Which one is the best?

louiserobinsonjones96 Posts: 5 Member
edited March 2018 in Getting Started
So I've been very unsuccessful in my dieting recently so have decided to try something different..I guess it's more of an experiment than it is a diet. I am going to be doing one new diet every 4weeks for the next 12weeks to see which diet I lose the most on and which one works for me.
I'm going to start on Monday 26th with the Slim Fast 321 diet, moving onto slimming world and finally the weight watchers diet.
So I want to know who has done these diets in the past? Which one worked best for you? And what should I expect?
Also wanting to know if anyone is willing to do these diets with me so we can compare how these diets effect different people!
Thank you ☺️


  • louiserobinsonjones96
    I did say its more of an experiment..I want to know how and if these particular diets work and which one works best.. I want to try out the biggest brands that have a lot of negativity rather than the ones that everyone already know works. Also I'm very on the go and don't have time for meal prep as I do 14hour shifts so these diets are the quick on the go diet that is convenient for me
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    Doing a diet for 4 weeks really isn't going to tell you anything. Weight loss isn't linear, and one diet might work long term but take some time to get the hang of.

    Personally, I'd skip the "diet"s and just eat foods you like at the right calorie level for you. The reason these diets still exist is because the companies make money, and they make money because people have to keep coming back to lose more weight because as soon as they go off the diet, they gain the weight back.

    As for the three diets you are doing:
    1. SlimFast - I would rather stab myself in the eye with a fork than replace two meals a day with a sweet shake or bar. I have known some people who use the shakes as basically a snack after lunch and found that useful. Many people find drinking their calories is not filling and they just end up eating more food anyway.
    2. I have no experience with Slimming World and don't know anyone whose done it. I see a lot of threads here though from people who are leaving SW and coming here because they can't afford it or aren't seeing results.
    3. WW - I know several people who did it back in the day and were successful, but I've heard nothing but complaints about their current program. Keep in mind that WW is basically over-simplified calorie counting, so you're basically paying for the "support" not a diet.

    Have you tried just logging your food here? Because it's free and it works if you're willing to put in the time and effort to learn how to log properly.
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    Why not just track you meals on MFP vs wasting 12 weeks experimenting? If you are too busy for meal prep you can still buy food just log it.

    ^^ agree with this
  • JBApplebee
    JBApplebee Posts: 481 Member
    I use Profile by Sanford. It's the protein shakes & bars & eating better & it works for me. The first time I went in there with the mindset that I'm a steak & potatoes guy & this stuff can't possibly keep me full. Much to my surprise, it did. But you have to find the system that works for you. But I definitely agree that logging your food intake is hugely important for long term success.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Do it. You'll just lose time and money. As my husband says--"Some people just have to learn things on their own". Which means you can take good advice--or leave it.
  • lynn_glenmont
    lynn_glenmont Posts: 9,997 Member
    So I've been very unsuccessful in my dieting recently so have decided to try something different..I guess it's more of an experiment than it is a diet. I am going to be doing one new diet every 4weeks for the next 12weeks to see which diet I lose the most on and which one works for me.
    I'm going to start on Monday 26th with the Slim Fast 321 diet, moving onto slimming world and finally the weight watchers diet.
    So I want to know who has done these diets in the past? Which one worked best for you? And what should I expect?
    Also wanting to know if anyone is willing to do these diets with me so we can compare how these diets effect different people!
    Thank you ☺️

    For this to be a fair experiment, you need to eat at maintenance or above for a week between each diet, so that you'll refill glycogen stores and water weight. Otherwise the first diet will have an unfair advantage.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    There is only one kind of diet that will work. A diet where you are eating at a caloric deficit. Simply, put, you have to eat less than you burn. Whether you do this with Slim Fast, Slimming World Weight Watchers, or counting calories, they are all a form of portion control. Do what works best for you, by that I mean eat in a way that you can do for the long term .
  • Lean59man
    Lean59man Posts: 714 Member
    edited March 2018
    MFP (CICO) is the way.

    Don't waste your time with "diets" that are not sustainable.