What's Your Story?

It may not be a success story just yet, but everyone's got one. What are your fitness goals? What are your struggles? Chances are there's someone in the same boat who can help cheer you on.


  • Polybius1981
    Polybius1981 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm a 30 year old full stack developer for a local startup, I really just wanted to be down to 175 lbs again as I had put on a lot of weight over the last few years. I'm almost there now but am working hard to finish that goal, once there I just wanna look good again so I'm mainly hoping to tone afterwards.

    I struggle with the eating healthy part, I am notoriously lazy and that makes food prep a giant chore for me. I've definitely gotten much better but still take the easy way out now and then with microwavable foods or premade snacks.

    I also have a soft spot for sweets, but that said I've only had a few in very small portions since changing my lifestyle.
  • inkedrapture
    inkedrapture Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2018
    I’m 22 years old and began working out a little over a year ago in the hopes of being healthy. Also because I always felt kinda lanky and was insecure about it, wanted to gain healthy mass. Gained 20 pounds doing strength and resistance training.

    When I first started out weight training was very new to me because all my life I just did tons of cardio. I didn’t put two and two together that the cardio would just end up making me small overall (silly, I know). So I fell in love with weight training once I started seeing results.

    Currently my issue now is that I have barely been doing cardio. So I’m trying to incorporate it into my routine without going overboard as I did when I was younger. Also finally trying to track macros after a year of not tracking macros or calories at all.

  • Madelyn843
    Madelyn843 Posts: 6 Member
    I have some bad genes when it comes to weight loss. Everyone on my dad's side is overweight and addicted to food among other things. The women all have PCOS, me included. I really am not that unhealthy in my own opinion (I do like food), but I can't remember a time when I wasn't a little chubby. My mother pushed me too hard, and although she had good intentions I just lost all self-esteem and started to resent her. Finally I found some internal motivation and worked really hard one summer. I lost a lot of weight and was super excited. Then that August I found out I had a brain tumor. The steroids I had to take after surgery made me a bottomless pit, and that combined with my inactivity cause me to gain it all back. I just accepted my weight and began to focus on other things for a while. And I learned to be happy without being skinny. Now, it's been over a year since surgery, and I'm ready to commit again. For Lent I decided to log my calories every day and work out at the YMCA a couple days a week. So far so good!