How to kick that dessert addiction?

Hi guys, so I have a problem. I'm pretty sure I'm actually addicted to sugar. Once I start eating it I can't stop, and I crave brownies or jelly beans constantly. I've been doing better lately, but used to horribly binge eat in the evening on things like whole pints of Ben and Jerry's (the best) or handfuls of Skittles. Was wondering what other people do to stave off cravings and resist reaching for the sweets?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Also feel free to add me, I'm new to this app and would love friends!


  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,827 Member
    I feel you on craving sweets. I like the fiber one brownies and cookies and feel like they are kinda nutritious. I've also spent too much money on these brownies from Bambody Nutrition that are low calorie with protein but they are About $40 for a dozen though. Look around for other alternatives too, like the school snack packs of stuff if you can eat just one. Also teddy grahams but eat them slowly.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    How’s your protein consumption? Getting adequate protein made a big difference for more bouncing.
  • SkinnyMindStarve
    SkinnyMindStarve Posts: 13 Member
    I pig out on fruits lol A whole carton of strawberries and grapes that are FROZEN.

    It works for me
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Are you staying within your calorie goal everyday? Are you weighing and measuring everything you eat and drink? If so, then eat what you want. If not, then instead of desert eat some fruit, or nuts, or yogurt, or a small piece of dark chocolate. Move more and you'll have more calories to eat.
  • jflongo
    jflongo Posts: 289 Member
    What this guy, and make some of his protein desserts :)
  • jwilk241
    jwilk241 Posts: 43 Member
    The only way I can control my "dessert" cravings is to set a goal for myself. Whether it be 30 days no desserts, only desserts on Saturdays, etc. Sweets are my weakness and I really don't have the willpower to hold back unless I have a goal/challenge. I know I can just allow for a small amount each day but I know myself well enough to know I'll spiral if I have them every day.
  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,268 Member
    I suggest not having this stuff in the house at all. We don't keep anything like this in the house so there is no way to eat them when I have a "craving". I gave up sweets for Lent this year and it has really shown me how much sweets I eat. A nibble of chocolate here, a cookie there, some cake in the afternoon, cookies before bed, etc. I miss it badly but going cold turkey is the only way I know to curb the craving.
    When Lent is over and I want the sweets I'll just make sure it is within my macros and if its not then I either won't eat it, or i'll eat it and work out a little extra to burn it off.
  • RadishEater
    RadishEater Posts: 470 Member
    I plan chocolate into my calorie goals every day, but when I finish the chocolate portion and still crave more I let myself have dried cranberries. Still sweet but also tart and I usually only want a couple and it cures my chocolate cravings.