Just can't stick to anything

I need help! I am failing badly at sticking to anything at the moment! I am 99kg and a few weeks back managed to lose 2kg, woohoo... Guess what though, it came back! Unless I am ridiculously strict I cannot keep the weight off!
My aim is to get up every morning and run! I feel amazing when I do! Full of life and positivity for the day! But I'm a mum of 5 so it's hard to drag my fat *kitten* out of bed in the morning!
I'm also currently trying to write a thesis for my masters in medicinal chemistry, but I can't focus on that either! How do I get my focus back?! I have zero motivation anymore... HELP ME....


  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I agree with the advice of the posters above but I want to add that you should consider aiming for slow weight loss initially, 0.5lbs per week. If you find you want to quit at that level, set your parameters to maintenance and just take a week to log and watch your nutrition. IMO if it's felt too hard, it was. You just have to make it easier for a while. You can always increase your deficit in a week or two if you become convinced you can do it without quitting.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Sounds like you are being too strict with yourself i.e are eating too little which is not sustainable.
    Plug in your stats here to lose 1.5-2lbs a week, log your food accurately and consistently. Eat foods you enjoy and are satiating. If you don't feel deprived you will be more likely to stick to it.
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    Hi all, thank you all for taking time to respond! I was just having a really bad day!
  • Greataunt4
    Greataunt4 Posts: 8 Member
    I’m so proud of you for being a mother to 5 and at the same time working on your Master’s Thesis AND getting up and running some days! Wow—you must be a very organized and discipline person to accomplish what you are doing! I agree with the earlier posts, go for just a very small reduction in calories. Even slow progress and small increases in your fitness levels on top of all you are handling would be wonderful! I know you can do it because of all you’re already accomplishing! Please give yourself some pats on the back and wish you all success in attaining your physical goals as well!
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Dang! You definitely have a full plate going here. No wonder you are having such a hard time! Stop making things harder on yourself than you have to. Your health is super important right now, especially if you are having energy problems. Make sure you are goung to your Dr. and ruling out other possible health issues.
    As far as the weight, slow down a bit. You did not gain all that weight in 6 months, don't expect to lose it all that fast, and then be able to keep it off. The key is to trick your body into thinking this is all perfectly normal and easy by doing it slowly and sustainably.I
    Break things down into individual behaviors and habits. Instead of looking at this as an all at once, or all or nothing proposition, find ways to break things down into smaller and more sustainable habits. That makes it much easier to pinpoint where something is not working, and fix it, rather than staring at the whole jumbled mess of NOT WORKING. Plus, when you do backslide, you are less likely to drop everything, just one or two habits, that can then be fixed again. Otherwise, trying to everything at once, means that you are likely to leave out something important (like weighing food), and pay excessive attention to things that aren't. (Like fiber drinks and vinegar)
    Don't demonize foods that don't actually make you feel bad. Obviously if you have food sensitivities avoid those things, but don't cut out all your favorite goodies because they are not "healthy". Think of your calories as a type of currency. You should purchase the nutrient rich stuff first, budget for regular treats, and don't waste any calories on stuff you hate, even if it is theoretically good for you.
    Don't JUST weigh (with a scale is best) everything you eat, also write why you are eating it (i.e, lunchtime, hungry, kind of bored, out with friends, watching tv) and how you are feeling right before, right after and an hour after (hungry, comfortable, normal, full, very full bloated, drowsy, OMG I am so damn sick of this crap I want to throw the whole plate out a window, etc).
    This gives you a baseline pattern for your normal habits and routine. From there, it's just a matter of experimenting. Are you very full after dinner? Cut back on a few things. Does lunch leave you bloated and gassy after an hour, try less or no mayo, and see if there's something you don't mind dropping each meal (fries, or cheese, or maybe only 2 tacos instead of 3).Are you starving an hour after dinner?Maybe more fats during.
    It's amazing how quickly these small and easily sustainable changes will add up to big calorie cuts. Only cut one or two things at a time, until they become habit instead if trying to do everything at once. That way they become individual habits instead of one big "diet".
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    How old are your kids? Perhaps you could deputize the 4th to take care of the 5th, or some such offloading of guilt, I mean, responsibility.
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    edited February 2018
    Why thank you for taking the time to reply and read my post! If you read my post you will notice I don't have a 5 yr old, I have 5 children... They are 2, 3, 12, 15 and 17 yes old! I am lacking focus because I am tired! But again thank you for taking the time to tell me I have issues! They are all in fact related "issues"... My day is a giant schedule and any change has a knock on for the entire day!
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    Thank you all for your replies! I know I will get there!
    But to answer some of the comments on here, no, I will not have my kids take care of each other! I chose to have kids, they didn't! Their job is to be kids, my job is to be the parent! I am well aware that the older boys are capable of caring for their younger siblings but they also have their own study to be doing!

    My weight actually did pile on very quickly and I am booked in to get bloods done! I was 85kg in august when I got married and losing, I'm now struggling to stay under 100, despite covering 4-5km every morning, spinning on sat and Sunday and restricting my cals...

    My eating is also reasonably healthy! I don't eat processed food, cook most meals from scratch, don't eat much meat (have substituted beans and soy mince in most meals). I will of course indulge in a glass of wine and some chocolate on sat night but it is at most 2 glasses of wine and 4 squares of chocolate...

    My day is busy!
    6-7am running, shower
    7-8am get kids breakfasts and get kids and husband out to school and work
    8-3pm entertain 2 and 3 yr old toddlers, housework, park, playgroup, shopping (no car so I walk everywhere!)
    3-5pm help with homework, get kids sorted for afternoon sports
    5-6pm dinner
    6-7pm help with toddlers bedtimes
    7-10 or 11pm thesis research

    As you can see I am busy! Weekends involve spinning, gymwork, gardening (growing my own veg), family time and watching kids play football matches!

    But I am in no way using this as an excuse but I am just exhausted!!
  • ZazieMFP
    ZazieMFP Posts: 25 Member
    edited February 2018
    Sparx_81 wrote: »
    Why thank you for taking the time to reply and read my post! If you read my post you will notice I don't have a 5 yr old, I have 5 children... They are 2, 3, 12, 15 and 17 yes old! I am lacking focus because I am tired! But again thank you for taking the time to tell me I have issues! They are all in fact related "issues"... My day is a giant schedule and any change has a knock on for the entire day!

    What I meant is that I think you should approach all the issues- or problems or difficulties, however you want to call them - and sort them, categorize them, and focus on ONE AT A TIME.

    I sensed from your original post that you feel overwhelmed. And maybe you are, with this crazy schedule and all your responsibilities.

    So I stand by what I say: I think that you don't have a motivation issue, but maybe a need a bit of clarity.

    You think about finding a way to stick to your diet, then pop! you remember that you should also focus on your thesis, then pop ! you think about those skipped jogging mornings and ... pop! this doctor appointment with baby no 1, and the birthday cake for baby no 2, and pop! you forgot to buy the foods you need for your diet ...

    You get the idea.

    When we're too busy, we often can't find time to think straight.

    Try to tackle one problem/issue/hurdle at a time. Pick one, focus on it, try to find a solution for that one alone.

    So whether it's sticking to the diet, or getting up to run more often, or your thesis, or anything else ... One at a time.

    You can do this !