"...and was under her calorie goal" irks me. You too?



  • VeganGal84
    VeganGal84 Posts: 938 Member
    I actually like the "If every day was like this..." thing! I figure that as long as every day it says a (reasonable) lower number than I currently weigh, I'm going the right direction.
  • IMYarnCraz33
    IMYarnCraz33 Posts: 1,016 Member
    I'm almost always under my calorie goal but
    that's bcuz i don't eat back my exercise calories. (200-600)
    I usually reach my regular calorie goal though.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    What irks me is that there are so many people who are irked by a computer program. Healthy living is an individual thing, not a cookie cutter computer model that does not recognize you from Adam. I never eat back my calories unless I want to, have eaten only 600 calories on one or two occasions, and don't believe that 5 week you will weigh this much thing. It is a computer model folks, and not the Bible of healthy living. Most people use this just to log in their meals, while other use it to exercise, and some others are just trolling(Not me though...I would never troll on a website...Ahem!!!)

    And I know I am not where I need to be, but a lot healthier than where I started from. I think I would have even without MFP telling me I am "bad", or congradulating me when I do "good".
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    I get it. I'm very similar and somehow feel a bit disappointed if it doesn't say I was under my goal. Sometimes, I'm contrite because I went WAY over but other times I may have only been a few calories over.

    Then again... I delete the update in my news feed when it says I lost weight and really it was just part of the lose/regain the same amount/lose again cycle. I don't want people congratulating me for losing weight I already lost and shouldn't have gained again!
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    I have my MFP settings set so it doesn't announce if I was under to my MFP friends. Problem solved.
  • tammykoon
    tammykoon Posts: 298 Member
    I removed them from my settings about a week ago. I don't comment on my friends calorie goal for the day or their exercise. It drove me nuts getting WTG's when I felt like I hadn't eaten as well as I should have, so I took it off of my news feed. My friends probably think I've been on a binge and that I am WAY over my calorie limits! LOL :laugh:
  • Dtrmnd86
    Dtrmnd86 Posts: 406 Member
    That doesn't bother me too much, but the other day I hit my calorie goal exactly, and all it said was that I completed my food and exercise diary for the day.... I was like wtf? Where is the "..and met her calorie goal"
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I set myself at 1200 cal a day/ sedetary setting even though I am active and exercise daily. I did this to lose the 40 pounds I have been carrying and get back to being healthy. If I eat under 1200 calories I am struggling, so how do people eat under that is beyond me?
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    mine is set a 1200 and I try to meet that everyday. Last week I STS as I was only having 6-700net calories a day as I was working out so much! and not eating my calories back which I know I should (didnt know it then) Im now usually 20-100cals under but usually in the 1100cal range at the end of the day now and feel better at meating my goal each day.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Why should my not eating all my calories for the day be a problem for any of you. I workout a lot and I am rarely over or on my calorie goal. I also have an enlarged spleen that makes me feel full all the time, so it is hard to get more than 1200 calories a day eating the healthy foods I try to eat. Personally, the WTG and positive comments on everyone's feeds are a way to say, hey I see you completed it and you are aware of your daily intake. And I do have friends that look in my diary because mine is available for them to view and they make comments about what I ate.
  • iAMaPhoenix
    iAMaPhoenix Posts: 1,038 Member
    Why should my not eating all my calories for the day be a problem for any of you. I workout a lot and I am rarely over or on my calorie goal. I also have an enlarged spleen that makes me feel full all the time, so it is hard to get more than 1200 calories a day eating the healthy foods I try to eat. Personally, the WTG and positive comments on everyone's feeds are a way to say, hey I see you completed it and you are aware of your daily intake. And I do have friends that look in my diary because mine is available for them to view and they make comments about what I ate.

    Snapping his fingers...
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    Why should my not eating all my calories for the day be a problem for any of you. I workout a lot and I am rarely over or on my calorie goal. I also have an enlarged spleen that makes me feel full all the time, so it is hard to get more than 1200 calories a day eating the healthy foods I try to eat. Personally, the WTG and positive comments on everyone's feeds are a way to say, hey I see you completed it and you are aware of your daily intake. And I do have friends that look in my diary because mine is available for them to view and they make comments about what I ate.

    Hmmm... I think you misunderstand. I don't know about anyone else, but I wasn't saying that I was annoyed by other people being under. People have their settings to all kinds of different things for all kinds of different reasons. What bugs me is the lack of acknowledgement for being close. The site seems to only reward people for being under, which isn't necessarily best for everyone. It's just a stupid pet peeve -- I want pats on the back for being close, not just for being under! :-P

    Anyway, you keep keep doin what you're doin. Nobody said there was anything wrong with it. :-)
  • saltorian
    saltorian Posts: 192 Member
    I set myself at 1200 cal a day/ sedetary setting even though I am active and exercise daily. I did this to lose the 40 pounds I have been carrying and get back to being healthy. If I eat under 1200 calories I am struggling, so how do people eat under that is beyond me?

