Trouble balancing nutrients... mostly sugar related.

lol - i didn't realize how long this was until i posted it. i do not expect many to have to desire or patience to read it.. i wouldn't!

I don't know if I just don't want to "sacrifice" more foods that I like or what, but I am finding it impossible to eat the correct amount of calories per day while staying under or at least not going 70+g over on sugar... I'm eating about 3500 calories per day and about 150g of sugar. Granted, I am set for maintenance mode, but I should still technically have lost some weight this summer while, instead, I've basically stayed the same weight (though I fluctuate 5-10lbs at any given time due to water retention). I'd like to lose another 5-10lbs, and I feel like I should have at least lost 5 in the past 3 months... especially since at one point (like a year ago) I was losing up to 5lbs a week...

Also, my daily deficit ranges between 500-1000 (on average, I burn about 4000 per day, but it ranges from 3900-4500. When I burn 4000, I should be taking in 80g of sugar... I'm usually around 150g). Also, I know how many calories I'm burning per day because I wear a BodyMedia Fit.

Basically, the only way I think I can lower my sugar is by increasing my already high intake of protein and/or eat more fat (I'm always under on fat).

Yes, I'll stop buying those damn vitatop muffins and brownies and replace them with [more] nuts (raw almonds).
I was considering just eating MORE good carbs, but my I'm also taking in over 100g of fiber per day and I know that carbs are converted to sugar anyway... I'm almost compelled to just eat a damn cheeseburger to fill the void.

Since I don't have a nutritionist and can't see my doctor until the 18th, and I don't trust what I read on google, I was hoping you all could tell me if this sounds like a good plan-

I'm going to stop buying low-fat/diet foods (like cheese, cream cheese, I can't believe it's not butter, PAM.... etc) and just eat the full fat **** (and replace pam with extra virgin olive oil) in hopes that I will still be able to keep my deficit around 500 calories or less (obviously as long as I don't go over fat). Also, maybe I should start drinking real milk (2%) instead of almond milk? It would save me some money as a half gallon of almond milk is more than a gallon of milk.

For my other carbs/breads, I eat 2 cups of oatmeal or the Healthy Grains cream of wheat (very high in fiber compared to the regular and even the whole grain cream of wheat) every morning, Ezekiel Bread (flourless, made with sprouted grains), multigrain english muffins (the 100 calorie kind), and multigrain cheerios (though I don't eat cheerios daily).

I'm thinking I should also start buying the regular whole grain english muffins instead of the light kind?

I don't think I need to eat more vegetables (maybe i do...?) and I already cut back to 2 servings of fruit per day (usually a pint of berries (strawberries or blueberries mostly, sometimes blackberries) and the occasional apple, though once I eat my last apple, I'm done buying them. I eat carrots like bugs bunny (seriously, if i could pull them from the ground and eat them, I would) and I eat 6-10oz of broccoli and cauliflower (combined) per day. Carrots, I'd say I eat 2-3 (or 4) mediums per day or 6-9oz of baby carrots (I recently started buying the large carrots bc they're WAY cheaper). Sometimes I'll eat an entire medium zucchini and yellow squash as well, but it's mostly broccoli, cauliflower and carrots.

The other thing I've been trying VERY hard to do is keep my deficit smaller but it's usually around 800... so in reality, I should be eating more like 3650 calories per day, but I'm just afraid upping the cals will up my damn sugar. The only other thing I can think of is to exercise less (maybe only 5 days/week instead of every day) so I don't need to eat as much all the time, but I don't like that idea because the reason I got fat in the first place was by sitting on my *kitten* for 23 years and eating. I guess you could say it's a fear.

I hate to post this because I'm sure I could find the answers somewhere on the internet, but I've had bad experiences with google.



  • thedreamhazer
    thedreamhazer Posts: 1,156 Member
    I wish I could see your food diary to advise better, but I'll just run by a few things.

    First of all, your instincts regarding kicking out the fat free stuff or the reduced fat is good. Frequently, when fat is taken out, sugar is added in to make up for the loss of flavor. If you're worried about your sugar, this is a good change to make.

    One of the best changes to make would be re-evaluating your carbs. Breads and baked goods will pretty much always have suagar added. Try oats, brown rice, barley, quinoa, etc. instead, where you can substitute.

    Finally, my only other recommendation is to switch out the cereals for something else at breakfast time. Omelettes, protein shakes (just just the sugar on the label), etc.

    I wish I had more to share, but this is just based on my experiences.

    (PS- I typically don't worry about sugars from fruit. Yes, they count, but they're not refined so I don't worry about them as much.)
  • Avalonis
    Avalonis Posts: 1,540 Member
    Hey man, seems like you got a good plan. I had a lot of the same issues you did, and I basically just upped my proteins a lot more and found that usually fixed it.

    I don't worry about sugars, I really eat very little things that contain additional sugar, so I haven't been too concerned about it.

    I stick to eating carbs right before a workout, otherwise I eat very little carbs. Except for today, when I cheated and ate some candy.... ;(
  • deedeedoolittle
    deedeedoolittle Posts: 8 Member
    Sounds like a good plan to me as 'diet' foods tend to contain more sugar, so the real versions will have higher fat but will be healthier, especially now that you are maintaining and you say you are under on fat mostly. The light versions of stuff could even possibly contain all sorts of additives that make us retain more water.
  • jbucci1186
    jbucci1186 Posts: 440 Member
    thanks all! i'm going to the store right now to blow another paycheck bc i'm throwing EVERYTHING away!

    i hate doing this but whatever... i guess ezekiel bread isn't THAT good for you... i can get lower sugar bread.
  • pattyproulx
    pattyproulx Posts: 603 Member
    thanks all! i'm going to the store right now to blow another paycheck bc i'm throwing EVERYTHING away!

    i hate doing this but whatever... i guess ezekiel bread isn't THAT good for you... i can get lower sugar bread.

    Assuming you're absolutely against dropping bread. If you're looking to cut down, there's a weight watcher's bread you can buy that has super thin slices. a great substitute.

    Definitely go full-fat, it'll keep you full longer too. People are scared of fat but you need it.

    Avoid packaged things. If you do that, it should be fairly easy to be under on sugar.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    The biggest thing I can see if cut back on the sugar.. You say that your eating a whole pint of berries at one time.. thats a lot! A pint of berries is normally like 2 or 3 servings.. and to have that in one sitting.. scary.

    Good job on kicking out all the fat free/low fat diet food... its full of processed junk anyway.

    I personally like Brownberry 10 Grain Bread... 80 calories a slice and low on sugar.