I didn't even get to start Maintenance and I'm already struggling...

I went on vacation last weekend. I planned on pretty much having lots of good yummy food I haven't had in ages. I was okay with that. Got back on plan the following week and did great. Then for some reason... I went nuts this weekend. All we did was stay home, but I had the need to snaaaaaaack and I snacked bad. I even got up in the middle of the night and ate handfuls of chocolate chips straight from the bag... As of today I'm officially up 10 pounds from my lowest weigh in. Yeah... that one hurt. But it is a good eye opener and now I am remotivated. I have been struggling more than usual these last couple months... I think not having as much of a "goal" anymore has thrown me off the motivation train. I know I need to have different goals besides weight loss, and I do (toning and building muscle,) but it's proving to be harder than I expected. I'm going to shake this pesty weight off and post here when I've reached goal again. Thanks for listening!


  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    You still have a weight goal in maintenance, it's to keep that number within a 5 lb range (approx). As you see, it's harder than you might think, so it's still a worthy goal! Plus fitness etc goals. I always had lots of goals in different areas even while losing, so maintenence is no different in that regards.
  • koreanarab
    koreanarab Posts: 2 Member
    I think you've lost motivation cuz your weight gain, you felt like disappointment at yourself and your hard work and self-control during your travel were wasted, but the question is what made you binge in the first place?
    Are you on some restricted diet or calories intake?
    I encourage you to get your mindset on the right place first, remind yourself the reason you took up this journey in the first place.
    Second do flexible dieting and don't deprive yourself from food you like if you still hit your macros.
    And don't go with more than 100 to 150 calories deficit from your maintenance calories.

    It's never too late and it's never over
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    You didn't gain 10 Lbs of fat in a weekend.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Ive been in maintenance for two years and have had plenty of weekends like that. Like others said, my weight may go up the day after but if I jump right back into good habits, the weight gain doesn’t stick around. Try not to let it discourage you too much, it happens!

    Also sometimes I end up having a binge weekend because I restricted too much all week and my body is just hungry. I don’t know what your calorie intake is, but maybe it’s time to increase your calories and lose weight at a slower rate?