    I totally know what you mean! Everyone is different, though. To tell the truth, I'm a little jealous of the people who have trouble eating 1200 calories. I'm hungry every two hours, no matter how much fiber and protein I pack in my meals. :huh:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Why should my not eating all my calories for the day be a problem for any of you. I workout a lot and I am rarely over or on my calorie goal. I also have an enlarged spleen that makes me feel full all the time, so it is hard to get more than 1200 calories a day eating the healthy foods I try to eat. Personally, the WTG and positive comments on everyone's feeds are a way to say, hey I see you completed it and you are aware of your daily intake. And I do have friends that look in my diary because mine is available for them to view and they make comments about what I ate.

    Hmmm... I think you misunderstand. I don't know about anyone else, but I wasn't saying that I was annoyed by other people being under. People have their settings to all kinds of different things for all kinds of different reasons. What bugs me is the lack of acknowledgement for being close. The site seems to only reward people for being under, which isn't necessarily best for everyone. It's just a stupid pet peeve -- I want pats on the back for being close, not just for being under! :-P

    Anyway, you keep keep doin what you're doin. Nobody said there was anything wrong with it. :-)

    My comment was more directed at some comments made from others on your post. Not directed at you. Several people wrote how they didn't like to see it , when their friends are under, or didn't want to give any positive comments. Yada yada! I just didn't want to point the finger at anyone, just wanted to state my views. Sorry didn't mean to make it look like I was making my comments to you, it seemed by the end of your post you realized it was more of a personal issue.
  • GreenGettingLean
    GreenGettingLean Posts: 252 Member
    I am guilty of being one of those who is ALWAYS under my calorie goal. Consider the factors, my calories are set at 1400 per day. I workout 6 days a week and burn between 1000-2000+ calories per workout. There is no way that I am going to eat my 1400 per day plus my workout calories so I will always be under my goal.

    Now what irks me is the WTGs & awesome comments on peoples workouts that burn less than 500 calories. Things like walking the dog, cleaning the house, washing the car and even more so when I see its a younger person.

    ^^ This, exactly. My biggest pet peeve is people who log "doing laundry" or "vacuuming" - if it didn't help you lose weight before changing to a healthy lifestyle, why would it help you now? I don't even bother logging anything that lasts less than 30 minutes or doesn't cause me to work up a sweat - those are just bonus calories burned.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't really pay attention to it. I use MFP for tracking, but I'm actually doing the old Weight Watchers Momentum plan, so I look at the entirety of the week rather than one single day. I'm over some days and under some and it all evens out.
  • ManyShadesofKaz
    Coming from an self proclaimed Under Gal girl your lucky! I used to eat a lot of crap (I don't what to know how high my cals were) now I eat a lot of fruit and veggies. Whenever I got a 'craving' to I would succumb to it only to realize it doesn't taste the way I remember it too. Things like chocolate, ice cream, fried chicken or other things I ate without caring just doesn't call to me the same way it used to.

    I'm do enjoy eat meat like chicken and shrimp but not how I used to( and the way it was prepared). And when majority of the things you eat is fruits and vegetables no matter how much you eat its hard to reach my minimum 1,200 (but I'm rarely hungry).
    I guess for me personally I stopped thinking of junk food as a reward so I stopped wanting it as much. Not to mention I'm lovin' the way I feel now that I'm exercising more and eating better.
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    I understand what you are saying ... for example I get irked when it says under calorie goal and they are at under 1200 calories! We all know that is unhealthy yet inevitably I see comments saying WTG (though to be fair, they might not check the diary before commenting)...
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am guilty of being one of those who is ALWAYS under my calorie goal. Consider the factors, my calories are set at 1400 per day. I workout 6 days a week and burn between 1000-2000+ calories per workout. There is no way that I am going to eat my 1400 per day plus my workout calories so I will always be under my goal.

    Now what irks me is the WTGs & awesome comments on peoples workouts that burn less than 500 calories. Things like walking the dog, cleaning the house, washing the car and even more so when I see its a younger person.

    ^^ This, exactly. My biggest pet peeve is people who log "doing laundry" or "vacuuming" - if it didn't help you lose weight before changing to a healthy lifestyle, why would it help you now? I don't even bother logging anything that lasts less than 30 minutes or doesn't cause me to work up a sweat - those are just bonus calories burned.

    While I agree that general chores aren't a workout ( and I would NEVER log them), just because you didn't burn 500 or more calories doesn't mean you didn't accomplish something. To someone just starting out, and especially if that someone is very obese and is brand new to exercise, burning even 100 calories is a big deal and very difficult.

    These days, if I want to take the time, a 2,000-calorie workout is definitely within my reach. However, when I first started? Two hundred was a chore, and I wasn't that heavy or that new to exercise. I never thought I'd be a runner, but now I am. I worked up to that. But I would NEVER look down on someone who doesn't run just because I do.

    Have some compassion and understanding. Not everyone is on the same level here.

    Also, I have a calorie burn goal of 3,500 per week. Some days, I might burn 1,000 and others I might burn 200 (which I can do in less than 30 minutes). I still got off my butt and exercised.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't comment on people's diaries because they may be under their calorie goals, but who knows if they ate properly. I just comment on their victories and work outs.