Do you tell others what you think of their diary?

LMorrison1009 Posts: 114 Member
So... say you open up mfp and see "so and so completed their diary and was under their calories" You click on it and see that once or twice a week, they eat one meal at 1300 calories and the rest of the day fruit drinks and soda. They log some exercise and stay within their calories. But the only vegetable they have eaten in a week is mashed potatoes and canned corn... Do you say something about it, or let it go because it's none of your business? Do you appreciate it when others comment on your diary even if it is unsolicited?


  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    I am only supportive. If they ask for advice I'll give it, but I dont want anyone saying Im over my sodium intake. MYOB :)
  • YvonneMin
    Only positive stuff
  • Izable2011
    Izable2011 Posts: 755 Member
    I agree. I only say something positive or nothing at all. Usually the only time I say something they don't want to hear is if they ask me my opinion.
  • Degator
    Degator Posts: 92 Member
    I am supportive until I see a pattern of being over, then will mention it to them. I don't really care how they get their calories as long as they are under their goal.
  • keb80
    keb80 Posts: 394
    I don't really like unsolicited advice on my diary, but I don't get mad if someone offers pointers and constructive criticism as long as its done WITH TACT!! I choose to keep my diary private at this point.

    I don't give any negative feedback on other people's diary.
  • theprettyone1010
    theprettyone1010 Posts: 408 Member
    Only positive feedback. If someone asks for suggestions, then say something. Otherwise, it's none of your business.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I never look. I just applaud the effort :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I agree. I only say something positive or nothing at all. Usually the only time I say something they don't want to hear is if they ask me my opinion.
    This. It's what I expect from the people I add as friends and what they can expect from me.
  • kissiefish
    If I am friends with the person on MFP, I am mostly positive, but you know what, you can gently guide somebody where they are hurting or may not even know they are doing something bad for their body. This is a learning process...right? Maybe private comment to see if they want input. I put my log up so people can see and I am accountable. when I do something stupid diet wise, I will usually comment on my own log to spare others the trauma of wondering if they should. I have also had those I friended (and dont' know in real life) comment that they want somebody to call them out. Support is aobut being HONEST with each other, kindly.

  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I don't say anything, to each his or her own, unless they ask....but even then..
    I know how sensitive the subject of weight loss/exercise is and how I'd feel if someone said something about mine. Though the only "objectionable" thing about mine is my two tablespoons of sugar I have with my coffee.
  • alienblonde1
    alienblonde1 Posts: 749 Member
    The only time I said anything was when I saw someone continually low on daily calories and I mean way below 1000 not even taking into account the exercise they did.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Only if they post "I'm doing everything right and I'm not losing weight, what is going on?" Otherwise I don't comment one way or the other, I just look to get ideas.
  • calibri
    calibri Posts: 439 Member
    I wouldn't make unsolicited comments. If someone said something to me about mine, I'd probably shrug it off. I know what I'm doing and I'm comfortable with my progress.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don;t say anything but I also don't congratulate them for being under. If possible I may try to find something else to be encouraging on such as posting every day or getting in good exercise. Unless they ask for tip on improving I won't comment. I will however make it a point to compliment if they make a healthier eating choice. Say they cut down on soda from 4 a day to 1. I congratulate that. Or they ask for salad recommendations, I share one with them. My diary is open, good, bad and ugly. Anyone can see my good days and bad. I want to let people see I am struggling as much as the next person.
  • 388gigi
    388gigi Posts: 485 Member
    I actually asked a question on my profile today asking about all the take away/fast food I saw on people's diaries. There is nothing wrong with that AT ALL, since its 95% healthy foods, but I did feel kind of bad writing it, I wasn't sure if I would be offending people.

    Sometimes I see people's food diary and want to shake them and say "THAT'S NOT HEALTHY!!!" But I don't have the guts. I personally would prefer all kinds of feedback on my diary, but I usually just get positive comments like "way to go" etc. Which is great! But criticism can be more useful sometimes..
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    I never look. I just applaud the effort :)
    This is like telling someone over the phone that they've done a great job buttoning their sweater. You actually have no idea what you're praising... Did they even eat more than a banana? Are they even wearing a sweater?
  • MamaDee2
    MamaDee2 Posts: 843 Member
    I want people to be very honest with me - no sugar coating it - so I try to be the same way with them. I am here cause I want/NEED support and HELP so tell it like it is and I hope everyone does.
  • audigal2008
    audigal2008 Posts: 1,129 Member
    Only positive feedback. If someone asks for suggestions, then say something. Otherwise, it's none of your business.
    YEP! none ya biz! If I ask then speak, if not then shhh mines private!
  • dez_yaoichan
    only positive-- i can never know the reasons for the things they eat. and just b/c it's not "clean" eating doesn't mean they aren't trying. maybe 2 or 3 sodas a day IS healthier for them b/c before they were having 5 or 6!

    i make sure to always read notes at the end. if they say anything about having a problem or knowing they shouldn't have done something, i'll say something nice like "tomorrow is a knew day and you've can do it"

    if they don't have any notes, i'll see if they have any "healthier" stuff that day that sound good, and i'll let them know it. if the healthiest thing i see is only drinking 1 soda, i'll let them know that i haven't had one in almost 2 months and that it sounds awesome (which is true- i'd love to grab a coke at work when it gets hot)
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    This is my take on it...if you don't want anyone to see what your eating for whatever reason, don't open your food diary. If you are open to suggestions on how to tweek it, or what may help, then have it open, but be prepared you may not want to hear everything someone might say. Now I don't mean pick it apart, but if I see you have 3 cans of soda a day and your asking why you arent losing...Ill make that a point to bring up. Im FAR from perfect and I know not everyday of my food log is "clean", but Id rather someone tell me how to fix it, rather then applaud me for not doing my best.