What's the most disgusting food you've tried so far on your journey to a healthier you?



  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    Whey protein powder YUCK, so much yuck! Pea protein is the only powder I've found so far that I can stomach but it still tastes pretty gross, I only use it in recipes like protein pancakes or protein balls.

    I've found hemp powder to be the best taste-wise. It's only 12 grams of protein per serving compared to the 24 in whey powder, but at least it's edible! My kids don't notice it in the smoothies I make, but they could taste the whey, and wouldn't eat it!
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    I tried to add protein powder to Quaker oatmeal. Gaahh.

    I made some "protein bars" the other day using those ingredients and they came out ok so was thing of adding protein to my oatmeal as well.
  • Idontcareyoupick
    Idontcareyoupick Posts: 2,854 Member
    ilfaith wrote: »
    Add me to the list of coconut water dissenters.

    I don't mind kale in a salad or a smoothie...but I have both made and bought kale chips and didn't like either version. Kids wouldn't eat them either.

    I've been pondering that can of jackfruit at TJ's myself...but the comments above make me think it's going to stay on the shelf.

    That was me, and to be fair, it might have just been the presence of the jack fruit in the green sauce that was off-putting. I'm not sure how else it's used, but maybe it would be better if prepared in a different way. I'll let someone else try that… :wink:

    The one I tried was like southwestern style and I couldn't finish it. The texture was gross and the flavor didn't much help
  • sfire81
    sfire81 Posts: 7 Member
    I do not get down with Kombucha......tastes exactly like the smell of rotting trash. Can’t even watch people drink it, yuck
  • jwilk241
    jwilk241 Posts: 43 Member
    Chia seeds (texture is gross), hummus (I've tried it like 4 times, suffered through it each time), and Kombucha (taste like vinegar) are the big ones for me
  • vmlabute
    vmlabute Posts: 311 Member
    edited March 2018
    Jelaan wrote: »
    JCam8383 wrote: »
    Today I made Quinoa for the first time... BARF!!

    Make sure that you rinse quinoa really well under running water before you cook it or it can be very bitter. That bitter taste often puts people off.

    I rinse quinoa very thoroughly (I think it's a Japanese thing for me) and mix it with brown rice. texture is better that way. Also, cook it with chicken bullion and season a little with sea salt and paprika :) Delicious!!

    I hate kale btw
  • GucciBart
    GucciBart Posts: 1 Member
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    jwilk241 wrote: »
    Chia seeds (texture is gross), hummus (I've tried it like 4 times, suffered through it each time), and Kombucha (taste like vinegar) are the big ones for me

    I love hummus but never thought of it as a health food, tried chia seeds this weekend but they are too small to really notice

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jwilk241 wrote: »
    Chia seeds (texture is gross), hummus (I've tried it like 4 times, suffered through it each time), and Kombucha (taste like vinegar) are the big ones for me

    I love hummus but never thought of it as a health food, tried chia seeds this weekend but they are too small to really notice

    I grew up eating it, and when I started dieting I had to learn how to eat less of it. It still baffles me that it's considered a diet food.
  • evilpoptart63
    evilpoptart63 Posts: 397 Member
    I tried to make veggie burgers once with no oil. it stuck to the pan so bad i destroyed it and ended up making it ground beef style and added tons of ketchup, tomato, and lettuce. it probably doesn't sound bad but the texture was literally gagging me with every bite. I was so friggen hungry and already logged it while I was cooking it so I forced myself to choke it down but i had to make serious effort not to throw up!!
  • ap1972
    ap1972 Posts: 214 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jwilk241 wrote: »
    Chia seeds (texture is gross), hummus (I've tried it like 4 times, suffered through it each time), and Kombucha (taste like vinegar) are the big ones for me

    I love hummus but never thought of it as a health food, tried chia seeds this weekend but they are too small to really notice

    I grew up eating it, and when I started dieting I had to learn how to eat less of it. It still baffles me that it's considered a diet food.

    I normally eat it with carrots, celery etc so it's not too bad but as you say you have to be aware of the portion size. It's far from unhealthy and I certainly eat it even when I'm trying to eat better.

  • jwilk241
    jwilk241 Posts: 43 Member
    ap1972 wrote: »
    ap1972 wrote: »
    jwilk241 wrote: »
    Chia seeds (texture is gross), hummus (I've tried it like 4 times, suffered through it each time), and Kombucha (taste like vinegar) are the big ones for me

    I love hummus but never thought of it as a health food, tried chia seeds this weekend but they are too small to really notice

    I grew up eating it, and when I started dieting I had to learn how to eat less of it. It still baffles me that it's considered a diet food.

    I normally eat it with carrots, celery etc so it's not too bad but as you say you have to be aware of the portion size. It's far from unhealthy and I certainly eat it even when I'm trying to eat better.

    I classify it as a "healthy" food because most people use it in place of other dips like ranch, etc. I realized that I'd rather just each my veggies plain or use a tiny amount of ranch rather than suffer through hummus. Obviously if you're eating a ton of it, it will no longer be healthy lol

    The chia seeds are super tiny but they bloat up in liquid and turn into a slimey texture. Just can't get past it.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    Coconut water. Vile splooge.
  • genghis54
    genghis54 Posts: 123 Member
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Coconut water. Vile splooge.

    Tastes like vomit and sweat.
  • laur357
    laur357 Posts: 896 Member
    Yogurt. Keeps being gross, after multiple tries.
  • carintapia
    carintapia Posts: 3 Member
    A fresh juice at this new juice bar.. carrot, ginger, beet, tumeric... my husband called it a dirt smoothie.. and that was a very appropriate description.

  • Jennymarie57
    Jennymarie57 Posts: 57 Member
    Paleo gluten and yeas free bread..yuck :s:s
  • lisaepell
    lisaepell Posts: 103 Member
    Greek yogurt. I keep wanting to like it, but just can't.