Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    I'm getting lonely again -- where is everyone? :sad: Last night, I did Day 5 of Level 4 with 5 lb. weights.

    I've lost 3.4 lbs. since starting Ripped in 30, .5 from my chest and .3 from my hips. Apparently, I haven't lost any from my waist but I think I may have measured wrong because I can get into jeans and shorts easily that I couldn't get into easily before, plus I have a little bit of breathing room. If I lose 5 more pounds, I think I'll even be able to sit down in them without feeling that they're tight!

    Hope everyone is doing well!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Okay, Ripped in 30, Level 4, Day 6 down. Now just one more day of Level 4 to go. That gives me 2 more days to get to the 30!
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    It has been a while since I have checked in. I did 5 days each week which gave me a total of 20 days. I am now going back and doing week 1 and week 4 again. I will do both weeks 5 days each which will then give me a total of 30 days.

    How are you guys doing?
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Okay, I have finally completed all 30 Days of Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 DVD. I did 8 days each of Levels 1 and 2 and 7 days each of Levels 3 and 4. I'm proud that I stuck with it. I know I've gained strength and endurance. Tomorrow, I will take masurements and see if I've lost anything in that regard. I'll let you know.

    Next up, Supreme 90, I think, although I'm a bit scared to try it. Not sure I can stick with 90 days of the same thing.. Even though there are ten different DVDs, they all feature the same set, the same instructor and the same performers. I may just go insane doing it! Anybody game for trying it with me?
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member

    Started S-90 Aug 1st. Not following the plan exactly; same order on everything, but taking my rest day on Saturdays only (family time). Love to have some company!

    I do like the instructor. Nice change of pace from JM...she was beginning to get on my nerves. I like her message; just don't necessarily want to hear quite so much of it, ya know? ;-P
  • animamelodic
    Well, I went from simply falling behind to completely falling off the wagon. :( I'm pretty disappointed in myself, but starting tonight I'm going to do everything I can to get back on track, starting with repeating all of week 3 and then moving on to week 4.

    I'm SO proud of all you who finished and I'm looking forward to being right there with you soon!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey everyone I had to take a few weeks off due to an injury and family obligations. However I am back and I started back to week was actually easy!! I am wishing everyone the best!