Looking for Bariatric Friends

Greetings from Virginia Beach,

I am 8 months post op from Gatric Bypass surgery and hoping to find others that have had Bypass or Sleeve to help loose 100 pounds or more. I need to loose 127 pounds to put me in a healthy BMI category. This is how we (me and my nutritionist) determined my goal weight (I am 5’6”). I just want to be considered “normal” rather then Obese or Morbidly Obese! I am 63 years old, it took me a hundred diets and carrying so much weight that it incapacitated me with pain in my back, (already a pain issue) and made me bed bound for almost 3 years!

So far I have lost 79 pounds, but have stalled so have decided to come back to basics using MFP. My nutritionist set my goals at 1200 calories a day, with 25% Protein, 30% Fat and 45% Carbs. I love MFP because it really helps me keep an eye on those carbs, and the majority of my carbs have to be plant based and very few starchy like potatoes and bread. The program I am in does not allow for rice and pasta, or soft bread, only well toasted crispy bread, crackers or a small serving (1/2 cup or less) of potatoes.

I have also in the past month really stepped up my exercise. The only cardio I can do without pain is swimming, which I do 3 days a week, swimming laps. Recently I have been able to increase to about 1/2 mile each time. I have also just started strength training using Marie Osmond's Body Gym, which uses resistance bands to work muscles. I really love it as opposed to using free weights. It is challenging but I can also see results as far as my stamina and strength in a short period of time.

I hope there are other Bariatric friends out there that I can mutually support and encourage. Thanks!



  • teckeg
    teckeg Posts: 6 Member
    Mary, I had my bypass done in August 2016 and also hit a wall after losing 110 pounds from my 360 pounds. I still had 50 or so to go and ran out of steam. I joined a local Overweight Anonymous (OA) group. which combines the Physical with the Emotional and Spiritual sides of the weight loss program. It helped me get through the stall of weight loss. I found out I had to give up or significantly reduce sugar and white (enriched) flour. Everyone is different, but for me, these two things made me crave more and more of the same. I also reduced my diet soda from 4 a day to 1 a day, at most. It also made a difference. I am back on track and down 6 pounds and still losing. It is tough, because the bariatric surgery did not get rid of the disease of my food addiction.
  • amberkins
    amberkins Posts: 25 Member
    Congrats on your weightloss! I am pre op right now but hoping to have bypass by the end of the month. I meet my surgeon Thursday. I love water exercise, have you tried a water aerobics class along with your laps? I find it to be a lot of fun! Will be sending you a friend request as well.
  • iWishMyNameWasRebel
    iWishMyNameWasRebel Posts: 174 Member
    17 years postop from Roux N Y. Here to talk, answer questions, offer a shoulder and a listening ear.
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I was sleeved in August of 2016 - while I've hit my goal weight I still weight train to try to lean myself out! I follow a KETO diet but I'm all about having new friends!
  • TarAcadienne
    TarAcadienne Posts: 3 Member
    Hi!! I had a sleeve in January 2014...
  • MaryBosley1
    MaryBosley1 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow teckeg I am really surprised by the differing post op instructions we've received. I was told no sugar, period and no carbonated drinks. Now there is natural sugar in fruit and that's fine but I was told to hold it down under 5 grams in whatever I eat, or I could get dumping syndrome! I am glad you have cut down the soda intake. They told me the carbonation would stretch my pouch and the last thing I want is to be able to hold more food! LOL I guess every program is a little different.

    Amber just make sure you follow your surgeons instructions. They really are there for a reason. I was getting reflux and talked to my nutritionist. Turns out chocolate is a major reason why post ops get reflux. I had been eating Premier Protein chocolate bars and as soon as I stopped the reflux went away! My nutritionist has helped me more in figuring out how to eat and offered me great ideas and options. I love her.

  • rjfrem
    rjfrem Posts: 4 Member
    Hello!! I had gastric sleeve on 2/7/18.