Welcoming me!!! I need a lot of help. im 192 lbs and height

Hello everyone.

I started watching the food that i eat back in May, but I saw this applications on my iphone on July 11, 2011. :) Hmm, matches the 11/11 - I didnt noticed that. Anyways, going back. Today is Aug. 8, 2011 and its almost 1 months since I started using this applications. I used to weigh 91kgs back then and now im 86.8 kgs. :) My scale kinda stuck up last week, and im really really terrified why. Im still following the same diet, no oil, no salt, no sweets. but my exercise had been sedentary. Im back to swimming on Sunday, rested yesterday and hopefully today im going back to swimming for about 30-40 mins. :)

Share your experience with me. Lets get healthy and fit.



  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    I have been on my journey for 10 months (since Sept 2010) now, and I am down 50 lbs (4 lbs until my goal weight and I am 5'3"). I started out just watching what I was eating and dropped 20 lbs in 4 or 5 months then I added exercising. I have done 30-day shred, Turbojam, Ripped in 30, and C25K (which I love). I have always hated running, but now I really enjoy it. It destresses me, and I can let go of all my frustration for the day by running. I also used to hate sweating, and now I enjoy it. I have also done Zumba which I enjoyed, but I can't afford it right now. This is a process and won't happen overnight. You should be losing 1-2 lbs/week; this is the heatlhy way of losing weight. There is no magic pill or potion, just alot of hard work and dedication. Best of luck to you!!!
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    Welcome, welcome to MFP!!

    Are you on the HCG diet, I noticed you said no oils and remember reading that you couldn't have any oils or use oils on your face if you were on this diet.

    If you need some help this is the place to be! Besides meeting some really awesome people with encouraging hearts, it lets you be accountable to yourself. The MFP program helps you make a conscious effort to change/balance your lifestyle by charting your food intake and exercise output! The message boards are filled with valuable information, the blogs are worth reading to glean what has worked for others. Open the tabs and have a good search to see what this site is all about and ENJOY your commitment to healthy living!

    Are you doing any other cardio exercises, besides swimming? If you can switch up your exercise routine from time to time, it just might tip the scales again!

    Hang in there, sometimes it takes your body awhile to figure out that you want to change it, so don't get too discouraged!

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!

    Joyful in the Journey,
  • song2sing
    song2sing Posts: 183
    I have been on my journey for 10 months (since Sept 2010) now, and I am down 50 lbs (4 lbs until my goal weight and I am 5'3"). I started out just watching what I was eating and dropped 20 lbs in 4 or 5 months then I added exercising. I have done 30-day shred, Turbojam, Ripped in 30, and C25K (which I love). I have always hated running, but now I really enjoy it. It destresses me, and I can let go of all my frustration for the day by running. I also used to hate sweating, and now I enjoy it. I have also done Zumba which I enjoyed, but I can't afford it right now. This is a process and won't happen overnight. You should be losing 1-2 lbs/week; this is the heatlhy way of losing weight. There is no magic pill or potion, just alot of hard work and dedication. Best of luck to you!!!

    It doesn't quite give you the full effect as a 45 minute class, but there are several zumba routines on youtube that you can watch. I can't afford a class either but love to dance it online. This one is my favorite!! ENJOY!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A5Jzwme70ho
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    ZUmba is great, especially to Shakira, don't worry I can't afford it either. I just got for walks alone, listen to the music, and get out to my own free time to unwind, and destress. Feel free to add me to your friends if you'd like. I'm always looking for new things to do and try, and support is great!
  • JudyQ
    JudyQ Posts: 13 Member
    You are doing great but I understand your frustration with stalled scales. This may be because you have added muscle to replace the fat. I have two suggestions for you. They sell scales that tell you your fat weight as well as bone density, percentage of body fat, water weight and your weight. So now you can see if you are retaining water or gaining muscle and losing fat that does not show on the scale. There are two really good brands, WW and Tanita.

    Also I am on a site that can really help you to do this without being on a diet. Diet Free Life website www.dietfreelife.com is by Robert Ferguson and can really help you...