Looking for friends and motivation

Hi all! Starting this journey today and just looking for friends and accountabili-buddies.

28F 160lbs looking to drop 20-25lbs.

I quit smoking two weeks ago, and have already put on almost 10lbs. It’s pretty disheartening, I thought I was doing good by not smoking and didn’t realize I was eating all of the cravings away. I feel so ashamed that I’m giving up one body destroying device to pick up another. When I put on a pair of pants that aren’t fitting quite right anymore, I’d almost rather go grab a pack of cigarettes than end up snacking on sweets and junk. But I’m determined to kick both of those cravings and habits in the butt and be a healthy, happier me!

Just looking for someone to talk with to motivate each other, and help get me back on, and KEEP on track. Sometimes I just get those days where I need a little push, but don’t we all?


  • keesh91
    keesh91 Posts: 4 Member
    I too smoke and although I haven’t gone cold turkey like you (woohoo) I feel your pain! Sugar free candy helped me out the first go round if that’s any help! I wish you the best of luck