I seriously need help with my night eating problem



  • amgreenwell
    amgreenwell Posts: 1,267 Member
    Okay, so maybe just change up your routine. Don't watch some shows tonight. When you husband goes up to watch his stuff you should go clean out a closet or spruce up your bathroom. Do something so that your hands are busy and so is your mind.
  • Momepro
    Momepro Posts: 1,509 Member
    Moat people have most of the same suggestions here that I'd give. You know why you do it, you know of you are actually hungry or not, and you know to plan for it nowby setting aside calories specifically for that and finding lower calorie substitutes. The only thing I'd really add here is maybe finding a relaxing hobby you can do in front of the tv to keep ypur hands busy. I play stupid phone games or draw (really badly. Like my second grader is much better than me badly, lol). Others crochet, knit, cross stitch, make jewelry, basically anything you can do that keeps ypur hands and mind stimulated enough, while still chilling in front of rhe tv.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    Don't watch TV at night since it appears to trigger your eating. How about exercising instead?

    There is also a point where you just have to say "NO". Show some backbone.

    Stop eating at night!

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Lean59man wrote: »

    There is also a point where you just have to say "NO". Show some backbone.

    Stop eating at night!

    Harsh advice perhaps but I actually agree.

    (unless some calories have been set aside for night time of course)
  • kenyonhaff
    kenyonhaff Posts: 1,377 Member
    Nancela wrote: »
    Lean59man wrote: »
    Don't watch TV at night since it appears to trigger your eating. How about exercising instead?

    There is also a point where you just have to say "NO". Show some backbone.

    Stop eating at night!

    Well if it was that easy I would not be here asking for help.

    It isn't easy. But it may be that simple.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    Okay, so maybe just change up your routine. Don't watch some shows tonight. When you husband goes up to watch his stuff you should go clean out a closet or spruce up your bathroom. Do something so that your hands are busy and so is your mind.

    Yes I agree this is a good idea. Years ago when I was trying to quit smoking I told myself that I could do anything I wanted except smoke. It worked. I can't really exercise because of a mobility problem but I will try slowly to do a little. Every time I decide to exercise I end up in pain. I have been playing Worsearch on my iphone while watching TV and that seems to be helpful also.

  • david95d
    david95d Posts: 3 Member
    Try intermittent fasting! You you push your calories later on the day
  • Sheisinlove109
    Sheisinlove109 Posts: 516 Member
    My rules for myself:

    Never eat in front of the tv, all food must be at table.

    Allow for nighttime snack, save the calories. Popcorn, carrots, oatmeal, cheese, nuts.

    I have two things that zap my cravings...
    Peach ice tea from crystal light...it’s so sweet just a little usually cancels my sugar craving.
    For salt, low sodium v8 which I don’t like...but cures my salt craving with a tiny serving.

    If I’m really hungry, I do this process...
    Drink a full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    Still hungry.
    Low calorie snack and full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    If I’m really Still hungry.
    Hot tea and granola bar. Usually I don’t get past that.

    Another helpful thing I do is go to the gym or walk around the neighborhood.

    Keep your hands busy with sudoku or knitting?
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    My rules for myself:

    Never eat in front of the tv, all food must be at table.

    Allow for nighttime snack, save the calories. Popcorn, carrots, oatmeal, cheese, nuts.

    I have two things that zap my cravings...
    Peach ice tea from crystal light...it’s so sweet just a little usually cancels my sugar craving.
    For salt, low sodium v8 which I don’t like...but cures my salt craving with a tiny serving.

    If I’m really hungry, I do this process...
    Drink a full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    Still hungry.
    Low calorie snack and full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    If I’m really Still hungry.
    Hot tea and granola bar. Usually I don’t get past that.

    Another helpful thing I do is go to the gym or walk around the neighborhood.

    Keep your hands busy with sudoku or knitting?

    Itr would be difficult to stop eating in front of the TV because my husband and I have been doing this for years. It is our thing. At the end of the day we sit down in front of the TV and eat our dinner. I could say though, that after eating the meal, if I want a snack I need to go to the table and eat it and then I rprobably would not bother. One thing I did do, is put some tempting snack items in the basement fridge. My knees hurt too much to go up and down the stairs too often so this may be helpful. I have been doing Wordsearch on my phone lately so that is helping while I am watching TV. I will try your water trick. It sounds like something I could do. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and thank you for the advice.

  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    david95d wrote: »
    Try intermittent fasting! You you push your calories later on the day

    thanks. That is a good idea. I am not much of an eater duringf the day.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    kenyonhaff wrote: »
    I think you're responding emotionally here.

    My guess would be your husband leaving to watch his own shows prompts you to feel lonely, or abandoned, or have a loss of connection or something. Putting food in your stomach to ease that empty feeling is how you try to stifle that feeling.

    My suggestions?

    * Suggest at least once a week to not retreat to separate rooms to watch TV. Do something else together. I'd suggest not with a screen.
    * That seems like a lot of TV/movie/etc. viewing time. Do you really know how much time? Could you spend some of that time doing something more active, productive, or differently? A lot of passive TV viewing tends to be linked with behaviors that support obesity.
    * Nothing exactly wrong with eating in front of the TV - as long as it fits in with your CICO plan. But of course munching emotionally gets hard to control.

