Excess skin concerns

I'm quite worried about excess skin at the moment.. I want to lose four stone, I have knee problems so I'm limited doing certain excercise, I'm in my early 20's. What I want to know is this avoidable? Or is it just the inevitable? I don't want sagging skin all over my body! :'( any success stories of losing a lot of weight without excess skin (pictures would be greatly appreciated) this would help a lot!!! X


  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    You have age on your side which is a huge advantage but if worst comes to worst and you end up with some excess skin that is far better in health and appearance than excess fat.
  • sschauer513
    sschauer513 Posts: 313 Member
    If you lose slow should be ok I'm at 120+lbs down and nothing too noticeable took 1.5 years to get there so nothing too fast. Bu if you get some wear it as a badge of honor for mission accomplished.
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    jacel311 wrote: »
    Increase your water intake.

    You should really do that as a general rule.

    In general, I don't believe that does a whole lot with actual excess skin...
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,322 Member
    four stone is 56 pounds..right?.. you are in your 20's... you should be just fine. Don't worry..just eat right and exercise. i also suggest using CeRave cream on your skin..or some type of great moisturizer twice a day ..especially when you get out of the shower. i'm older... and my goal is 40 pounds.. i'm 10 away..no loose skin for me. i use a loofa in the bath and use my creams religiously.
  • Kst76
    Kst76 Posts: 935 Member
    I'm quite worried about excess skin at the moment.. I want to lose four stone, I have knee problems so I'm limited doing certain excercise, I'm in my early 20's. What I want to know is this avoidable? Or is it just the inevitable? I don't want sagging skin all over my body! :'( any success stories of losing a lot of weight without excess skin (pictures would be greatly appreciated) this would help a lot!!! X

    I think you might be able to have it surgically removed?
  • PixelPuff
    PixelPuff Posts: 902 Member
    edited March 2018
    I'm quite worried about excess skin at the moment.. I want to lose four stone, I have knee problems so I'm limited doing certain excercise, I'm in my early 20's. What I want to know is this avoidable? Or is it just the inevitable? I don't want sagging skin all over my body! :'( any success stories of losing a lot of weight without excess skin (pictures would be greatly appreciated) this would help a lot!!! X

    I think you might be able to have it surgically removed?

    ... Only a wide-set 'tummy tuck' alone, without repositioning my belly button, to remove the excess skin is $13,000. None covered under medical insurance, as this is fully elective for most who would do it. Unless you literally have so much it is causing health issues (can't move or clean yourself properly), and are able to convince the insurance company to actually cover it, you are on the hook for the entirety.

    What's sad is that for many, that doesn't cover the whole issue. Arms, thighs, sometimes lower legs or lower back, potentially chest...

    ... Money. >____>;

    (Can you tell I looked into this and went to talk to docs?)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Auntiangie wrote: »
    Hey, so that is a big worry for me as well, when I spoke to my trainer about it, he said that the people who have the excess skin is because they lose their weight too fast. If you work hard and slowly lose the weight, he said it should not be a problem. Hopefully that helps!

    Sorry but this is totally wrong. Depends on genetics, how old you are, how long you were overweight for, how overweight you were... Skin can take years to bounce back and will not magically bounce back faster if you lose the weight slower...

    OP, you're still under 30 so your skin has a better chance of bouncing back.

    In the end, loose skin still looks better than 60 lbs of fat.