What did you do to kick off your weight loss? (If you are 10

I just started the weight loss journey, yet again. But this time it's completely different! I'm dead serious about doing this! I'm not playing around or bailing! But starting at 335 pounds, it's been an incredibly difficult road already. I feel like my stomach is shrinking a little bit (not growling as much), and sticking to under 1300 calories a day as recommended by my doctor hasn't really hasn't been too rough on me yet.

My biggest hurdle though.. is myself. I don't move around well, I'm out of breath badly, my body just aches. I know this is my fault.... all me! I decided to start the c25k just to get moving but I literally am coming from the couch. lol I'm supposed to be on week 2, run 2 now but I am re-doing week 1 probably for a few weeks because I can't run a full mintue more than once or twice in the workout. I really am trying my hardest, giving it my all... but I'm feeling a bit discouraged today. I guess I didn't realize just how out of shape I really was. You see, I used to be super active. I was on track, basketball, cheerleading, poms, etc. throughout school. Then adult life took over, got pregnant right out of highschool, yada yada yada.

So that leaves me to my question. If you had/have around as much weight to lose as I do (190 pounds), what did you do in the beginning to kick off your weight loss? What did you find easier and could build up to? I really don't want to give up the c25k, especially since I lost 12.2 pounds last week! But my shins & ankles feel like they're going to snap in half! I don't want to hurt myself either. I'm going to Walmart in a bit to get new intertubes for my bike, and I'm going to give that a whirl after 6 years of it sitting with cobwebs in my garage. I'd love any suggestions/advice because like I said before; I'm not playing around this time!


  • alymay7
    alymay7 Posts: 8
    I joined a gym! Specifically Anytime Fitness, where I can work out whenever I have time, not having to stick with a gym schedule. :)
  • mollykat73
    mollykat73 Posts: 56 Member
    I can tell you are determined! This determination is what will make you sucessful!

    How about simple walking. Walking isn't as hard on your joints.
  • jlrae
    jlrae Posts: 35
    I REALLY like the biggest loser boot camp dvd. I am seriously overweight and out of shape, but I've been doing it every day for a week and feel great!
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    First of all let me say "welcome" and congrats to you for joining in and DOING it. I'm still not sure about the running part of the C25K for me - so instead of actually jogging/running - I do a fast walk during that part. Easier on the joints - and just as hard.

    I started this the end of February and I can do soooo much more today than I could then. I just try to push myself each time I'm working out...I don't like it but I do it.

  • labrat26
    labrat26 Posts: 60 Member
    You didn't gain it in a week, and you won't lose it in a week......Be kind to yourself, and build up gradually, or you won't stick with it.. Your loss for one week is fantastic, and start the exercise in moderation, or you will hurt and stop.
    You can do this...lots of support on this ite!!
  • methetree
    methetree Posts: 381
    Welcome to the journey!!!

    I started as a very out of shape person almost 2 months ago. I used Leslie Sansone's walk at home DVD's.
    You can walk with her in your own home. It isn't just walking though, she has you do stuff that builds up endurance, stamina and muscle.
    My favorite is the 5 mile walk & tone DVD. I got it at Walmart.

    You could try that. I did it for about a month and then was able to start Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30. I am on week 4 of that now and while I am not perfect at it, nor do I do it like Jillian, I am doing it and seeing results..

    Good luck to you and feel free to add me if you want.
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    I didn't have as much weight to lose - but I researched gyms until I found one that fit what *I* needed (I work second shift - and most gyms close around 10pm, so I needed a 24/7 one). I also wanted one that didn't have a bunch of in shape, body builders. I wanted normal people. I found what I was looking for in Snap Fitness.

    I started off slowly because anything too fast actually hurt my back, my knees and my ankles. Any movement is better than being on the couch. If C25K is too tough on you right now - walk instead. Ride a bike. Swim. Anything that you can physically do.

    Good Luck to you! YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :)
  • FunSizedK
    FunSizedK Posts: 144 Member
    I would just start with walking for like 20min a day!!! Start slow
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    I started walking. WHe I began 3 weeks ago I only went a half mile every day. Now I up to 1.45 miles daily....I am pretty motivated right now because I am off from work for the summer (I am a teacher). I also am feeling better than I did just 3 short weeka ago , which keep me super motivated.
  • CeejayGee
    CeejayGee Posts: 299 Member
    First, congratulations on starting the first step in a long journey to being healthy and loving yourself!

    I didn't have quite as much weight to lose (closer to 100 lbs), but honestly when I first started I was only in a place to tackle one thing at a time. I started by tacklign food, since 80% of weight loss is about diet. I told myself that once I lost 35 pounds, then I would start on exercise.

    So, the first few months, I just really really focused on changing my food lifestyle. I changed the way I ate, I changed the way I thought about food, I learned as much as I could, I made tons of recipes and really enjoyed being a "foodie" of clean, healthy foods.

