Up for a 8-10 LB 1 Month Challenge?



  • andreabowen84
    andreabowen84 Posts: 1 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hi, Im doing this challenge,officially started 19 March ,,,feeling positive about doing it, lost 2 lbs already, upped my exercise,, want to lose 6lb or more hopefully.
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Hi, Im doing this challenge,officially started 19 March ,,,feeling positive about doing it, lost 2 lbs already, upped my exercise,, want to lose 6lb or more hopefully.

    Hi andrea
    If you have changed the type of calories you eat and drink and pay attention to when you eat and drink them...you'll see a difference in short order...you can do eeeet!! (tried my best Waterboy voice) lol
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    edited March 2018
    lizzi633 wrote: »
    Hi friends! Feeling super discouraged. After losing 2.5 lbs, I stepped on the scale this am and I’ve gained 3.5!!! Super upset! I’ve increased my workouts, added more circuit/weight training, am watching my calorie intake and have cut booze. I hope this is just a fluke and the lbs will come off soon. Heading to FL in two weeks and now I’m not excited. What’s been helping all of you succeed? I need motivation today!!

    Hi Lizzie
    Don't get discouraged...If you don't know it already...muscle weighs much more than fat while taking up much less space. Reading your post, I would say you added muscle instead of losing fat. Please forgive the way I am writing...I don't want to tell you something you may already know. Because of hormones( progesterone/testosterone) calories and fat burning about the same in men and women. Fat loos and muscle building is fairly different. Women's muscle fiber will not increase in size or as much density like men, however women's muscle will increase length and become more lean. A woman's height has a lot to do with this as well.

    I don't want to become too lengthy here so all the post gets read lol If you want to chat about this I'd love too talk more. Take your measurements...hips/waist etc and see if there is a difference there. I have a particular belt I use and a pair of pants to measure my progress. Keep your head up!! If you have nobody to tell you that you are sexy..I'll tell you lol ttfn
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    Well I did the math that it would take for me to really lose 8lbs a month and that would result in me netting 700 cals a day.. Screw that. SO I'll have to run with 4-6 LBS a month. I started at 145ish this month and hit a new low of 141 though, so I'm coming along! Thanks to water weight it's at 143 right now though.. Boo.

    @lizzi633 My weight does that all the time. I started weighing daily for the heck of it, and It's up and down like crazy. That's totally normal. Annoying and discouraging, but normal. If you stick with counting your calories and working out you will see it shift down...If it's like mine it'll go up and up and then creep back down after a few days and hit a new low. Then the cycle starts over, it shoots up (and sometimes up again) and starts to creep back down. If you're not seeing any new loss in a month, check your logging and exercise and see what you can tweak to get the scale moving again.
  • GoddessOna
    GoddessOna Posts: 6 Member
    Me, too!! I'm up to the challenge!
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    I am so in! I go to Cancun in a month for vaca and have been eating like crap and not working out. :/
  • junecox2018
    junecox2018 Posts: 13 Member
    Me too Please add me in as well.
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    @Crafty_camper123 Thank you! I needed to hear that. My weight spiked this morning and everything feels tight! I'm hoping its a lot of water retention. Either way...I am sticking with it and hoping for a loss next week. I want long term results, so if this is slower for me I need to accept that. :)
  • lizzi633
    lizzi633 Posts: 17 Member
    @paddydiver24 Thank you!! Unfortunately everything is tighter, pants, tops, etc. I hope it is muscle, but I can't imagine in 2 weeks I'd gain enough. I gained 12 Lbs since December and have been considering if there might actually be something wrong. I'm going to keep up with the diet and work outs though. I am doing a spin class this evening and one early tomorrow am. :)

    Happy Friday all!
  • waffletops
    waffletops Posts: 22 Member
    I'd like to join please...
    I have 10lbs of lazy *kitten* to shift..
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    lizzi633 wrote: »
    @paddydiver24 Thank you!! Unfortunately everything is tighter, pants, tops, etc. I hope it is muscle, but I can't imagine in 2 weeks I'd gain enough. I gained 12 Lbs since December and have been considering if there might actually be something wrong. I'm going to keep up with the diet and work outs though. I am doing a spin class this evening and one early tomorrow am. :)

    Happy Friday all!

    Hi ya Lizzie

    Maybe there is a nutritionist in one of these chat threads if you haven't talked to one of them already. By my way of thinking...since you have not quit you have already won the battle for being healthier. Have patience...keep your head up high....you got this!
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    I love this idea! My goal date is April 18. And coming off of eating a whole box of Girl Scout cookies yesterday, I am in desperate need of focus.
  • Cosenli
    Cosenli Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in as well! I am looking for accountability support! I have lost 42 pounds and have 20 to go!
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
  • paddydiver24
    paddydiver24 Posts: 567 Member
    Cosenli wrote: »
    Count me in as well! I am looking for accountability support! I have lost 42 pounds and have 20 to go!

    What have you been doing?
  • Cosenli
    Cosenli Posts: 3 Member
    1200 calories a day and following the Beck Diet.
  • thwbr673
    thwbr673 Posts: 1 Member
    i’m so keen for this. just broke up with my boyfriend now i’m like screw you im doing me!
  • niemzak
    niemzak Posts: 5 Member
    I'm game! Looking to loose 3-5 pounds over the next 3 weeks and transition into maintenance mode :) Cutting back to 1 glass of wine a week has also done wonders!
  • botellok
    botellok Posts: 2 Member
    lizzi633 wrote: »
    Hello Friends - I've recently gained a little weight traveling and through the holidays. Clothes are tighter and muscle is lacking. I need motivation to help me jumpstart weight loss again. Anyone up for a 8 or 10 lb challenge? Let's keep each other accountable! My recent 10 lb gain is definitely not the good kind (muscle). Looking for a healthy 2 lb per week loss.

  • botellok
    botellok Posts: 2 Member
    I need to loss more than 10lb so I’m on it!!!! I’m gonna try keto diet starting on Monday