Trying to get serious about losing weight!

Hey everyone! I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m very unhappy with myself. I’ve always been up and down with my weight, but this time is different. I’m determined to get healthy and stay that way. I’m currently 233lbs and my goal weight is 160lbs. If anyone is interested in forming a friendship in order to inspire and motivate one another please add me! I will share words of encouragement and hope that you will as well!


  • frussell7210
    frussell7210 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I feel the very same way. I am my highest weight and don't want to be there. Could use some motivation to do this.
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    Losing weight is so simple, you just have to eat less.

    If weight loss was that simple it would not be a huge industry! In theory it is simple, but in practice it is not, as you say, eating less is not easy!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2018
    Sparx_81 wrote: »
    Losing weight is so simple, you just have to eat less.
    If weight loss was that simple it would not be a huge industry! In theory it is simple, but in practice it is not, as you say, eating less is not easy!
    The diet industry is huge because so many have fully absorbed the message the diet industry wants us to absorb: So many people are overweight, therefore weight management must be hard. The business model is simple: Make it seem hard, let people struggle, become desperate, then offer a solution that seems to work, which makes the customer take the blame when it doesn't. This cycle keeps him and her helpless and asking for more "help", and the business in business.
    Deciding what to eat to stay within your calorie allowance, can sound really difficult, but it's trying to stick to someone else's plan that is difficult, even if it might sound easy.
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member
    I'm also on the lookout for cheerleaders! I'm similar to you, struggling with my weight for many years! But I've had enough! I struggle with depression at times so that tends to hamper every effort, I'll lose weight then enter a depressive episode and just put it all back on in the blink of an eye! I'm also on implanon which seems to make me gain weight much easier! Even my doctor has been concerned as I managed to gain 10kg in under 6 months (only thing that changed was getting the implanon fitted!) So I've bloods booked for 2 weeks time!

    Weight loss is tough going, it's a full mental reset to change how you eat! One of my friends from school actually specialises in the psychology of weight loss!
  • Sparx_81
    Sparx_81 Posts: 403 Member

    The diet industry is huge because so many have fully absorbed the message the diet industry wants us to absorb: So many people are overweight, therefore weight management must be hard. The business model is simple: Make it seem hard, let people struggle, become desperate, then offer a solution that seems to work, which makes the customer take the blame when it doesn't. This cycle keeps him and her helpless and asking for more "help", and the business in business.
    Deciding what to eat to stay within your calorie allowance, can sound really difficult, but it's trying to stick to someone else's plan that is difficult, even if it might sound easy.[/quote]

    No, diet industry is huge because eating is so much easier than in years gone by! Evolution wise we are bred for feast and famine. We put down fat stores easily and have developed a taste for sugar and fat to help us survive! Now we have high fat, high sugar food everywhere we look! People can't cook fresh food easily, everything is processed and in a box! Add to that medications, mental health problems, reduced movement and that is why people find it hard to lose weight...
  • taylorjnes
    taylorjnes Posts: 2 Member
    Thank you everyone who has replied!

    I have been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 12 I am 22 now and keeping the weight off hasn’t been easy. I gained roughly 50lbs from last August and I’ve hit rock bottom. I quit smoking cigarettes and marijuana (which helped me lose 40lbs in the beginning) so it’s not a surprised I gained it all back and some after quitting. But now I want to get on a healthy track wth my life without help from drugs.

    Can we talk about what everyone eats on a daily basis? I’m going back to being vegetarian bcus the health benefits were astounding; I honestly don’t know why I gave it up bcus it didn’t make me feel better.

    I have trouble eating the same things over and over, any help?
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    taylorjnes wrote: »
    Can we talk about what everyone eats on a daily basis? I’m going back to being vegetarian bcus the health benefits were astounding; I honestly don’t know why I gave it up bcus it didn’t make me feel better.

    I have trouble eating the same things over and over, any help?
    I am eating a wide variety of foods, plan my meals so I get in something from each food group every day, and different foods from day to day (as much as practically possible), I like to cook a large portion of it from scratch, but I'm not afraid of "processed" food. A delicious, balanced diet, and not feeling deprived, and not worrying about whether I'm eating healthy enough, makes me feel great. I aim to stick to regular meals, and then an occasional (weekly, now) treat.
  • tinkerbellang83
    tinkerbellang83 Posts: 9,102 Member
    Agree with @kommodevaran it's not easy but it is simple! Once you stand back and cut through the bovine faeces that the diet industry would have you believe it really is very straightforward.

    If you're serious don't "Try", just do! As the saying goes "Whether you think you can or you think you can't , you're right"

    OP set yourself a sustainable rate of loss, make small changes to your existing diet that bring you down to your calorie goal and log accurately, once you're comfortable with calorie counting, focus on nutrition to ensure you're getting adequate protein, fat, vitamins & minerals and eating in a way that satisfies you for longer.

