Plant-Based Anyone?



  • mindful2012
    mindful2012 Posts: 21 Member
    I've just been introduced to the idea of eating plant based (not that I hadn't heard of it, but a nutritionist I met with gave me some good resources and just suggested I try it) and I am going to at least begin to lean plant based....not sure if I'm going 100% that way yet, but at least I'm going to try and introduce more plant based foods on a regular basis and make it more of a regular habit. Not sure I can entirely give up eggs or Greek yogurt, but certainly I can cut back in other areas.

    Any good sites for plant based recipes?? Particularly for beans and legumes, which I don't have a lot of experience with.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I've been a vegetarian/pescatarian for 20 years. After starting that way of eating, over a period of 20 years, I gained 60 pounds. Now, I'm taking if off by logging everything I eat and staying within my calorie limits each day and I'm losing about a pound a week. There is no "magic" in a vegetarian diet with regard to weight loss if that is your primary reason for going plant-based. Donuts and cookies are vegetarian foods too. That said, I do think a vegetarian diet has health benefits for some people and I enjoy it myself. Add me if you like.

    Pescatarian here- have been for five years. Gained most of my weight while eating this way. Although I am a "recovering" pescatarian, as I really want to eat meat (I can manage some bacon and chicken if cooked right). If I had the ability to eat it and not vomit in my mouth, I totally would. Jealous of those of you that can eat animal protein!