Eating, sadly too little. Help Please!



  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    All of those recommendations are great. You also need to talk to your doctor, you have different nutrient requirements than adults and you don't want to mess it up. Also you are pretty short 5" I know some girls who are shorter's doctor's give them smaller calorie requirements. (not that I know from experience 5'9" and 1550 calories a day)
  • dm4fit
    dm4fit Posts: 3
    Difficult to answer without more information. But I would like to suggest some «classics» that are still healthy.
    Avoid drinking water 1 hour before the meals. Sip during the meals but not too much.
    Add olive oil in your salads. Take 2 raw large spoons of olive oil at breakfast. Increase brown rice and pasta with a tomato concentrate and some olive oil. Snack almonds (or same type) during the day, and bananas. Go out or exercise before meals, but cool down before.
    You could try some high intensity interval training. Some people happen to eat much more after, over compensating the calories burned. Sounds nuts but works for some people.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Leave the yolks in your eggs. They are good for you unless you have a cholesterol problem. My nutritionist says at least three food groups in each meal so add a tbsp evoo to your veggies. studies are showing that olive oil makes the nutrients from some vegetable more available.
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    I honestly don't see how people can't reach their calorie goals when it is set at 1200...8 oz of cranberry juice is 140 calories... 8 oz of gatorade is 50 calories.

    I have to plan my day very carefully to stay under 1400 on days I don't exercise. It seems some people may be cutting back way too much on the things they eat/drink.
  • mea9
    mea9 Posts: 561 Member
    Cranberry juice and gatorade are both FULL of sugar. If you are trying to eat healthy those are probably not your first choices.
  • hjames0486
    My suggestion to you would be to but your diet on hold and talk to your doctor. Sweetie you are only 15 years old and you weigh 122lbs, that is not heavy at all. Your body is still growing, developing and maturing and what you are doing could potentially cause you a lot of harm. Speak to your family doctor to see if he/she thinks that you need to lose weight and if your doctor thinks that you need to lose weight, ask your doctor what a healthy weight would be for you and how many calories a day you should eat. At such a young age there are certain amounts of different nutrients and vitamins that you need to incorporate into your daily eating habits.

    If your doctor feels that you are at a healthy weight and you still feel the need to lose weight, they I would suggest you speak to school counselor. Your in high school and it can be a very tough time, classmates can be mean and very judgmental and I wouldn't want you to try to lose a whole bunch of weight if you are trying "fit in" with what your classmates think you should look. Remember what you do to your body today can have long term affects years later.
  • complejo
    complejo Posts: 36
    Cranberry juice and gatorade are both FULL of sugar. If you are trying to eat healthy those are probably not your first choices.

    That's true, but if most of your meals don't have sugar in them it's not a bad way to fill calories. They were just examples, my point was that it's pretty easy to find calories to consume.
  • xmusicxlovex
    xmusicxlovex Posts: 47 Member
    Eating healthy is a good thing and its great your doing it but your 15.. at 5'0 122lbs isn't considered fat..
  • MsLouvenia
    MsLouvenia Posts: 11 Member
    I plan my meals and snacks to make sure I have enough calories. It does feel like you are eating all the time but you have more energy to burn the calories.
  • AndrewTub
    AndrewTub Posts: 86 Member
    If you're 15 and excercising 6 times a week you need to eat like a horse ! You get a small window in your life when your a teen when you are able to actually grow and develop, nutrition and excess energy will determine how much of this potential you use.

    At 122 you don't need to diet, I think you just need alot more carbohydrates in your day! How about slot a pint of milk in now and then as well that will bump up calories and be really good for you and it's yum haha.