sensational in 6 - week 3!!

Well we're at the half way point! Our group of 10 has whittled down to 5!

Here are the point for last week...we were all pretty bad about logging in on the weekend, so I'm just taking what was posted during the week.

llivengood - 11
redpenguin - 14
losinmama - 37!!
alicollins - 14
me - 32

So the winner again in losinmama!!!! YAY :)

Let's do our best to keep on track this week and remember to post, eventhough you may not feel like it...I know that I fall into that trap sometimes.

I'm off to go a do burn intervals + ab burner! Have a great week everyone!!

BTW, I'm back on track...I lost 1.4 pounds this week, which brings me back to where we started 2 weeks ago.


  • YAY! Great job tdotali!!!

    Just posted my weekend up on the last thread...I can keep track of all my points but I'm not usually by a computer during the weekend so it makes it hard to post on the weekend since my iphone doesn't have the boards on it. I'll do my best to get to a computer this next weekend so I can post

    Wahoo for winning!!! I'm super proud of myself...I've really been pushing myself to go farther on my runs. My run on Friday was AMAZING! I did a total of 3.2 miles in 48 minutes. I know that's REALLY slow but for me its like climbing the Empire State Building! I've never been a runner...I mean NEVER so to be able to run like I did is just a huge win for me. What's hilarious is that at the end of my run, the theme from Rocky started playing!! So I ended up doing an extra victory lap with my hands up in the air, fist pumping in my glory (my neighbors must think I'm crazy). It was amazing.

    I'll keep pushing this week to get things done! I feel amazing...again haven't lost anything (but I haven't gained anything either) and I've had more than one person this week tell me that I'm getting thinner. I had my bridesmaid dress fitting on Saturday and the dress fit me perfectly (size 14) so its very exciting to know that I'm a true size 14 not the 16 I keep thinking I am. So I'm losing inches and gaining muscle rather than losing actual weight which is fine with me. As long as I'm changing sizes and looking and feeling better about myself then I'm on my way to being sensational in 6! The tailor at the dress fitting measured me too and her measurements were 42 (chest), 35 (waist) and 45 (hip) It looks like I went down in the chest and TONS in the waist! Woooo!

    Here's to another awesome week!!!
  • sgtaylor1
    sgtaylor1 Posts: 18 Member
    Are you not seeing my posts?? I do not see my name on there...
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Are you not seeing my posts?? I do not see my name on there...

    I'm glad you're still with us!!! You were posting back in the week 1 thread, but I'm glad you found us again.

    So you got 23 points! :)
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    Losinmama you should be proud of yourself:) You are obviously dedicated to your goal and you're acheving it with full force!!! Keep it up!!

    Do you any before pics from when you first started? If you do I'd love to see the progress you've made at the end of this challenge.
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    Gosh I did horrible this past week!! The hubby and I are about to buy our first house, so we've been CONSUMED with all that and I haven't gotten much exercise in. :( Going for a run in a little while! Monday's stats:

    Last week's weight- 132.8
    Today's weight- 132.4

    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Exercise- 3
  • Gosh I did horrible this past week!! The hubby and I are about to buy our first house, so we've been CONSUMED with all that and I haven't gotten much exercise in. :( Going for a run in a little while! Monday's stats:

    Last week's weight- 132.8
    Today's weight- 132.4

    Any loss is good loss!!! So keep it up! Moving can take a lot out of you - I think way more than exercise can. So you're doing great!

    Tdotali: I might have some before pictures...actually I'm sure I do. I'll have to work on putting that together...I know I feel different (better).

    I was upset for a long time about the fact that I haven't been losing anything but life is too short to worry about the number it says on a scale. I saw a woman on the boards who was almost 200lbs at 5'2" but she was basically pure muscle (she was a body builder) and she looked AWESOME. So I know that muscle weighs more and yet it takes up less space than fat. I've sort of gained then I lose then I gain to average at about the same weight so I'm hoping any of those gains were muscle then I lost the fat around them, hence the loss in inches. We'll have to see at the end of all this though...I"m excited to find out myself!!

    Monday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 1 (breakfast)
    Exercise- 3
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    You're Laura, we do get consumed with the number...even though there's not too much relevance behind it. The most important part is FEELING good.

    My stats for yesterday
    sleep - 1
    schedule - 1
    exercise - 4
    clean eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    diary - 1
    TOTAL - 9!

    My stats for today
    sleep 1
    schedule - 1
    exercise - 2
    clean eating - 1 (breakfast)
    diary - 0
    TOTAL - 5

    I don't think I'm going to have time tomorrow to workout so I will do my best to eat clean to compensate.

    Keep it up!!!
  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member
    You guys are doing great!!!! Keep up the good work! Stats for Tuesday...

    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Exercise- 2
  • Tuesday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 2 (breakfast, dinner)
    Exercise- 6

  • llivengood
    llivengood Posts: 22 Member

    Sleep 1
    Diary 1
    Schedule 1
    Exercise 2
    Total 5!
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member

    sleep - 1
    clean eating - 1
    exercise - 3
    schedule - 0
    diary - 0


    Sleep - 1
    clean eating - 3
    exericise - 0
    schedule - 0
    diary - 0
  • Wednesday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 1 (dinner)
    Exercise- 6

    Thursday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 1 (breakfast)
    Exercise- 3
  • tdotali
    tdotali Posts: 181 Member
    sleep 1
    clean eat 2
    exercise 3
    schedule 1
    diary 0
    Total - 7

    I'll post week four tomorrow. Hope to see you guys there - expecially for our weigh in on Mon!!
  • I couldn't post all weekend!! I couldn't get on the boards for some reason...I kept trying but something was wrong and it wasn't loading. So here's the rest of week 4 points.

    Friday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 3 (woot!)
    Exercise- 8

    Saturday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 2 (breakfast and lunch)
    Exercise- 3

    Sunday's Points:
    Sleep- 1
    Diary- 1
    Schedule- 1
    Eating - 1 (breakfast)
    Exercise- 3

    I'll weigh myself after my shower and check back in once I get to work. Already have 2 points of exercise for monday!

    Stay strong ladies!!