What is your dream body and dress size are you reaching for?

Phoenix1401 Posts: 711 Member
I know everyone on here have a goal that they are reaching. What's yours?
My goal clothing size is a 10
I want my weight loss body to look like Kim Kardashian. Yeah I know. But I love her hourglass shape! Big top, narrow waist, and a big firm bottom!
I even bought 2 pairs of size 10 jeans for motivation! Lol!

So tell me! What is your goal? :)


  • sandrinamsilva
    sandrinamsilva Posts: 651 Member
    My goal size used to be 14 but now I am thinking 10. I may change my mind again as Abs are starting to attract my attention
  • romzana
    romzana Posts: 86 Member
    am a size 16 want to get down to a uk 8
  • 59saladgirl
    I could be very happy in a size 10. Yes I would like that hourglass shape also . I just started and have not been brave enough to buy smaller clothes yet , but thats a very good ideal thanks
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I would love to be a 6-8! My dream body is anyone with nice legs, mine are so short and stocky!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I just want to be strong and healthy.
  • sh3lby03
    sh3lby03 Posts: 193 Member
    My dream size would be a 6 but unfortunately whether I am 151 or 118 I seem to remain a size 8...I will try my hardest to get there though!
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    Well since genetics play a role, I'm not going to say I wish I had someones body but I agree with you. KK's body is rockin. I've got the top part down, I just gotta work on the backside.

    My goal size is 6, but deep down I want a size 4. I'm not entirely sure if it's possible but I'm certainly going to try. Giving my self til next July to get to a 4. If I don't reach it by then, I'm going to throw in the towel and stick with the 6.
  • Micheetah
    Micheetah Posts: 184 Member
    Like you I prefer a curvier figure! I just want to trim it down that fat. With that being said my goal is to get into a size 7, which was my size fresh out of high school. I know that is still not a small size for my 5'1" frame but if I can get there then I would be 1 very happy camper =)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    I honestly love Michelle Rodriguez's body and would love to have hers but I think I'm to curvy. I'm aiming for a US size 8.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    i would be happy with a 12 or 14, I have been in a 20 for so long....Maybe I will change my mind once I reach one of those sizes, but for now I have smaller goals. Good Luck to Everyone.
  • LauraJo08
    LauraJo08 Posts: 219 Member
    Goal: size 6 by next summer.

    I started this summer a size 12, and am now a size 10, so only two more to go! I had a major victory today though, tried on a size 10 dress at Anthropologie (no vanity sizing there), and it fit great!
  • nanakay007
    nanakay007 Posts: 7 Member
    size 8....... I want to wear a single digit again! and I don't mean lay on the bed to get them zipped size 8..... I mean lounge around cuz they're so comfy size 8!
  • irisbear
    irisbear Posts: 14
    anything in the single digits would be great. i would really love sculpted arms and to be toned everywhere.
  • LCDMomma
    LCDMomma Posts: 67
    Right now I'm a 14-16(depending on the clothes) but I would LOVE to be a small size 10.
  • findingbalance2012
    I try not to be superficial about it , it is not about the number... I know... I am 5'10 " so ... I want to be a 10 in a size10!!!!!!! That would make me very happy !!!!!
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member

    i think she's about a size 10 US, cuz she's tall; i am aiming for whatever she is.

    currently, i'm about the size of rita sue on film (in reality, she's likely a 12 or 14 and i'm a 16, but we share a similar body shape)


    i'm okay with this, for now.
  • heather_elise85
    heather_elise85 Posts: 69 Member
    I want to be what I was before I was pregnant. I wore size 7 jeans ( i have no butt ) ... and I still had big boobs (38D) but now they overfill my bra and irritate me.. I weighed in the 120's

    I saved all of my pants ... I really want to wear them again - its been since January 2009
  • tilaisabel
    I am currently at a size 16 US and my goal dress size is 10 US. There is a Mexican actress named Maite Perroni who I think is beautiful and has the perfect body. I have thick legs, butt and chest so to say I'm gonna look like a stick will never happen. However, I want to get down to a size 10 and kick *kitten* with my confidence in myself and in my curves :-)
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    Sizes are hard! I don't know what it's like in other countries, but in Australia - you can be a 10 in one shop and a 14 in another shop.

    So, I want to be an Australian size 10...but in other words, I never want any clothes I buy to be size 12, no matter what store it's from!! I've been around the size 12 mark for about 2 years....
  • runner328
    runner328 Posts: 174
    I am a 4-6 now. I would like to be a 4 but toned! No jiggly bits!!!