Mommy of two looking to get her body back!

Hey y'all,
I am Katelyn! A 26 year old mommy of two precious babies: my daughter Willow who is almost 2 and Landon, my son who is almost 6 months old. I am a stay at home wife and mom and I've come to find doing the wife and mommy thing all day everyday, 24/7 is challenging and exhausting but is the most rewarding job that I love! I've spent the last two years making babies and we can honestly say we are happy with two babies! Our family is complete and this oven is retired. After sharing my body with my babies for the last two years, im excited to get my body back. I know it won't be the same, but I am ready to get as fit as I can. I've been doing the 1200 calorie diet for about a month now but have been sticking to it faithfully for the last two weeks. I also have been doing 8 fit religiously. If I go over my 1200 calories, I do a work out session/sessions to work off the extra. I've done good so far and I'm to the point of having my mind set and being determined. I want to be healthy and I want to lose this weight so bad. I'm also looking for other moms like me. I'd love to encourage others and be encouraged by others success.


  • peachezncreme
    peachezncreme Posts: 60 Member
    I would love to be your friend! I just had my fourth baby last week and I am looking at getting some mom friends for encouragement and support. Please friend me if you would like.
  • daisyf717
    daisyf717 Posts: 57 Member
    I’m in! I have two boys that are older but still toddlers. I’m a bit older (41) but working on the same stuff.
  • Buhbee
    Buhbee Posts: 108 Member
    I'm in also! I just had my 3rd boy 7 weeks ago and the others are a 5 year old and 3 year old...its exhausting!! I started JM Hot Body, Healthy Mommy and every day I am slowly getting my strength back. I don't have time to log everything I eat but I am making sure that I am eating healthy 90% of the time. The other 10% is for my love of chocolate lol.