1200 cals a day

Suggestions for menus ? Breakfasts ? Please !?

Thanks x


  • hatty22
    hatty22 Posts: 9 Member
    Sort thank you gents too!
  • christine0
    christine0 Posts: 1 Member
    1 egg and 3egg whites omelettes this morning with mushroom, tomato and spinach.
    Low calorie, high protein and very filling- I’ve minimal snacks today - which is unusual!!
  • manDEE_526
    manDEE_526 Posts: 2 Member
    I was never a breakfast eater anyways so I often just skip breakfast, have a moderate lunch and a huge supper.

    Warning, long post ahead.

    Tl;dr Spinach, egg and chicken breast. Herbs make a huge different. Taste a lot better.

    I like to store spinach at home. Whatever I cook, I can always add tons of spinach with it. Here's a "recipe" that I came up with. If you're a vegetarian you can substitute the meat with something else. But if you're a vegan then I think this doesn't work.

    Marinade chicken breast with oregano, rosemary, salt and pepper, or whatever herbs and spices you like. Pan fry the meat. Take it out after it's cooked.

    Then, stir fry your desirable amount of spinach with some minced garlic. Depending on your amount of spinach or how much you want to eat, beat one to two large eggs and pour it to the pan. Spread it out like a crepe.

    You can wrap the chicken and eat it like a crepe or cut it in pieces and eat the two together. Depending on your taste or your pan, you can add tiny bit of oil to cook it. The one that I had was only 360 calories. It can be more and more fulfilling if you use a larger chicken breast.

    Sorry for the long post!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
  • megbelievesshecan
    megbelievesshecan Posts: 21 Member
    I usually make a egg scramble for the week or a casserole. It's easy and I know I am getting a protein packed breakfast. Eggs and veggies with some kind of turkey or chicken sausage or turkey bacon.
  • endermako
    endermako Posts: 785 Member
    My calorie goal is 1350 and I'm doing the below:

    breakfast: 3 Spinach and Feta egg cups

    Pre lunch snack: 4 slices low sodium turkey bacon

    Lunch: 1.5 cups of Sesame Chicken Cauliflower Fried Rice and half an avocado

    Dinner: 8oz teriyaki salmon with steamed broccoli

    I'm doing carb cycling and that is a low carb day for me.
  • neiluk44
    neiluk44 Posts: 18 Member
    My diet varies from lots of boiled eggs to healthy chicken stir fry’s , rib eye steaks , sweet potatoes wedges and lots of salads
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    You are welcome to check out my diary for ideas. Unless you have medical issues, there is no need to eat as low carb as I do. Just give up some of the nuts and have some fruit or bread, instead. I love to have raspberries with my Greek yogurt, for example.
  • vermilionflower
    vermilionflower Posts: 29 Member
    I suggest this cookbook. 500 400-Calorie Recipes: Delicious and Satisfying Meals That Keep You to a Balanced 1200-Calorie Diet So You Can Lose Weight without Starving Yourself https://www.amazon.com/dp/1592334628/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_BpBNAb6HT6YSY
  • hatty22
    hatty22 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank u all X x