Could you some advice about a new trainer...please give your

alz139 Posts: 36
edited October 2024 in Motivation and Support
Hi, I could really do with some advice about my new trainer. Basically I have moved to a new city, joined a new gym and met a few of the trainers there and found one I thought I wanted to work with.

So, went along today for my assessment and first session. The assessment went ok, but he did say we had a bit of work to do! So we started training and WOW I was not expecting what followed. I wanted someone who was going to push me but this was far too hard! He had me doing sprints on the treadmill a lot faster and longer than I have ever done them. Which was cool at first, I wanted a challenge and to be pushed but 15mins in I just could do it and he would let me stop. It was torture, I threw up half way through the workout but he said he wanted me to come and finish the session...which didn't get any easier.

I have never felt so bad after a workout, feeling sick and a bit dizzy and was even finding it hard to walk out of there. This probably sounds like I'm just moaning but I really dont know what to do. I have signed up for an introductory package o have another 3 sessions which I have paid for but I don't think I want to go back. He is o much more strict than my other trainer, which I dont mind its just he's pushing me to breaking point and i dont know if I can handle it but dont wnt to walk away and lose my money plus I'll see hi around the gym at some point.

I really dont know what to do? Would love some opinions! Please!

Sorry for the really long post.


  • ambermichon
    ambermichon Posts: 404 Member
    he is probably just pushing you way past your comfort zone to see what you can/cannot handle. Even though its been one session I would talk to him about it before your next one. I doubt he wants to lose a client and probably knows you want results if he expects to be rehired. Just be honest with him and if he is really interested in helping you you will know by what he says. hang in there!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    I would go to another session since it is already paid for and if he pushes you way to hard again then tell him no. The first session he may have been testing you but if he keeps pushing you like that he is doing more harm than good. Don't be afraid to stand up to him but still push yourself. If he doesn't listen to you then talk to his boss and tell them what is going on. You could be reimbursed for the sessions you haven't used.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    Is this the only trainer available at the gym? For me I'm much more comfortable with a girl, because I'm a female as well I feel like a female trainer would understand me better. My trainer pushes me but she also doesn't want me to hurt myself, form is much more important. Because if it were me I would ask him to tone it down a notch and if thats not something he's willing to do then maybe you need a different trainers. Your paying him to listen to you and help you. He may think he's helping you by pushing you but with all exercise there is a limit and if your being pushed beyond your limit you may end up hurting yourself.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I would talk to him before your next one. Tell him that you're uncomfortable with the way that the first one went and that while you like being pushed you think that was a little much. Tell him that while a goal would be to be able to rock out that workout that you're just not there yet.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    Having a hard time walking after lots of leg exercise isn't bad at all, as long as you get enough rest afterwards. I'd be more concerned about throwing up...
  • I think you need to talk to him about it, but still try again, express your concerns & just how bad you felt afterward. Remember though if training isnt a little uncomfortable you probably arent trying hard enough. that being said you probably wont stick with something if you become totally miserable either. Dont give up see how much you can handle, but at the same time dont get yourself hurt. & if after a couple of sessions you & this trainer arent on the same page ask for someone else.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    I'm with rpamball...
    I would talk to him about it before your next one. I doubt he wants to lose a client and probably knows you want results if he expects to be rehired.

    I've been work real hard not to make the gym torture. If it's torture I'll never stick to it.
    I'm a big fan of the baby steps, small and consistent change. When I focus on the process I'm always pleasantly surprised when the results come along.
  • JCPruitt
    JCPruitt Posts: 53
    sounds like he is a fan of the "scream at you, constantly in your face, kill you" methods as seen on TV. UGH! I would let him know that, while you want to be pushed, he now knows what makes you sick and you won't put your body through that again--elite athlete is one thing, trying to improve overall health is another all together.

    Sorry, but shows like Biggest Loser that showcase people getting screamed at really piss me off. It is pretty darn easy to see when I am pushing and when I am not. Push is one thing--"come on, 5 more, 4 more, 3 more, 2 more, done." His job is to encourage your to increase your overall health, not make you dislike him so much you stop exercising..
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