I am addicted to Coke!

I always want a coke. I try to drink water but I just can't seem to break my addiction to coke. I have tried giving it up but I am just not strong enough. Does anyone have anything that has worked for them. I know that I need to give it up because I am consuming to many calories buy drinking it but I just seem to be lacking the will power.


  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    I just replaced coke with vitamin water and drank more water....but since I've been drinking more water everything is too sweet to me so I've been just sticking to water. It gets easier
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Transition to Coke Zero (so at least you lose the meals worth of calories that comes with each can) and then wean yourself slowly down from there. My brother lost 30 lbs when he cut out full-calorie soda
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    you me and charlie sheen!
  • rfcollins33
    Transition to Coke Zero (so at least you lose the meals worth of calories that comes with each can) and then wean yourself slowly down from there. My brother lost 30 lbs when he cut out full-calorie soda

    Isn't it crazy how men can make a tiny change and lose such a big amount of weight!! lol
  • katismiles
    katismiles Posts: 96 Member
    i drink diet coke. it's not as good for you as water but i love soda too much. just try diet coke
  • PinkButterfly77
    I hear ya! I have had the same problem! So-here it is....cold turkey. You just gotta stop drinking it. It's loaded with sugar and for me, what did it was when I was entering my coke in my food log, and realized that the coke is pretty much a meal in itself with the calorie content, I just stopped drinking it. It wasn't worth it! I have one here and there as a treat, but not on a daily basis anymore. Good luck! You can do it!! I know it's hard...I'm a coke addict for 20 plus something years. ;)
  • LizzieBee17
    LizzieBee17 Posts: 123 Member
    I drank only Coke for the first 29 years of my life. Never water. :drinker: Since I have been there I know that diet coke is not an option. I had to go cold turkey :sick: it was awful for a week or so but the longer you go with out it the easier it gets. I did take Excedrin for the caffeine withdrawal. I will tell you that if you can push through you will never drink Coke again. I haven't drank coke since Feb 2008 and now it tastes disgusting to me.

    I would like you to know that it's easy to replace Coke with a new addiction first it was OJ and now Dr. Pepper. I just went cold turkey from that Monday.

    Once you stop consuming all that sugar you will feel better too. I know it's hard so Good Luck!
  • kaffmc
    kaffmc Posts: 20
    Hi, i used to drink gallons and gallons of full fat coke but i gave it up quiet a few years ago and now drink caffine free diet coke, i had quiet a few headaches at first (the caffine withdrawl) but it soon went and now i cant stand the full fat stuff any more...i still drink quiet a bit but it is calorie free :)
  • rfcollins33
    you me and charlie sheen!

  • Jami22
    Jami22 Posts: 253 Member
    I had to quit Dr. Peppers cold turkey. Stop and don't look back. The headaches are hard to go through but once you get passed that it's all downhill! I haven't had a soda in 5 months now. And when I do take a sip of one it doesn't taste good! You can do it! I went from Dr. Peppers only to water only. And I hated water!
  • alise_lmx
    alise_lmx Posts: 292 Member
    I love, or I guess I should say "loved" Coke too! I never thought I could give it up. I started by replacing it with Coke Zero (taste more like Coke than Diet Coke, which I don't like), and then slowly just tried to limit myself from 2 a day to 1 by replacing it with water. Then eventually I cut it down to a couple a week, as a "treat." Eventually, I just didn't even want it anymore! Now I pretty much only drink water.

    Good luck!!
  • Nswilk
    Nswilk Posts: 27
    I loved Coke too, until I switched to Diet Coke years back. Now I can not stand the syrup taste of regular Coke. I have tried to drink different types of flavored water too, but nothing is as satisfying as a soda. I am now just as addicted to Diet Coke, which some will say its still bad, but at least there are no calories.
  • changeisgood55
    I don't know if this will help or not but Coke is used to clean corroded car battery terminals. Do you really want something like that in your system?!! Just try to cut down a little each day until maybe you are down to one can a day. I've had to do that with Dr. Pepper. I have one can in the morning to get me going and then it's water the rest of the day. It was hard at first but ok now. Good luck!!
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I was seriously hooked on Pepsi. For like 4 years straight I would drink 6-8 a day! That's a 12-pack every two days!!! It was really bad. What did it for me was logging the numbers and seeing all those calories!! I was DRINKING a whole days of calories in soda alone!! And then wonder why I gained all that weight!! I just stopped! It was crazy hard, especially watching my husband drink them. But I got through it, after a few days your body doesn't really crave it anymore.

    I will be honest and say I went through hell-like withdrawals. Bad headaches, but they go away. And my energy was shot for about two weeks, I was running on pure caffeine all day everyday. I NEVER drank water before and now I am CRAVING the water and actually WANT to drink it. Sometimes I will add a 10 calorie flavor pack just to treat myself, it really helps getting those last cups in.

    It wasn't magic and it wasn't easy but I wanted to make this change bad enough and I did it! My husband just said to me how he was really proud of me and didn't believe I was really able to keep it up.

    And now, I don't even really like that taste of it. Once in a while, I will have a coke zero.
  • msmandyjo
    msmandyjo Posts: 95 Member
    Well, first, i quit buying it to drink at home, it was too expensive anyways, and I switched to sweet tea, home brewed not the can stuff. But, I'd still buy a coke while i was out, but it wasn't as much as I was drinking, so that was a good thing. Unless my mom is coming (diet coke) or my FIL (regular coke) I don't typically even have soda in my house. If you don't want to drink plain water, start w/ sweet tea or juice, and work your way from there.Don't expect to go cold turkey, just start by knocking out the places you drink coke.. at home, or order water instead when you go out to eat, drink from the water cooler at work instead of hitting the vending machines etc. Just work on one of those things, and then once it's a habit you don't think too much about, then move on to the next. Restaurants were my LAST move... i still have one on occasion, but now I primarily drink water.
  • I_GoT_ThIs
    I_GoT_ThIs Posts: 170 Member
    Im totally that way with Dr. Pepper. I try all the time to quit it, but the headaches get SO bad I have to drink one just to make it go away. I get moody too. It's like im going through crack withdrawels.. Which tells me right there that it definately can't be good to keep drinking it.. It's just soooooo hard. Today though.. i am trying this again. Good luck to you! :) We can do this! Soooo many empty calories in soda..
  • Ajontheguitar
    It does help you lose weight, stay active, and what not....

    but the mood swings and how awful you feel when you don't have any, just isn't worth it.

    Oh. Hang on. Darnit, next time write "cola."
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I hear ya! I have had the same problem! So-here it is....cold turkey. You just gotta stop drinking it. It's loaded with sugar and for me, what did it was when I was entering my coke in my food log, and realized that the coke is pretty much a meal in itself with the calorie content, I just stopped drinking it. It wasn't worth it! I have one here and there as a treat, but not on a daily basis anymore. Good luck! You can do it!! I know it's hard...I'm a coke addict for 20 plus something years. ;)

    ditto, its hard. You gotta get all the soda out of your house and just quit cold turkey. I've been soda-free for over 2 weeks now. Its tough but you can do it!
  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    you me and charlie sheen!

  • thetrishwarp
    thetrishwarp Posts: 838 Member
    I started drinking juice instead, and eventually went down to water.