    Then, once I dropped the 35 pounds, I started doing exercise and that was my new goal. And it was easier, because I was lighter I started C25K, but found it too difficult around Week 4. So, I re-aligned my goal and set a new one of walking at least 2 miles almost every day a week. WIthin a few days, I found myself easily walking 3-4 miles a night. And, I started doign occasional 60 minute sprints during my walk. Just a few here or there to get my heartrate up.

    I guess what I am saying is - DONT GIVE UP. And, don't bite off more than you can chew. It took you a lifetime to get this heavy, it'll take you a long time to deal with it. If you push your body too hard, you'll injure yourself, burn out, or give up. Maybe running is too much right now, so focus on another goal like walking a certain distance 5 days a week. And, then increasing that distance weekly.
  • runnermel
    runnermel Posts: 278
    use this site!! and I mean really use it. surround yourself with supportive friends and log everything! today is my first day back of logging and I feel so much more in control already. sounds like you are off to a fabulous start! just keep it up! I would also set some mini goals with rewards attached to them. that always works for me!
  • Maggiedc
    Maggiedc Posts: 49
    Do as much as you can...sometimes splitting it up throughout the day might help too...instead of doing 60 min of cardio at one time try doing 30 min twice a day or 20 min 3 times...If the running is hurting, try walking on an incline...it will still be a really good workout, but you won't be in as much pain.
  • tbucks
    tbucks Posts: 72 Member
    Don't rush the running. Just focus on walking for awhile. Drop some weight and the jogging will come much more easily.

    I started walking 3 miles, then 5 miles after a couple weeks. Now I do a combination of walking/joggin for 5 miles. I wouldnt rush the jogging, it was tough for me at first. Started at 388 in February, now down to about 320 and can jog 20x further than I could when I started.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    i too joined a gym...24 hour fitness is the one I went with. The elliptical is kicking my tail, but I am loving it. I started this journey only a few weeks ago and at the same time decided to quit smoking....so like i said that elliptical is kicking my tail. I am however starting to feel better and have lost 5 pounds this past week since I started using MFP. Good Luck to you! You can friend me if you want some encouragement.
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    I agree....just start walking for now. I didn't start running until I was just a little over 200#. And while I would never discourage anyone from running, I think you need to listen to your body, and it sounds like it's telling you it's just not ready yet.

    If you aren't already doing it, start measuring your food on a scale. I did not have that much weight to lose, but the first 30 lbs just fell off. The next 20# were MUCH harder!! It's a real eye opener on how much you are actually eating though. And as someone pointed out, diet is actually a much bigger part of weight loss than exercise.
  • jalexander01
    I agree with just starting with simply walking, start out at a slow pace and gradually work your way up....I bought a treadmill off of craigslist just because I do not do gyms, and I started out at a slow pace and now i am at a slow jog and I did not get there over night, it too a couple of weeks. Do not push yourself to hard you could hurt yourself to where you cant exercise at all. Take it slow and gradual, you will get there, just be patient
  • ansonrinesmith
    ansonrinesmith Posts: 755 Member
    Keep with the C25K, till you can (AND YOU WILL) do week 1! Getting moving is the first part of getting healthy.
    When I started I could barely walk for 20 minutes. I just finished Week 2 Day 1, and did all the running parts!
  • mrsjennifermaffei
    If you are running out of breath and aching then do softer exercises...swimming or jumping on a bed...do crunches or push ups on the bed....take the pressure off your joints and body and relax. Just doing the work, no matter what it is or how long, is an improvement along with diet. Don't beat yourself up over 5 minutes and you are tired, take a break then do it again! Keep the motivation up, whatever your motivation is and you will succeed. We all have faith in you!
  • JimieLou
    JimieLou Posts: 273 Member
    I started this journey at over 300 pounds and am down about 55. When I first started, I couldn't do anything but walk and pedal the stationary bike.....So I started walking for about 20 mins at a time and riding the stationary bike for about 30 at a time.
    I eased my way into it....but picking up the pace after a while and then extending my time. Now I walk at a fairly good speed for at least an hour a day and I bike outside for over an hour a day.
    Don't push yourself to hard in the beginning or you will only discourage yourself. I found that small steps and working my way into it really helped motivate myself..
    Best of luck!
    Believe in yourself...that's the most important thing!
    You CAN do it!
  • DRJJ2004
    DRJJ2004 Posts: 186 Member
    I know how you feel. I've lost and gained and lost and gained and ended up at my heaviest about 3 years ago. I've been playing around off and on since then, but am determined now. I've done the couch to 5K...you can do it!! Just repeat the weeks as often as you need to until you can do it. I asked my friend when I was doing it...(because he was heavy too)..can fat people really run? Talking about myself of course...and he said yes...yes we can!!! And we can!!! I did it!! The feeling of accomplishment still makes me feel great!!! I don't run now..cuz I don't like the heat. But I know I can, if I still want to. I may take it up again in the fall..when the weather cools off.
    If you really think it's too much for you..join a gym. Or just walk. Or do those things until you're stronger...but don't give up on it. I guarantee you the feeling of accomplishment is incredible when you're done!!
    Leslie Sansone has walking DVD's that I absolutely love!! Try those...but don't give up on the excercise..you'll be glad that you didn't!
