Lose 1.5 lbs per week...can we do it?

lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
Hey All,
I started this week on the 52lb in 52 weeks board but I really would like to try to lose a bit faster! I am so done with being fat!
Please join me...just cut and paste the below sentences and fill them in daily (or weekly whatever works for you). I am going to try for daily check-ins and weigh-ins. It seems to keep me honest!
Starting Weight:
Current Weight:
Goal Weight:


  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
    Starting Weight:186.8
    Current Weight:183.4
    Goal Weight:135
    Swam for 20 minutes only! Need to improve my water intake!
  • laxrefit
    laxrefit Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Loren, I am new to the message boards (although I am not new to trying to loose weight). I clicked on this challenge and noticed we have similar stats.
    My Starting Weight: 183
    My Goal weight: 145
    Good water intake today, Ate within my calorie goals today.
    The challenge tonight will be not eating anymore food.
  • angelicasassy
    angelicasassy Posts: 53 Member
    Starting Weight: 250
    Current Weight: 210
    Goal Weight: 150

    I worked out and ran a mile for a runbet game. Hoping to start working out more tomorrow!
  • from90to60
    from90to60 Posts: 5 Member
    I´M IN !!
    Start weight 204lb/92.7kg
    Goal weight 132lb/60kg
    Current weight 164lb/74.5kg
    Ive lost 40lb, and I´ve 32lb to go ;) #letsdothis
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
    Hey all welcome. I had a rough night last night- mexican restaurant! It was those tortilla chips before the meal that got me. 400 calories over!

    Back on track today. Last time I was on my fitness pals I lost 3 the first week and then nothing after that. Literally, I would stay exactly the same every day. I lasted a couple of weeks and gave up. I do have a thyroid disease which I thought was totally under control but I am definitely calling the endocrinologist for a total thyroid workup. Does anyone know if they can test your metabolism.

    So, this time I am swimming three times a week minimum. This week I will try to get the fitbit out and increase my steps. I know if I build muscle it will help my metabolism so maybe I should consider weight lifting?

    Didn't weigh in today. Not sure about the daily thing as I am afraid Ill get discouraged. I am wondering what everyone else does.

    Laxrefit - have you been yoyo-ing all your life as I have?
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
    Just weighed in...2.4 lbs gone! I think the difference has been to measure and record every single bite. Swam three times last week...sure this helped as well. I discovered (a bit late I know) spiralized zucchini! With some ground chicken and favorite raos sauce it is a very filling very low cal meal! Still trying to figure out other ways to lose calories in my day. Giving up half and half in my coffee will help but not ready for that one!
  • from90to60
    from90to60 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! lorenaanderson111, how do you do to lose this 1.5lb/week, I want to do 2.2lb a week, (its 1kg), normally its about 1200kcal per day. Do you count kcal? Hoy long do you swim in mts? I was going to the gym to classes of step, and all those, and also swimming no all the weeks.. :( but the most I did was 900mts, not too much haha
    I went to the endocrologist too, and I have to come back in march 12, to see if thyrods are ok, I ve to do a blood test (I dont know if its ok in english) and also an eco. Maybe I have hypothyroidism (subclinical hypothyroidism) and also I have all my hormones all around and not good.. Prolactine was high :( Well I hope you are all good ;) #keepgoing
  • ClarkGoheen
    ClarkGoheen Posts: 3 Member
    Yes, It can be done, I weighed 271 lbs on April 20 2016 at which time I became very ill and almost died from toxic sepsis. I was in the hospital for the rest of the month on liquid died or nothing by mouth while the discovered the cause of he infection which turned out to be an abscess on the outside of my colon which they successfully drained. At the end of the ordeal which was just after July 4th I was released back to work at 256 lbs. I then decided I wanted to get down to a healthy weight. My goal at that time was to get under 200 lbs. With the help of a nutritionist. I was able to go beyond my goal and reach 150 lbs which is for the fist time in my life I weighted what I was suppose to to weight to be considered normal for my height of 5'7". I reached this goal less than a year later on March 20. At times I lost more than 2 lbs per week much to the displeasure of my nutritionist I am staying between 150 and 160. I did it by portion cool and following a regimine of 50% carbs 20 % protein and 30% fat. Must be good Carbs and not processed foods but rather mostly fruits and vegetables. I know work out several times a week and am thinking of changing those macros to 50 25 25 since I have began working out regularly plus my current job is very strenuous and I need the extra protein. I now have set my goal to 145 bought a step trackert and sleep tracker. I just want to get rid of the belly fat and be around 19 % You surely can safely lose a
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    I want to join. I want to try for 1.5 lb per week.

    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 7"

    Starting weight: 188.8 (Feb 21, 2018)
    Goal weight: 135

    Week of Feb 21 to Feb 25. This week goal is 187.3 lb.

