Up for a 8-10 LB 1 Month Challenge?



  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    I have found when I hit plateaus that reversing the routines seem to work,
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    Carbs are my indulgence too. I would take a slice of bread and butter over chocolate every time.

    Just finished work (it’s almost 10pm here) and I’m ready to crash. I’ve been sitting in an office all day long and am barely at 4000 steps today! But my eating has been fairly good and I have a stomach bug, so I wouldn’t have been able to hit the gym anyways.
  • avielosesit
    avielosesit Posts: 79 Member
    PS... it’s not an official weigh in day for me today but as a teaser, I weighed in at 182.3 this am (March starting weight of 185). Woohoo! Hoping it is a permanent loss and I am well on my way to my goal of 5lbs in March.

    In the past I’ve lost a max of 0.5lbs/week. I’m not so near my goal that a bigger weekly loss is inconceivable so it is really testament to imperfect logging.
  • buildingmyhappy
    buildingmyhappy Posts: 3 Member
    I want to join in, too. My start day is March 6. 8 will be a stretch for me but I'm shooting for at least 6-7
  • sdgirl27
    sdgirl27 Posts: 21 Member
    I need some motivation! I would love to lose 10 lbs. please count me in!
  • Kristianleeming90
    Kristianleeming90 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in started on the 6th and already 3lb gone. Keep it up guys
  • Brooklyn_Beast
    Brooklyn_Beast Posts: 29 Member
    I'm totally in! Need to get down to 165. Currently about 175 average. I need to try harder, and eat different types of food. Add me!
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    Finally am seeing the scale go down after going up for the last 3 months. 1+ lb down. Every little bit helps!

    Welcome everyone!
  • mayaellie1994
    mayaellie1994 Posts: 5 Member
    Can I join this?
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Can I join this?

    Consider yerself joined!! lol add me if you like
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    great job lizzie
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    Am I too late to join? I am having slow progress these last 3 weeks and need to log more accurately and also work out! I've got a sore knee but hoping to start HIIT as soon as it's better!
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    @aliblain @mayaellie1994 Welcome!

    Starting to add more weight lighting to my cardio routine! In the past weight lifting and body weight work makes all the difference. Keep up the great work everyone! :) Happy Wednesday!
  • rj0813
    rj0813 Posts: 2 Member
    After four surgeries last year, being depressed and bed-ridden, I packed on an extra 15 lbs... finally good enough to get back at it. Count me in! I'll update my weight and aim to be down 10 for April 15. :)
  • Gallaghergirl11
    Gallaghergirl11 Posts: 20 Member
    I'm up for this too! For a few months I did great, but for the past 3 months (Since I started working 2 jobs) I've barely been maintaining. I'm hoping by doing a stricter, direct goal maybe I can get back into the habit! Would love people to do this with.
  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    lizzi633 wrote: »
    @aliblain @mayaellie1994 Welcome!

    Starting to add more weight lighting to my cardio routine! In the past weight lifting and body weight work makes all the difference. Keep up the great work everyone! :) Happy Wednesday!

    Thank you! The whole weight lifting thing has been a bit of a revelation for me recently. I’ve always done lots of cardio in the past and used to run a lot but was always ‘fat skinny’. I think strength work is probably what I’ve been missing all these years and hoping to do some body weight stuff at home. I have some heavy dumb bells that I’m using for hip thrusts etc.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Great to this challenge keep rolling along!! Does anybody mind if I add them?
  • pinklipstick13
    pinklipstick13 Posts: 9 Member
    Anyone is welcome to add me! Need more inspiration, love reading what other people like to eat for snacking and fun workouts
  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    Hi guys can I join in? I started my journey Feb 26th and since then have lost 6.2 lbs....but I have been feeling so sluggish this last week. Can’t find my motivation to hit the gym :( I’m trying to lose 30 lbs by the end of June for my birthday. I need some encouragement!
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi guys can I join in? I started my journey Feb 26th and since then have lost 6.2 lbs....but I have been feeling so sluggish this last week. Can’t find my motivation to hit the gym :( I’m trying to lose 30 lbs by the end of June for my birthday. I need some encouragement!

    Welcome aboard!!

    Small step for weight/fat loss...you'll get there. What is your gym routine?