    I am not sure exactly what else we could do at night. I enjoy my shows and look forward to the end of the day and sitting down and relaxing. Things like paying bills, cleaning the house etc. we do during the day. I also have to care for my 95 year old mother who lives in her house alone still. We also cart our grandchildren around a lot to their different activities. I do not watch TV at all during the day. I am seriously trying to make a change but I am not sure how quite yet. My eating in front of the TV has definitely contributed to my obesity.
  • sksk1026
    sksk1026 Posts: 215 Member
    I vote for trying intermittent fasting too. I skip breakfast so I have post-dinner calories left for snacking. I experimented with diff snacks to get more bang for my buck! 1/4 cup of seasoned sunflower seeds is 60 calories and it takes ages to shell them! 3T popcorn air-popped with a white cheddar popcorn seasoning. Crackers with jam and blue cheese. A small mars bar. Red wine. Mini bag of gourmet jellybeans. There are lots of options! You don't have to give up snacks to lose weight.
  • vickicarter3
    vickicarter3 Posts: 2 Member
    It is a celebrated alone time. Just adjust your carbs or calories accordingly to you night time party.
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    Nancela wrote: »
    sunsweet77 wrote: »
    My rules for myself:

    Never eat in front of the tv, all food must be at table.

    Allow for nighttime snack, save the calories. Popcorn, carrots, oatmeal, cheese, nuts.

    I have two things that zap my cravings...
    Peach ice tea from crystal light...it’s so sweet just a little usually cancels my sugar craving.
    For salt, low sodium v8 which I don’t like...but cures my salt craving with a tiny serving.

    If I’m really hungry, I do this process...
    Drink a full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    Still hungry.
    Low calorie snack and full glass of water, wait 20 min.
    If I’m really Still hungry.
    Hot tea and granola bar. Usually I don’t get past that.

    Another helpful thing I do is go to the gym or walk around the neighborhood.

    Keep your hands busy with sudoku or knitting?

    Itr would be difficult to stop eating in front of the TV because my husband and I have been doing this for years. It is our thing. At the end of the day we sit down in front of the TV and eat our dinner.
    I could say though, that after eating the meal, if I want a snack I need to go to the table and eat it and then I rprobably would not bother. One thing I did do, is put some tempting snack items in the basement fridge. My knees hurt too much to go up and down the stairs too often so this may be helpful. I have been doing Wordsearch on my phone lately so that is helping while I am watching TV. I will try your water trick. It sounds like something I could do. Thank you for taking the time to share your experiences and thank you for the advice.

    This is where the problem is rooted.

    Change this up. Do not eat dinner while watching TV.

    Eat dinner alone if you have to, in another room. Your husband can choose to join you if he wants. If he doesn't, stick to your path and eat by yourself.

    As for the "tempting snacks" in the basement fridge...why are you doing this?
    Do not have tempting snacks in your home period!

    Make a decision to be "all-in" for your health journey. Your knees will thank you.
  • kmeyer6979
    kmeyer6979 Posts: 17 Member
    I have the same urges when I get home from work at 11 at night and want to eat while I watch an hour of tv to relax. I’ve found a couple healthy snacks to munch on that will make my urge go away. I usually have cheese and grapes. But you could make it anything healthy or natural. This is not for everyone but it fits the diet I obey. Won’t take up to many calories cause it’s fruit. Pick any fruit or vegetable. They are good for you so I’ve never seen a problem with it. Side note: it helps if you keep any other tempting junk out of the house. Personally it’s hard to resist so it can’t be in my house. Hope this helps s little.
  • Nancela
    Nancela Posts: 78 Member
    d everyone. I think you have woke me up.
    kmeyer6979 wrote: »
    I have the same urges when I get home from work at 11 at night and want to eat while I watch an hour of tv to relax. I’ve found a couple healthy snacks to munch on that will make my urge go away. I usually have cheese and grapes. But you could make it anything healthy or natural. This is not for everyone but it fits the diet I obey. Won’t take up to many calories cause it’s fruit. Pick any fruit or vegetable. They are good for you so I’ve never seen a problem with it. Side note: it helps if you keep any other tempting junk out of the house. Personally it’s hard to resist so it can’t be in my house. Hope this helps s little.

    Cheese and grapes is one of my favorite snacks. I also eat Lactose free yogurt and berries. Once in awhile I will eat one of the kids granola bars but I try not to because I have IBS. One of the snacks recommended on the FODMAP diet I follow for IBS is a banana and a little peanut butter, so sometimes I have that. If I could only get my husband to stop buying things like hot cross buns and chocolate raisins I'd be okay. That is why I tell him he has to keep them in our other TV room downstairs. Like I said, I have bad knees so do not like to walk downstairs very often. Thank you for your help.
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,913 Member
    EricRSRCP wrote: »
    Nancela wrote: »
    I have tried everything to stop my night eating habit. My husband and I eat dinner and watch shows together. As soon as he leaves to watch his own shows and I watch mine, I have a ridiculous urge to eat something. I just can't stop myself. Any helpful ideas?

    Hi, I posted here. I have the same problem. Perhaps we can support each other because unless someone has this, they do not understand it. I get a lot of advice but most of it I have already tried. Message me if you want to fight this together!

    I have the same issue, my husband goes to bed earlier than I do. I either ensure I leave enough calories for my night time snack which is usually, crackers, cheese and grapes or I will brush my teeth so nothing tastes good. Good Luck!