I am ready to give up



  • kklemencic
    Don't give up! At more heaviest weight I was 238 and now am 184 and it can be done just don't give up on yourself. For whatever reason I don't drop the 1-2 lbs a week no matter what I do. My weight stays the same for a couple weeks and then all of a sudden I drop and then it stays steady again. It took me a while to figure out my body. We are all different and it just takes time. Hang in there keep doing what you need to do. Eat well and exercise those benefit you even if the scale isn't moving yet. Everything healthy I eat and everytime I work out I know I do it for the healthier me and for no one else. Hang in there you are worth it!
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    Are you serious??? 11 lbs in three weeks is FANTASTIC!!! Just remember you didn't gain it in a day, so you won't lose it in a day. It takes time and patience, and it looks like you've already been doing a good job...

    Just don't burn yourself out too quickly! Take it easy since it's got to be a lifestyle change, not a sudden burst of fitness only to go back to regular and gain it all back.
  • weightlossme
    keep going dont give up ! it will happen. Maybe try to include green tea in your day, I find that I do not snack if I sip on hot green tea and it also containes tons of antioxidents and does in fact give you a lot of energy. Its worked for me this week and I have lost weight plus felt better.
    So far the only way I have found to really shift the scales is by sticking to protein - virtually cut out all the carbs, so thats no bread, no rice, no pasta, no crackers, no potatoes, no pumpkin and so fourth. Try Salmon, cut chicken breast with a little hommous or chilli, stir fry meat and veges, misu soup or tofu, eggs, protein shakes (careful with these as some trick with added calories).
    If you must snack then try air popped popcorn and green tea if you cant handle celery sticks.
    Also go and buy a really nice dress one size too small for you and hang it in your bathroom and just keep it in mind every time to find your self sitting around or snacking on crap.
    Keep going it will get easier. Dont forget muscles are heavy so try to see how you look mirror wise or clothes wise as a better guide.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    It's not a "yo-yo" effect if your weight is only fluctuating by 2 pounds. There are plenty of things to explain that from scale precision, to water weight, to scale-to-scale variability.

    Weigh yourself once a week, naked, at the same exact time. I recommend Friday morning, the instant you wake up. Don't weigh yourself daily or more than once a week. It will only lead to frustration. Add some consistency to your measurements and see if that changes things.

    Don't be frustrated. You've been at it for 3 weeks...it could take longer to start seeing results. Don't despair!
  • momof3and3
    momof3and3 Posts: 656 Member
    11lbs in 3 weeks...woo hoo for you!

    I did notice that you consume alot of calories at one sitting? Dinners that are 600-1000? Try spreading your calorie intake out thru the day...have 6 mini meals instead of 3 big ones. Your body doesn't need that many calories all at once. Eating thru the day also helps keep hunger in check.
  • ACook42
    ACook42 Posts: 111 Member
    With ALL OF THIS support.....I guess you should give it another try. HUH? LOL
    Did you expect this kind of reaction with you were about to throw in the towel?
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What they all said. Eleven pounds in three weeks is AWESOME! And don't be afraid of food. If you're working out that much, you need more fuel in your tank. You're progress might not change much - because you're progress is already fantastic - but you'll feel better emotionally and physically.
  • PJFaber
    PJFaber Posts: 47
    Don't give up!!! If your like me you want to see instant results but that doesn't happen. You are doing great keep up the work and it will come. Just remember that you can starve your body into a shut down mode. Eat back your exercise calories. I know it is a hard concept but your body may be holding on to the fat. It didn't continue to come off until I realize that if I exercised, I needed to refuel my body.

    Keep it up. Eleven pounds wow!!!!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I also meant to write that if you quit, then you are NOT going to reach your goals. In past years when I was doing something to lose weight, my goal was simply to lose weight. So when the scale didn't accommodate my goal, I got frustrated and, at some point, gave up. Weight gain followed giving up.

    This year, my primary goal has been to get healthier and more fit. That encompasses weight loss, but other things as well. So now, when the scale doesn't move every week, I may get a little frustrated, but I remind myself that I am healthier and I am still winning the battle on this front. Ultimately, if I continue to make healthier decisions in my life, I know that the weight loss will take care of itself. This isn't a race....its a marathon...its a lifestyle. Weight loss will not be long term if you have short term goals (weight loss) rather than lifetstyle goals (be healthy).
  • ackersb
    ackersb Posts: 26 Member
    You can do it!!!! Don't give up. May I suggest you go light on sodium, sugars, and carbs for a couple of weeks? I am going that route and it has helped me a lot. The cravings disappeared after 3 days and I feel a lot better. You'll lose much faster too. You can do it!!
  • Twins2007
    Twins2007 Posts: 236 Member
    Hey there!

    My initial response was going to be be" 11 POUNDS IN 3 WEEKS!!!! THAT IS AMAZING!"

    I know it is so difficult to stayed motivated when we feel like it's not going fast enough...But think about it this way: You have lost 1/9 of your goal!

    You need to start rewarding yourself ...

