calories and exercise

My settings are currently set for me to lose 1/2 pound per week, as I am at a healthy weight and within 10 pounds of my goal. I also am REALLY trying to eat back my exercise calories (with a good amount of protein) so that I can gain muscle (not lose it). BUT -- I am really having a hard time with this. Yesterday, it seemed like I ate a lot of food yet still was 500+ calories under.

I think part of my problem is that I exercise late at night. It is the only time that I have free. After I exercise, based on my HRM, I record my burn. If I have a really good burn (say 500 calories or so), it is getting recorded at 11pm. There is no way I can eat that much that late.

Any ideas? What if I record my exercise for the next day??? Then --- if I exercise tonight and burn 500 calories, I will then start tomorrow with a 2000 calorie allowance (I am currently getting 1460). Maybe then I could plan better and get closer to goal. But by doing it that way -- I guess that I am really looking at net for the week, versus net for the day.

Any other ideas??? Or should I just not worry about eating the calories back???? I just started Turbo Fire (which says I should eat 1500 calories daily) and I am increasing my strength training.



  • lifeisadancefloor
    lifeisadancefloor Posts: 91 Member
    I am sorry, I don't have an answer but would really like to know what other people say about this topic as well
  • Jerseygirl02
    Maybe you can look at your workouts and see how many calories you would normally burn per workout. You can estimate a little below your average, say 350 - 400 calories in the morning on the days that you know you will work out and make sure you eat them throughout the day. That will bring you closer to eating all of your daily calories.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You can try to plan ahead for your workout calories -- so if you typically burn between 300-400 per workout, factor those calories into your earlier meals. You don't have to eat AFTER your workout.

    Or, yes, you could log your exercise calories in the following day. As long as you're averaging out right over the course of the week, you'll be good.
  • sweettoothfairy
    sweettoothfairy Posts: 212 Member
    Samethingis happening to me.. I end up with a 500 calorie deficit at 11 PM , would love to hear other people suggestions.
  • foster59803
    foster59803 Posts: 439 Member
    Is MFP telling you that you ate too few calories for the day? If so, then you should really find a way to eat more during the day. Another way to get a few more calories for a late night work out is to have a protein shake about an hour before exercise. I go to a boot camp class a few nights a week...and burn around 570 calories. About an hour before class I have a protein shake - I use a high protein (about 23g protein), mix it with 1/2 c 0% fat Greek yogurt, frozen berries (about 1/2 cup)... blend with ice and a little water. I use the vanilla flavored stuff. It seems to work well for me, because I get a few carbs to keep my energy up for the work out and sufficient protein that I feel satisfied. You need the protein to keep your body from burning muscle during a high intensity work out... you could always drink 1/2 the shake before and 1/2 after as well... or even consider having a muscle recovery shake- go to GNC or something similar.. that will help keep your calorie count up, but you won't have to eat a big meal at night. Just some ideas. Good luck and way to go!
  • dalewoodruff
    I am also running into this issue. I'd love some suggestions for higher calorie foods that are also nutrient rich so that when I'm facing a deficit I can fill it easier.
  • nickiben
    nickiben Posts: 117 Member
    You can try to plan ahead for your workout calories -- so if you typically burn between 300-400 per workout, factor those calories into your earlier meals. You don't have to eat AFTER your workout.

    I agree. Eat more calories before you workout, then by the end of the day it will all level out. I try not to roll my deficit over to the next day, as think it can mess with your metabolism.
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    vsetter look at the macro view (average across the week) and target that. If you are training in the evening then really your best practice is to follow that with a protein rich smoothy.

    During the day eat in ancticipation of your training regimen based on averages. Calorie rich yet nutritious foods can help fill that gap, such as nuts (walnuts and almonds for example) and avacado just for ideas.
  • WattsJA
    WattsJA Posts: 160 Member
    Like others have said .. eat the calories throughout the day .. even if you head to the gym with negative calories ... your make them up.

    Because I have been doing my exercising with my HRM for long enough that I know how much I should hit .. or at worst how much i *have* to hit .. I eat the extra calories all throughout the day.

    By the time I get to the gym, I have little to no calories to spare but yet I have still have 2 meals to go .. so I know that I need to burn *at least* 650 calories in the gym.

    If I know that something is different (exercise or food wise) I cut back throughout the day to account for it .. but since my routine is pretty set ... it isn't hard to plan for the calories.
  • baisleac
    baisleac Posts: 2,019 Member
    You can try to plan ahead for your workout calories -- so if you typically burn between 300-400 per workout, factor those calories into your earlier meals. You don't have to eat AFTER your workout.

    Or, yes, you could log your exercise calories in the following day. As long as you're averaging out right over the course of the week, you'll be good.

    This. I work out either when I first get home from work or after the little one goes to bed (8pm). I just plan an extra 150-200 calories into my day on strength days and 200-300 extra calories on cardio days. I usually end up within 100 kcal of goal. If I'm still a little under I can grab a handful of nuts or use whole milk (instead of skim) in my post-workout shake.

    Yeah... I have to see a red number at the top of my home page all day, but I know it's going to go away later.
  • vsetter
    vsetter Posts: 558 Member
    Great suggestions! Thanks for the help! I will try this week to plan out my calories in advance. I don't really know what to expect of this Turbo Fire, but maybe I'll start by planning a 1700 calorie day (on exercise days) and see if that gets me any closer.