    Don't overcomplicate it, you don't need to cut out food groups/types or workout a million hours a week to lose weight. You must just eat less than you burn, once you realise it doesn't have to be a miserable experience it's pretty freeing!

    Check out the Most Helpful posts pinned at the top of the board to get the most from the app and to understand how to log accurately.
  • amlelas68
    amlelas68 Posts: 69 Member
    I was feeling this way in January. When i could not loose weight and there were other medical issues causing me some weight gain. So i eliminated those foods and now am doing the Alkaline 80/20 plan. so i eat a variety of veggies/fruits/proteins. I joined a Facebook support group so i can get lots of support and new recipes so i dont get bored with food. I been faithful about logging my foods on here. So this has been a huge help and now have seen some results by just doing all this.
  • Faygetshealthy_2018
    Faygetshealthy_2018 Posts: 53 Member
    I also agree with @kommodevaran. It is simple but eatin less isn't. All you need is a foodscale, healthy and balanced diet, excercise and most of all 100% dedication and committment. I have lost 5.5kgs since October so it was really slow process. Last month had no progress whatsoever so I said that's it. I dowloaded the app and started weighing my food and tracking my calories. The first week I lost 1.6kgs. The most I've ever lost in a week. The first month of my journey I lost 1kg only. So food is important, you need to eat less and do some excercise. The first few days were hard and felt like I was barely eating anything because we are so used to eating large portions. I'm in my second week of the app and feel so much better and have so much energy. It is really an huge eye opener for me and I realised I was eating way too much. You will feel hungry as you adjust your portion sizes but eat wholesome foods that will keep full for longer. I now drink some water before my meals just to fill me up abit. Give it your all. You can do this girl!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    taylorjnes wrote: »
    Thank you everyone who has replied!

    I have been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 12 I am 22 now and keeping the weight off hasn’t been easy. I gained roughly 50lbs from last August and I’ve hit rock bottom. I quit smoking cigarettes and marijuana (which helped me lose 40lbs in the beginning) so it’s not a surprised I gained it all back and some after quitting. But now I want to get on a healthy track wth my life without help from drugs.

    Can we talk about what everyone eats on a daily basis? I’m going back to being vegetarian bcus the health benefits were astounding; I honestly don’t know why I gave it up bcus it didn’t make me feel better.

    I have trouble eating the same things over and over, any help?

    Because insulin resistance is often present with PCOS, many sufferers have benefited from lowering their carb intake. For me, the South Beach diet provided a good introduction to this way of eating, but many recommend the Mediterranean Diet for similar principles.
  • Danp
    Danp Posts: 1,561 Member
    Sparx_81 wrote: »
    Losing weight is so simple, you just have to eat less.

    If weight loss was that simple it would not be a huge industry! In theory it is simple, but in practice it is not, as you say, eating less is not easy!

    Simple and easy aren't the same thing.

    Weight loss really is simple. Eat less calories than you use you lose weight, eat more calories than you use gain weight. It doesn't get much simpler than that.

    What wait loss isn't much of the time is easy. Ignoring cravings can be hard, starting to move can be hard, making good choices can be hard, sticking with it can be hard, changing life long habits can be hard.

    So weight loss is simple and hard. The diet industry makes it's money by making their program complicated (so you need them) and marketing it as easy (so you'll sign up).
  • mg820
    mg820 Posts: 8 Member
    taylorjnes wrote: »
    Hey everyone! I’ve reached a point in my life where I’m very unhappy with myself. I’ve always been up and down with my weight, but this time is different. I’m determined to get healthy and stay that way. I’m currently 233lbs and my goal weight is 160lbs. If anyone is interested in forming a friendship in order to inspire and motivate one another please add me! I will share words of encouragement and hope that you will as well!

    I'm right there with you! Had a little mishap with a can of dog food (just tryna be a good dog mom ugh) and ended up in urgent care to get my finger sewn up. Hopped on the scale at the doctor's office and saw 200lbs for the first time in my life! I about passed out. I'm down to 192.6 and my goal is 170 with the intent to reevaluate when I get there.

    Congrats on your progress! I'm not the most help with repetitive eating fixes as I literally eat the same exact thing for breakfast and lunch every day but dinners are where I always have some variety! The general "formula" I follow is a protein (chicken, lean steak or fish) roasted or steamed veggies and some sort of salad whether traditional or a fruit salad. I find that I'm usually SO hungry right around 3PM so I'm going to start throwing some protein bars in my bag to solve that problem.

    I'm going to add you on here and I'm so excited to see your progress!
  • uniquesoul73
    uniquesoul73 Posts: 151 Member
    I'm right there with you. Getting my life back is a priority for me. Add me as a friend if you would like.