    Feb 21 weight 188.8 lb.
  • lacatgirl
    lacatgirl Posts: 361 Member
    Hey All, thanks for checking in! I have been weighing in every other day - wednesday is my real weigh and measure inches day. I am down from 189 to 180.9 as of today. My original goal was 2 lbs per week which seemed to hard so I lowered it. It seems that 2lbs is doable! This is the first time I have taken measurement -ever. Interesting. I am down very minimally on neck, arms (cant wait for arm fat to go). I lost an inch on waist and thighs and three inches off my hips. Not bad.

    Lilysillycat, your starting and goal weights are almost exactly like mine! I was 125-130 until I had kids and it has been an upward climb with a few short dips for the past 28 years. I am so done with this.

    My sister-in law, brother-in-law and niece all started myfitnesspal and lost 30-50lbs. They are all thin now and have managed to maintain it. I think I will have to weigh in for the rest of my life as if I stop I gain weight!

    ClarkG. very inspiring. Thanks for checking in! I am wondering, in the past when I lost weight I was not happy with the fact that my skin did not lose as well! Do you have any wisdom to impart on getting excess skin to retract- other than surgery? I have not worn a sleeveless shirt in 20 years - even when my weight was down as I hate the wobbly arms. I have decided that this time, Once Ive been my goal weight fo 6 months I am going to have my arms "done" - i may have to go on a payment plan for the rest of my life! Everything else can be hidden with clothes but I really hate not being able to cool off in the summer with a sleeveless shirt!

    I have 27 weeks till my nieces wedding. If I keep with 1.5lbs per week I will be 140. If I lose 2lbs per week I ll be 127! This is sort of an arbitrary date although it would be really really nice to not be self conscious dancing. I love to dance, but this is another thing I don't do anymore - to self conscious over what is jiggling!

    I am now swimming laps 3x per week - would like to start walking when the weather gets better.

    Have a great day all.
  • Can I join?
    Starting weight-189.2
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    Age: 45
    Height: 5' 7"

    Starting weight: 188.8 (Feb 21, 2018)
    Goal weight: 135

    since I started on a Wednesday I will weight in every Wednesday.

    Feb 21 188.8 lb.
    Feb 28 185.8 lb (-3 lb)
    March 7
    March 14
  • lilysillycat
    lilysillycat Posts: 159 Member
    lacatgirl wrote: »

    Lilysillycat, your starting and goal weights are almost exactly like mine! I was 125-130 until I had kids and it has been an upward climb with a few short dips for the past 28 years. I am so done with this.

    We do have similar numbers. :) My lowest weight is 169 while in high school. So I dont even know what I look like at 140 or 130 lbs. Lets both get into much better shape this summer.
  • kyazuh
    kyazuh Posts: 5 Member
    I'd love to join in too.

    I've been having a tough time staying on track lately; lots of stress going on here. I did lose about 90lbs 7 years ago. I did really well for a while but I stopped tracking my weight, exercising and paying attention so I gained 30 of that back. I do NOT want to go back to where I was!

    Here are my current stats.

    Height: 5' 3"
    Starting Weight: 166.9 - 31.3% fat (according to my scale)
    Current Weight: 166.9 - 31.3% fat (according to my scale)
    Goal Weight: 135 - ~22-25% fat

    I'm more concerned with body fat percentage and inches.
  • CarrollAmanda
    CarrollAmanda Posts: 2 Member
    I have never tried the challenges before but I'm hoping it helps keep me on track.

    starting weight: 250
    Current weight: 244
    Goal weight: 170

    Week 2-25 to 3-3 goal is 242.5 and to increase water intake
  • laney216
    laney216 Posts: 1 Member
    Starting Weight:233
    Current Weight:214
    Goal Weight:160
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 140

    Zumba yesterday for 40 minutes-330 calories
  • tarachatterton36
    tarachatterton36 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join as well
    Starting weight 183
    Current weight 181.3
    Goal Weight 140
    Ultimate Goal Weight 130
    Been counting calories and cutting out food. On my breaks at work I have been walking on the treadmill. So about an hour a day.
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi can I join in? I just started a few days ago and I’m hoping to get some results!
    I’m 5’6” 36yo
    Starting Weight: 273.6 lbs (as of 2/26/18)
    Current Weight: 273.6 lbs
    Goal Weight: 170 lbs
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 lbs
    I currently want to work out 5x a week and increase my water intake. My calorie count is 1930. So far I only went to the gym Monday and Tuesday this week. I will be going today-Saturday.
  • msmith404040
    msmith404040 Posts: 84 Member
    Hello! I have a short-term goal of losing 12 pounds, long-term goal of losing 35 to 40 pounds. I've lost 42 pounds so far. I started at 207 and am down to 164, so I'm happy about that. Wanted to set a short-term goal, so here goes:

    Starting Weight: 207.0
    Current Weight: 164.8
    Short-term Goal Weight: 152.8
    Long-term Goal Weight: 130.0

    March 1: 164.8

    Good luck, everyone!
  • CarrollAmanda
    CarrollAmanda Posts: 2 Member
    My goal for the week was to get to 242.5.
    Current weight: 241.8
    Goal for week 3-4 to 3 -10: 240.3