    For every 10 pounds I lose, I reward myself with a treat like a haircut, a mani, a pedi, ect...

    I was so inspired by the blog shoes to lose and decided this was going to be the only way!

    Good luck and PLEASE don't give up!

  • mark03264
    mark03264 Posts: 334 Member
    If you set up MFP right in the beginning than the daily calorie goal MFP gives you already has a calorie deficit built in in order to lose weight. That said, You should be eating close to your calorie goal every day including eating back most of your exercise calories. By eating too far under your calorie goal you are likely to cause your body to hold onto the fat it has. I realize this sounds counter intuitive but that's the way it is.
  • RealMeSomeday
    No no no!! Don't give up!! ONEDERLAND is just around the corner!!!
    You have good habits and 2 great reasons to stay on track.
    Remember to take this journey one tiny little day at a time. and sometimes, truly, just get through any hour at a time.
    11 pounds is nothing to sneeze at. It is downright INSPIRATIONAL!!!
    I am sending you a friend request right now because I bet you can inspire me when I hit a road bump.
    Hang in there.
    One day it won't seem like a diet any more, it'll seem like a happy and healthy way of life. (I'm counting on that!!
  • zeeeb
    zeeeb Posts: 805 Member
    don't give up... it's what you do consistently that pays off, not what you do for 3-4 weeks.
  • snewsome7
    snewsome7 Posts: 189
    Weight loss is a balancing act, but you can do it! Don't give up!
  • megansmom311
    Well, I'll tell you the same thing that everyone has already said: You've lost 11 pounds in 3 weeks! That is a huge accomplishment! Be proud of that! :drinker:

    I peeked at your diary. Looks like you love Mexican food as much as me. :love: One thing I did when I started out on MFP was to try and figure out a way to eat healthy without giving up the foods I love. (mostly, fajitas :love: ) Soooooo...I gave up tortillas. Yes, it was hard, BUT...I still get to eat the meat and the pico de gallo and the salsa and the grilled onions and a little bit of cheese. Still delicious and I don't feel deprived at all.

    Also, you might try tracking your sodium. I noticed you're not, and you might be surprised at how much you are putting into your body every day. Not good for weight loss.

    Just...hang in there. If you stick to a healthy eating plan you WILL lose the weight. :flowerforyou:
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    if you give up you will never win. Sometimes it just takes longer. I totally agree about the processed foods. Those are a good starting point for change. Just remember that every day your body does change and the strength from all the working out is a win in itself.
  • kandrews24
    kandrews24 Posts: 610 Member
    You can't give up because staying this weight or gaining is not an option. It is no way to live. You have to change your habits for the rest of your life to maintain your current weight (as well as to lose). It sounds crazy, but I just focus on the process. I am very proud for every day that I stay under my calorie goal. I am proud of every day that I exercise. I am proud for every day that I eat healthy. I kept gaining every month and as far as I could tell, there was no end in sight. It could be worse. You could be gaining weight. Instead, it sounds like you are losing, but have not lost anything recently. There are folks on this site who have exerpienced 2-4 month period of not losing, and they went on to losing over 100 lbs. Stick with it. It pays in the, but more than anything, it is better than the alternative. You are doing all the right things.
  • bearsfan68
    bearsfan68 Posts: 85 Member
    Don't give up!! I have lost 18lbs on MFP and another 6 before MFP for a total of 24lbs. I was really eating healthy but I fell of a couple of times but the important thing is to NOT give up for any reason!!

    Sometimes foods with the same amount of calories are not equal from what I have been hearing! A 150 calorie potato is not the same as a 150 calorie cookie. Although I am not on Weight Watchers I heard that was their entire reason for changing their program. What I am getting at is when I eat more things like skinless chicken breast or hamburger steak, broccoli and/or a potato versus processed foods, I do not lose as much.

    Switch up your routine with nutrition and exercise and hopefully you will see a positive change! Also remember that you can be losing inches, especially when exercising. Also remember to get at least 1200 calories in. If you go below your body will think it is in starvation mode and will hold onto fat.

    You have already lost 11lbs and that is a great jump start so your body may be adjusting....Good luck to you!!
  • Troy67
    Troy67 Posts: 556 Member
    I agree with what a lot of others wrote. I used to be 336 pounds so I know you can do it. I absolutely love starchy carbohydrates, but after changing my way of eating and thinking it wasn't long before I didn't crave them any more.
    I went from having bread with every meal to usually having 1/2 of a 90 calorie english muffin most days. Ocassionally I will have a sandwich as well, but not often. Same thing with potatoes, corn, rice, etc. I used to eat them more than everything else, but now do not miss them.
    Pre-packaged foods and many other foods we don't think of have a ton of sodium. I noticed once I started keeping sodium to a minimum, the pounds came off easier.
    There have been weeks were I wouldn't lose and sometimes even gain. Just remember it took a long time to put the weight on and will probably take even longer to get it off. It will happen just keep the faith. Keep up the good work and everyone here is always happy to help with motivation and support.
    Good luck and God Bless.
    Yukon, Oklahoma