41 and starting over AGAIN

I’ve been here before and now I’m looking for a little support I need to lose about 30 pounds and plan on logging on regularly for help. I am currently doing a low-carb program


  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    41 here with two kids under two. logging daily. my husband and I eat "heart healthy" b/c we have high cholesterol. I've got about 18 lbs to lose to be to pre-baby weight. I also need to work on toning up. I'm doing the c25k app right now and loving getting back into running.
  • zampaoki
    zampaoki Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, there. I'm 34 yrs old, but hoping to lose 30 pounds after having babies two years in a row. I am also back to school for a second career. A lot of sitting for studying and anytime that is available goes to my 20 months old and 5 months old. Would love to join you ladies for support!
  • charlybook3
    charlybook3 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 41, too, and trying again for what feels like the millionth time. I hope we succeed this go 'round!