Up for a 8-10 LB 1 Month Challenge?



  • JessieCanDoThis
    JessieCanDoThis Posts: 46 Member
    Hi guys can I join in? I started my journey Feb 26th and since then have lost 6.2 lbs....but I have been feeling so sluggish this last week. Can’t find my motivation to hit the gym :( I’m trying to lose 30 lbs by the end of June for my birthday. I need some encouragement!

    Welcome aboard!!

    Small step for weight/fat loss...you'll get there. What is your gym routine?

    Thank you! So far I do cardio (treadmill, elliptical, stair stepper) and I just started Zumba this past week! Also I will be starting kickboxing at the end of the month...I need it! I started out at 273.6 and I’m at 267.4 as of yesterday. What I saw the first week was my eating. I gave up junk food and used this app for portion control and calorie counting. I’ve cooked all my meals since I started. But this week I feel super tired and only went to the gym Monday :/ I have a busy weekend so I’m going to try and walk as much as can.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    You'll feel tired for a few days until your body adjusts to burning fat instead of storing it due to the change of eating healthier. Try and notice how your clothes fit as well.
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    I have found when I hit plateaus that reversing the routines seem to work,

    What routines do you do now? And how do you reverse them? Thanks!

  • aliblain
    aliblain Posts: 175 Member
    I started my body blitz programme yesterday. The first workout was sooo hard. I stupidly did it without trainers, landed awkwardly on a jump lunge and broke a toe! Doh! I saw a new number on the scale this morning though so hoping to shock my body into letting go of fat finally.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2018
    For the three months I start my day by running then going to the multi functional area of my gym. I do circuit. Push/pull (arms and lats or chest /shoulders) some kind of leg exercise...Tabata air squats...or split squat..lunge...you get the idea, then some kind of abdominals. Rinse then repeat...lol Two weeks ago, started With the cross functional stuff and then aerobic run/spin/power walk/ elliptical. About a month from now I'll do a couple of cross functional sets then short aerobic work then back to multi functional work...
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    lizzi633 wrote: »
    I have found when I hit plateaus that reversing the routines seem to work,

    What routines do you do now? And how do you reverse them? Thanks!

    WHat do you think about adding each other MFP?
  • onechicmom
    onechicmom Posts: 1 Member
    I’m in! Wanting to go from 119 to 110 in a heathy slow pace way. I’m 5’0 so this would benide for me!! Need the motivation!!!
  • tammijay10
    tammijay10 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love to join a well! The big 5-0 is looming and would like 10 off..15 would be great! Started March 12th,
    2.5 lbs gone. Thanks! :)
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    I've sent everybody a friend add...please add me!!
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    I've sent everybody a friend add...please add me!!

    Added you!
  • pinklipstick13
    pinklipstick13 Posts: 9 Member
    This has been really fun! Everyone I’ve added is so motivating and nice! Thanks guys
    I’ll be sending some friend requests!
    We got this
  • tammijay10
    tammijay10 Posts: 2 Member
    This has been really fun! Everyone I’ve added is so motivating and nice! Thanks guys
    I’ll be sending some friend requests!
    We got this

    Hey, thanks for the friend request! Excited to really get going!
  • carlywilkins14
    carlywilkins14 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi can I join? I have no friends so if anyone wants to add me that would be good. Maybe seeing your good work will motivate me!
  • pinklipstick13
    pinklipstick13 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi can I join? I have no friends so if anyone wants to add me that would be good. Maybe seeing your good work will motivate me!
    added you!

  • scontino18
    scontino18 Posts: 2 Member
    I would like the challenge!
    I started and stopped a couple of times, but determined to lose 10 pounds - my actual goal is by mid May and I want to keep it off. Reducing sugar is the hardest for snack attacks - fruit just doesn't do it for me but I've been trying to eat a low glycemic impact diet which really helps. I'm going to try to have a vanilla or chocolate protein shake at least one a day to curb this plus exercise 2 or 3 x a week for 60 minutes and see how I do.
  • Tolswt
    Tolswt Posts: 1 Member
    Yes please, I really do need to join xx
  • JourneytoSizeHealthy
    JourneytoSizeHealthy Posts: 41 Member
    I’m in! I officially began on March 12th. I’m down 5 pounds so far.. everything should slow this week, but I’m still hoping to hit the 10 pound goal by mid-April.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi guys!! Come on in...sent friend adds to you guys
  • gomkgo
    gomkgo Posts: 6 Member
    I have around 20 pounds I want to lose but I’d like to lose 8-10 by the end of April, just started logging again after awhile and am trying to be consistent this time! I’d love to join and have more friends to stay motivated with!
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi friends! Feeling super discouraged. After losing 2.5 lbs, I stepped on the scale this am and I’ve gained 3.5!!! Super upset! I’ve increased my workouts, added more circuit/weight training, am watching my calorie intake and have cut booze. I hope this is just a fluke and the lbs will come off soon. Heading to FL in two weeks and now I’m not excited. What’s been helping all of you succeed? I need motivation today!!