Looking for friends & motivation! (Activities - Running, Yoga/Flex, Aerial, Strong Curves/Strength)

vyci Posts: 2 Member
Hey everyone!
I've been an (off and on) member of MFP for a long time but for the first time since I joined I'm actually fully pursuing a healthier lifestyle including physical activity and diet!

I've never used the community here but would love the make some friends, especially if we are into the same activities! I'm actively doing yoga and strength and will be resuming running soon since the weather is finally warming up a bit. I'm also looking to get into aerial stuff this year as well as other fun things like pole dancing.

Currently, I am nursing upper hamstring tendonitis thanks to me being overly excited about my flexibility gains this year and going to intensely. If anyone has experience overcoming this I would love to hear what you have to say!


  • inkedrapture
    inkedrapture Posts: 26 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey, I’m Sabrina!
    Currently doing a Keto diet but I weight lift and do HIIT cardio as well. I’d love to try yoga, haven’t gotten around to it yet. I’d love a friend who can teach me a few things :)
  • smaloch1852
    smaloch1852 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I’m Samantha!

    I love yoga and sort of like running. :) My best friend and I are running a half marathon in every state so I could use someone to help get me motivated to actually train. We typically just wing it. Haha I’ve recently gotten into Pilates and am in love with it. Noticing a lot of results.