Im 18 and new here! Any tips?

Hey everyone! I just started Myfitnesspal! My current weight is 230 lbs and I eventually wanna get back down to about 160 or 170. Does anyone have any tips, exercises or recipes that i can try to help me accomplish my goal? I want to be down at least 35 lbs by my birthday (Dec. 16)! Good luck to everyone out there!


  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    Try Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. It is awesome if you stick with it.
  • Izkaw
    Izkaw Posts: 6 Member
    When I started I didn't know what to expect. But now I lost almost 20 pounds :)
    Just stick with calorie counter and add everything what you eat. You cannot cheat yourself can you?
    I do running every other day and recently started workouts from bodyrock website.
    Gud luck. Stay strong. Fingers crossed :)
  • Hello and welcome!!

    Im 5"11", 28 and started out at 245 and am now down to 231. Ive found swimming to be a great way of burning calories but also not to heavy on the knees and other joints!

    Hope you do well and good luck

  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    It took me 5 months to drop 40 pounds, so following MFP calorie intake drink lots of water and exercise a little bit everyday your goal will come true. Enjoy the best healthy site in the world and have faith in you :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Hey,
    My name is Karen and I'm 28! I started my process last year in July. I started out weighing 210 lbs. and today am down to 167! The three biggest things that helped me the most was Exercising, counting calories and drinking lot's of water. I know this is what everyone says do, but that is what I did and it has worked. I am still losing even though it has slowed down tremendosly. Just DON'T give up, and if you mess up and cheat, pick it right back up with the next meal, never use the phrase "I will start again next Monday"! Good Luck to you! You are gonna do great!
  • SueV3
    SueV3 Posts: 4
    Be honest, first of all. Telling the food diary a lie will not get the job done! Increase your physical activity and begin cutting back on processed foods and fatty foods. (Salt is a killer for me) Take it one day at a time, realizing you are worthy of having a healthy body. Increase the physical activity and fruits and vegetables each day. Take on a challenge and kick its butt! That will give you strength. MFP is a great place to be, congrats on joining!
  • Thankseveryone for your support! Im ready and Im going to kick my weight challenge in the butt!