Support from those who know what it feels like

cdc1995 Posts: 14
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
I've tried to lose weight MANY times. I know my family and friends mean well, but my excitement about finally doing it combined with the look in their eyes of 'here she goes again...setting herself up for failure'=they don't know what it's like to need real support from people who know how hard this is.


  • Sarah_uk
    Sarah_uk Posts: 209
    I've been there aswell. Some people around me are far from helpful. I do know I have failed on diets many times in the past,so in a way I can understand them, BUT it does not help at all.
  • mynika
    mynika Posts: 312 Member
    I know what it feels like, and good luck on your weight loss journey, you can do this.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    I didn't even tell anyone at first until I lost the first 9 lbs. Don't share too much. Just keep living healthy - soon friends & family will ask you what you're doing. Co workers will ask for your 'secret'
    Keep up the good fight ~
  • iamMaLisa
    iamMaLisa Posts: 278 Member
    Same here, when i told my family, the response i got was, why dont you just save us all the trouble and just give up now before you even get started. ( says the skinny mom, sister, father, brothers all of whom can eat whatever they want and not gain anything. I swear i must of been adopted. I am the only dark haired fat person in among blonde skinnies. :)
  • Snakey74
    Snakey74 Posts: 276 Member
    I have not told anyone except for 5 people. My husband, who is doing this with mom, who is always supportive and roots for me...3 close friends, two of which are doing this with me as well. It's been my experience that every time you tell people you're on a diet, they're always watching you, judging you, keeping a closer eye on what goes in your mouth than you do. If this is going to work, I don't need that added pressure.

    Good luck to you...YOU CAN DO IT! :happy:
  • MdmAcolyte
    MdmAcolyte Posts: 382 Member
    I havent told anybody what Im doing because I get bossed around enough on how Im not doing things "right".
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    my family's the same way, but i learned a long time ago not to look for support from them. they didn't even know i was on a diet until i lost about 20 lbs and someone noticed. they said "you lost weight." and i said "yeah" and that was the end of the conversation. now i lost almost 70 lbs, and it hasn't been mentioned since. THANK GOODNESS for MFP, though. i get all my support and encouragement from here! i love it!!

    add me if you need a friend :flowerforyou:
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    My coworker asked me how many pounds I've lost so far and when I told her 15 she said oh that is so easy. The first 10-15lbs come off very easy. I just smiled but I really wanted to throat chuck her. I spend every lunch hour at the gym. I watch my calorie intake and exercise at home as well. Nothing was easy about losing the "first" 15lbs! LOL! You can do it. Just focus on you and what you want. Believe in yourself=) I don't really share anything anymore because I really don't want any input from anyone that is not going to be supportive or encouraging. Keep up the good work and if you have to restart your weightloss goals 10 more times to hell with what everyone else thinks just do it and keep trying! You can do it!
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Im in the same boat....I've actually lost 36 pounds and my family still doesn't care..(or notice, or encourage me)'s like WOW........sometimes you just can't rely on family. Thats why I love MFP so much!~ Its the greatest support system I've ever come across! I can always come here when I am Determined and need to stay positive and supported! Plus it makes me completely accountable for my diet and exercise. Good luck on your journey! We are here for eachother!
  • babychoose
    babychoose Posts: 45 Member
    I know how it feels too. I only told my mom about this and no one else because every single person don't ever support me in anything. But I can guarantee you that you will get tremendous support here. :D
  • AquaFan
    AquaFan Posts: 309 Member
    I know just what you mean.
  • May I ask what are you doing differently to have lost 70lbs? I had Gastric Bypass Surgery a year ago and have lost over 120 pounds but I feel like I'm at a standstill. I don't exercise like I should maybe that's the problem.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Know exactly how you feel!
    Started & stopped so many times I have lost count.
    So far I have been doing well.
    Also, I really only confided in my family (Wife & children). As I have lost a significant amount of weight other people are noticing. Which is great. However, I am doing this for me and my family. Any other acknowledgement is nothing more than rhetoric. (Appreciated but not really needed).

    Good luck on your journey!
  • mrspenton2009
    mrspenton2009 Posts: 84 Member
    How awful! It seems like the ones we love the most are the ones that hurt us the most. Sometimes, people don't realize how much the words they speak can hurt.

    Good luck with your weight loss. Take things one day at a time and never give up on yourself. There will be times when you lose weight and there will also be times when you are losing at an amazing rate. Hang in there girl and if the ones who should be there to support you are not doing a good job of that, then stop sharing with them and let them see how amazing you will look once you have reached your goal weight!!:happy:
  • qck2011
    qck2011 Posts: 1
    I support you 100% all of the time. I am so proud of you for taking the 1st step.. I know that step is definately the hardest. Keep with will do Great!!! I know it!!
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