30 Day Shred and really stiff!

So without sounding whiney, I started the 30 Day Shred yesterday. Last night I loved the feeling of the stiffness (muscles I hadn't felt in ages showed they were still there) but then after doing it again this morning, I'm quite sore. Battling to sit down and stand cos my legs and bum are really tight. I'm a busy mum with two kids under 3 so I'm on my feet all day running after them. I'm not sure if I should take a day off to let my muscles rest or if I should just push through and my body will get used to it.

Help please!


  • KasandraKristine
    KasandraKristine Posts: 124 Member
    Push through it! I started the 30 day shred a week ago and was super sore too! But don't stop, the more you use those muscles the more they will become accustomed and stop hurting :)
  • bluebelle00
    Keep going! You'll be much less sore after a few days. :)
  • hawkeyegirl
    Push through! The 3rd day will be the worst, but after that you will start to feel better. You muscles need to be warmed up and stretched, even though they hurt, in order to feel better. Push through the pain! :)
  • LovingMe19
    LovingMe19 Posts: 380 Member
    I was the same way after starting the Shred. I've completed it twice, and both times I had to take a day off to let my muscles chill. If you can push through the pain, then go for it. I wasn't able to it hurt that bad.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    Push through. Perhaps take a day and do just the modified version but definetly keep going. I just did my first day of L3 and it gets better!! Good luck!
  • liberaltendencies
    liberaltendencies Posts: 150 Member
    Know exactly what you're talking about!

    The first week is the worst ... if it's just the big muscles that are just sore, you're fine. Keep pusing through!
  • Dabbles
    Dabbles Posts: 367
    Push through it! I had to watch the stairs cause the muscles in my legs wanted to give out going down them. About day 4 it starts getting better though! I promise!
  • susioryan
    susioryan Posts: 180
    Is anyone doing it every other day? I am alternating with running 3 to 4.5 miles a day.
    I am hurting too but in a good way.
  • Deborah102310
    I know how you feel! My sister and I started it together and she is a mom of 5 boys. She practically fell down the stairs her legs were so sore. It is best to do it again to continue using those muscles but just don't do it as intense as the first time. It will kill when you start but you should feel ok as you get into it. Good luck! The 30 day shred really works!
  • jkincaid0202
    OMG, I just started it too. On Saturday. I skipped Sunday because Sunday is my swim day (which was pretty painless since it's so easy on the joints). But yesterday I could hardly walk! I skipped my workout last night as well. I wasn't sure if I was just being a wimp or what! That workout is a lot tougher than I thought!
  • texancountess
    Keep pushing through. I would also recommend doing some extra stretching - the DVD really doesn't offer enough stretches to keep from getting tight.
  • bubbab666
    Not familiar with this programme but, the best way to recover from training soreness is to keep moving [light activity] and drink plenty of water.
  • Shawn_Marie
    Take a day off or modify the workout - muscles need time to recover. They usually say work the same muscle groups on an every other day schedule. Like do your upper body m/w/f and lower t/th with cardio mixed in. :smile:
  • sherrisloan
    sherrisloan Posts: 188 Member
    I was thinking of buying it too but not sure if I should buy shred or ripped in 30? Which is better? They also say drink a protein drink after and it can help with recovery. I drink a lot of them and l never feel to sore. Not sure if that's good or bad. I like to feel lil sore so I know i'm working hard.
  • akell26
    akell26 Posts: 12
    Is this the Jillian Michaels shred? If so, I literally JUST finished day 1... 25 minutes and this is the closest I've ever felt to throwing up from exercise!
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I tend to do the 30 DS every other day just to let myself rest. But, I would suggest doing some stretches to help aleviate some of the pain. Push through it, when I first started I did it every day and once you warm up your muscles won't hurt. I does get better and rather quickly too.
  • Shawn_Marie
    OK - maybe I should be asking what is the 30 day shred before giving advice :blushing:
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    I was thinking of buying it too but not sure if I should buy shred or ripped in 30? Which is better?

    From what I hear, the 30 DS is better.
  • fakeplastictree
    fakeplastictree Posts: 836 Member
    OK - maybe I should be asking what is the 30 day shred before giving advice :blushing:

    Jillian Michaels from the biggest loser.....nuf said.
  • JWeaser
    JWeaser Posts: 302
    I've heard that Ripped in 30 is harder and people who did both are glad they did 30DS first. That will probably be my next purchase. 9 days to go and I am done with 30DS!!