BMR, Zig-zagging, and increasing intake?

Hi there MFP,

Another impatient weight-loser here. I'm curious about peoples results. A brief history...

I've lost 35lbs since may, I am "extremely-obese" by most BMI's (currently 255lbs, 5'5) - I was dropping fast last month and I have since attempted to start making some changes in my diet, because I'm trying to learn my body better, and I want to push myself to my limits, but in a healthy way.

I was eating whatever I wanted, but within 1800 calories (guesstimate) up until July 9th. That is when I started getting serious, bought a food scale and started exercising. 14lbs less and around 20 days later I started a careful diet (following Keto atm) and I increased my calories to 1950, and attempted to start some weight training which helped me lose 7 more lbs in 7 days. Well the training has stopped for now (tendinitis in my wrists for unrelated reasons) as I allow myself a bit more time to heal, and I've cut a day or two out of exercising, so instead of 6-7 days a week I now do 4-5. I used to do a full hour of walking as much as I could, but now I walk a familiar route as fast as I can, and I'm doing it in about 30ish minutes (3 miles in 35minutes) - Now, because of my reduced exercise, I dropped my calories down to 1700, because I have been eating just a level amount even if I exercise, figuring that, with the previous month, it would work. But, I've hit a wall.

One website says 2,270 for daily maintenance, and this one says 1,893 (niether include exercise, I calculate that later) - Thats a huge difference. Which do I chose?

I've been the same weight for almost a week. Yes, I ignorantly weigh myself everyday which is a taboo,I know.. but after losing so quickly I'm wondering if all this calorie and exercise bouncing is having a negative effect.. I do know that I haven't been under 250 in about 10+ years. Maybe its just a hard number for me? Anyone have any tips on breaking this or am I just being insane and impatient :) Any of you have excessive weight and broken past a previous "sticky" weight?

Also, if anyone has any reading on this kind of think I'd love to see it. I'm really enjoying educating myself about my body and I want to learn all I can.

Thanks in advance!


  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    Terrible bumping my own post, but I want at least 1 reply before I'm lost to page 2 and beyond! ;_;
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    One week isn't long enough to be considered a plateau - especially if you've been consistently losing up until that point (and you've lost quite a bit! Congrats!). Sometimes our body needs to take a week or two off from losing so it can re-adjust after losing a bunch of weight. You said you lost 7lbs in 7 days - your body likely needs to adjust to that. Not losing one week isn't completely out of the ordinary and isn't always cause to start messing around with calories, exercise, etc. A true plateau is when you haven't lost for many weeks - usually at least a month.

    I would continue what you were doing when you were losing (1950 calories and working out) and see what happens for the next couple weeks. If in 2-3 weeks you still don't see a loss, then I would re-evaluate again.

    Every single time I've UPPED my calories when I hit a plateau, I would begin losing weight again. I was stuck at 150lbs from Sept 2010 to May 2011 - THAT is a loooong time. Upped my calories in May 2011 and what do you know? I dropped 5-7lbs in the first 10 days afterward.

    Remember you didn't put the weight on overnight, there's no way to take it off overnight. Patience is a MUST in this journey.


    Good Luck and YOU CAN DO IT!
  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    Thanks very much chevy, I'll take your advice and go back up. I might not go all the way back up to 1950, but if I go to 1870 and keep exercising I should see some results again. And yeah, I am just being impatient. Appreciate the reply here and on my profile :) Glad to have you along on this journey.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    you WALK 3 miles in 35 minutes?! Pounds aside, I'm impressed by that alone.
  • foreverloved
    foreverloved Posts: 220 Member
    you WALK 3 miles in 35 minutes?! Pounds aside, I'm impressed by that alone.

    Yeah I walk 3 miles all the time and try to stay focused on speed but never get faster than 45-50min =(
  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    I do intervals, I walk 10 minutes to warm up, then spend the next 20 or so going from speed walking to jogging, to flat out running and back again.

    So.. its like this: 10 minute warm up at a leisurely stroll, around 2mph - I'm lucky because I like about a 10 minute walk from the trail I use to run on. Then I move up to speed walking, around 3.5mhp for 50 seconds, then I jog for as long as I can (around 4.5-5mph). It used to be around 5 seconds, but I am up to around 30 seconds now.. then when I think I'm going to pass out from that, I kick it and bolt as fast as I can (6-7mhp) for like 3-5 seconds, and then back to 2 for 50seconds as a rest, rinse and repeat.

    I got the advice to do so from a few "beginner runner" websites, they say that's the best way to increase your endurance, and it sure is working great for me. The next step for me is lowering the rest times in between my high intensity intervals, eventually I'll barely need a rest and voila, I'll be running!.. And jiggling the whole time >_<
  • panda0920
    The bad thing about the human body is it adapts, and sometimes incredibly fast; hence upping the calories can make you lose more.
    But I wouldn't consider a plateau unless you've been in the same spot for a good month.
    Just really play with your routine. Your exercise is awesome, so nothing there besides adding even more (as the body is a machine that keeps getting stronger.)
    Maybe every couple of days add something that's not in your diet? One little surprise makes your body really work.
  • Nyodra
    Nyodra Posts: 40
    Thanks panda, I think I'm going to go back up to 1900 for a few days and see what my body thinks of that.. NEXT TIME I wont mess with it. If it ain't broke, dont fix it ;) Stupid body..