Anyone doing beachbody programs?!



  • RollTideHusker
    RollTideHusker Posts: 231 Member
    I’m currently in week 5 of T25 Beta. I love this series and Sean T! I’ve been looking at Gamma. The hubby & I are moving soon so we haven’t decided if we’re going to buy it before we move or do some sort of Alpha/Beta hybrid.

    I’ve done P90 (not the “X” series). I enjoyed that, too. I couldn’t get through C. I started it when I first started working out. I may have to try it again and see how far I can get now.
  • youngmomtaz
    youngmomtaz Posts: 1,075 Member
    I have done many. Insanity is my fave, currently doing 80 day obsession workouts.

    My favorite too. What do you think of 80 day obsession?

    Far less intense. More along the lines of 21 day fix just a bit longer. My hamstrings were dead after the first week. For me it is a good starting point after a holiday where I gained weight and the jet lag has resulted in crazy migraines and actually screwed with my med dose for hypothyroid. Apparently it ramps up a bit but I am liking not having the “trashed” feeling after a workout and being able to save some energy for other things including food planning.
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member

    I have been doing Beach-Body workouts for a very long time. Started out years ago with Debbie Siebers Slim In Six. Then I was hooked. I own almost every workout they have. My favorites are with Chalene Johnson. Her enthusiasm is off the charts and her motivation skills are touching. Also have done Insanity (twice).
    Right now I am doing their workouts bouncing between Turbo Fire and my own boxing routine.
    I tried to get back onto the Beach-Body message boards yesterday but they have changed their floor mat and I am not real comfortable about using my full real name when posting instead of a user name.

    Nice to have this thread. I hope you keep it going.
  • idioblast
    idioblast Posts: 114 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    I loved BodyCombat (or whatever they call it on there) but still got bored with it eventually.

    Not sure it's on demand though?

    BodyCombat is Les Mills. I think they partnered with Beachbody some years ago, but now they have Les Mills On Demand which has 30 and 60 minute versions of most of the Les Mills programs (BodyCombat, BodyPump, BodyStep, BodyAttack, BodyBalance, CxWORX).

    I had the Beachbody version of BodyCombat (it was just "Combat"), and it did get boring. But I absolutely LOVE Les Mills On Demand. Especially since I just had a baby and can't get to the gym as much as I used to!
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    I did them years ago and loved them.
  • paulandrachelk
    paulandrachelk Posts: 280 Member
    Trying to stay in condition during chemo. In 2nd week PIYO-embarrassing! Like program and know I will get better at it.
  • Courtscan2
    Courtscan2 Posts: 498 Member
    Yes - doing P90X at the moment and in a FB support group with Tony, Scotty Fifer and Ewan Mcgregor. Totally star struck and loving it - finishing this round in a about 6 weeks (after holiday to Vietnam) and will probably restart again when I'm done.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Trying to stay in condition during chemo. In 2nd week PIYO-embarrassing! Like program and know I will get better at it.

    I liked Piyo. Not a great calorie burn but good for the core!
  • drea2011
    drea2011 Posts: 874 Member
    Yay!! I love that I found so many people that do beachbody! I would rather workout at home than go to the gym!
  • b1229
    b1229 Posts: 57 Member
    I just started Jillian Michaels Body Shred I believe it's also part of the Beach Body. Very intense but only 30 mins long which I love.
  • kateberry5868
    kateberry5868 Posts: 5 Member
    Currently doing 80 day obsession. I’m really enjoying it. Anyone else out there doing it?
  • af240
    af240 Posts: 37 Member
    fb47 wrote: »
    Nope I am eating old school way, a good balance meal with some fruits and vegetables, some meat, nuts and carbs and best of all, apparently if you eat at a caloric deficit, you can actually lose weight without restricting any food or macro. It's mind blowing.

    Snark fail...that's embarrassing lol

    I've "done" Insanity 3 times but never actually finished it out, but usually come close. I honestly just get bored and have realized it's just not for me. But good on anyone who does enjoy them!

    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    Currently doing 80 day obsession. I’m really enjoying it. Anyone else out there doing it?

    That sounds like one I may try in the near future. I like the advertisements. How far into it are you?
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,565 Member
    af240 wrote: »

    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D

    I have done Insanity twice. Which workout was this on? Hope it was not on the stress test. Lol B)
  • af240
    af240 Posts: 37 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    af240 wrote: »

    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D

    I have done Insanity twice. Which workout was this on? Hope it was not on the stress test. Lol B)

    I can't remember which one specifically! It's definitely one of the ones in the first month, and it happens while they are doing mountain climbers. It's funny that you don't really notice it happening because it's somewhat subtle, and it's also an intense part so you're focused on what you're doing, but when I noticed it for the first time I was like, you can tell he's so annoyed since they are supposed to be all optimistic and peppy.
  • Jonesuna64
    Jonesuna64 Posts: 233 Member
    I did P90X a few years back, had great results. Tony's Jokes get annoying but that is why there is a mute button :)
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    edited March 2018
    MissMay wrote: »
    af240 wrote: »

    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D

    I have done Insanity twice. Which workout was this on? Hope it was not on the stress test. Lol B)

    It's on Pure Cardio, I *think* around the time you are doing mountain climbers.

    (I do isolated Focus T25 and Insanity workouts when I feel like it, without doing the whole programs. Pure Cardio I do a lot because I find it to be one of the more challenging ones. I always just figured there was some kind of audio delay when he was talking to her.)

    Edit: I see that someone else confirms the mountain climbers part.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    edited March 2018
    af240 wrote: »
    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D

    I love that bit...

    And, when stretching... "don't have your legs too wide... JOSH!" brilliant!
  • af240
    af240 Posts: 37 Member
    af240 wrote: »
    This is random but for those of you who have done insanity, I would always laugh at the part in one of the workouts where Sean asks one of the girls how she's doing, and she says "I wanna leave" and he's like "Yeah, keep pushing!....*record scratch* wait, what??" and kicks her off the floor haha I imagine she got a talking to after recording was over :D

    I love that bit...

    And, when stretching... "don't have your legs too wide... JOSH!" brilliant!

    Haha yes that part too! Like a teacher calling out that kid in class whose always eating glue...."DARNIT, JOSH!"
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    I've done P90X, P90X3 and a smattering of individual Insanity and T25 workouts they put on XBOX fitness. Shifted towards traditional weightlifting in 2015 and haven't looked back.

    Liked P90X way more than P90X3, though I see where the 30 min workouts would be more appealing. Having signed up for on demand, if you do some googling you can find some recommended hybrid schedules that blend the high points of the P90Xs and T25/Insanity to get the best of both worlds between the high quality resistance and kick your *kitten* cardio. Also gives you a break from Tony/Shaun.

    Whichever one you're following make sure your nutrition is on point; still can out-work a poor diet.
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