minutes complete
    2/14 45 minutes complete
    2/19 50 Minutes Complete
    2/20 55 Minutes Complete
    2/21 60 minutes complete
    2/22 64 minutes complete
    2/23 68 minutes complete
    2/24 72 minutes complete
    2/25 Rest day
    2/26 76 minutes complete
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    February 1, None, Starting off the new month with a rest day.
    February 2, 1x5 min mixed plank, 1x6 minute mixed plank (11 min)
    February 3, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 4, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 5, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 6, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 7, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 8, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 9, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 10, 1x6 min Mixed Plank, 1x5 min mixed plank (11 min)
    February 11, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 12, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 13, 2x5 min mixed planks (10 min)
    February 14, 1x6 min mixed plank, 1x4 min mixed plank (10 min)
    February 15, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 16, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 17, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 18, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 19, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 20, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 21, 2x6 min mixed planks (12 min)
    February 22, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 23, 2x6 min mixed planks (12min)
    February 24, 3x5 min mixed planks (15 min)
    February 25, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 26, None, Planned Rest Day
    February 27, 3x5 min mixed planks (15 min)

    Total for February 180 minutes, 0 left to go.

    Goal! lol... managed to get it done before I left on my trip this week. Working on March's new challenge now, should have it up shortly. I may be MIA off and on this week until the weekend, but will be checking in as often as I can, and doing my planks if the hotel has a nice gym.

    Keep up the effort everyone, you're doing great! If you didn't get your goal finished this month, there's always next month! Stay tuned for a link.
  • Spliner1969
    Spliner1969 Posts: 3,233 Member
    March challenge thread is up!


    Hope to see you all there again in March!
  • Alzzi76
    Alzzi76 Posts: 504 Member
    edited February 2018

    Feb 6, 2x 30
    Feb 7, 2x 30
    Feb 8, 1x 30
    Feb 9, 2 x30
    Feb 10, 1x60
    Feb 11, 0
    Feb 12, 1x30
    Feb 13, 2x30
    Feb 14, 2x30
    Feb 15 0 day off
    Feb 16.
    Feb 17.
    Feb 18.
    Feb 19, 4 x 30.
    Feb 20, 4 x 30
    Feb 21, 4 x 30
    Feb 22, 1 x 46 , 1 x 32 = 14.18
    Feb 23, back and hip too server
    Feb 24, " " " , had healing meditation for specific problem ( highly recommended!!)
    Feb 25, amazing.. 1 x 1.46 straight :pB) .. mixed planks plus another 1 x 2.13 min mixed.
    Feb 26
    Feb 27
    Feb 28, 1 x 2.23 mixed; 1 x 1. 37 mixed
    Total 20.27 minutes

    Thanks spliner see u next mth. I'll aim for 30 ; all goes well for me.

  • adhocmaster
    adhocmaster Posts: 13 Member
    I have started it yesterday. o:)
  • MegaMooseEsq
    MegaMooseEsq Posts: 3,118 Member
    Well, I was hoping to make one last push to get these in, but a last-minute Monday night show wiped out my PM stretching time and the next morning's workout. Woops! I had a good mixed session last night, but this morning my back and shoulders started hurting after the first 30 seconds or so, so I punked out early. Hopefully it was just a stiff morning? In any case, see you in March!

    2/1 - 1 x 30 - 0:00:30
    2/2 - 1 x 30 - 0:00:30
    2/3 - 2 x 20 - 0:00:40
    2/4 - 2 x 25 - 0:0
    2/5 - 2 x 25 - 0:00:50
    2/6 - 2 x 30 - 0:01:00, BO - 0:01:00
    2/7 - rest
    2/8 - 2 x 30 - 0:01:00
    2/9 - rest
    2/10 - 3 x 25 - 0:01:15
    2/11 - 3 x 25, 3 x 30 - 0:02:45
    2/12 - 3 x 30 - 0:01:30
    2/13 - 4 x 30 - 0:02:00, BO - 0:01:00
    2/14 - rest
    2/15 - 2 x 1 - 0:02:00
    2/16 - 2 x 1:10 - 0:02:10
    2/17 - 2 x 1:10 - 0:02:15, 2 x 1:20 - 0:01:45
    2/18 - 2 x 1:20 - 0:02:50
    2/19 - BO - 0:01:08
    2/20 - Rest
    2/21 - 0:02:00 mixed AM, 0:02:30 mixed PM
    2/22 - unplanned rest (i.e. slacking off)
    2/23 - " "
    2/24 - " "
    2/25 - 0:03:30 mixed
    2/26 - 0:04:00 mixed
    2/27 - 0:05:00 mixed
    2/28 - 0:02:00 mixed

    Goal: 60 minutes
    Total: 47 minutes