Quick Intro

Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
Well. Since I stopped lurking, moved out of the shadows and found myself replying to posts today I think it's only fitting that I also do a bit of an introduction

I'm Dan
I'm Australian (so you'll have to convert my kg into lb :) )
I'm 43
I started 2018 off at approx 160kg. I say approx because my scales only go that high but it wasn't too far over as I dipped back under that mark in the first week and now I'm back down to 148kg.

In the past I had tried cutting carbs, cutting sugar, cutting fat, etc without much success. This time the only thing I've cut is a very toxic person out of my life and that seems to have done wonders helping me cut my portion sizes.

So, yeah, hi. :)


  • Emerald_Warrior
    Emerald_Warrior Posts: 238 Member
    Hello! Congrats on cutting out the toxicity!
  • melanie_005
    melanie_005 Posts: 154 Member
    Hi!!! Add me if looking for friends and support
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!

    Also, please don't be offended or upset if I don't accept/send friend requests. This journey is something that I feel I need to take on my own. For now at least.