RUNNERS!!! What is your most MEMORABLE race?



  • trijoe
    trijoe Posts: 729 Member
    No contest - any and all races with my 9yo daughter. We've done 1M, 2M, and several Girls On The Run 5K's together. At one GOTR, I put her on my shoulders, then rotated around so she could see the course filled with thousands and thousands of girls, just like her. A truly great memory.

    My first (and to date only) ironman triathlon marathon, I was a mess. Luck was not on my side that day, and things had been going wrong before the race even started. By marathon time I was holding on for dear life. The course was 4 out n back 6.6M loops, so friends were able to keep track of me, and hang in there with me. One friend walked with me the last loop. I was shuffling along as fast as I could, and he was walking beside me. I'd lost all sense of equilibrium and was waiting to just fall over. I'd maxed out my pain threshold, and didn't realize till a week later that I had quarter sized blisters on my feet. At the 25 mile point, I ran into two more friends, and my 3 friends brought me home.

    A month later, I PR'd a 5K. Completely different experience.
  • 1goodymom67
    only one? hmm Probably my first. It was exhilerating knowing that I could do it.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member

    1) 2007 Calif Intl Marathon (CIM). My tenth marathon and I finally learned how to run smart and within my abilities and put together almost even splits (1:40/1:41). I ran a 3:21:11 which is still my current PR.

    2) Cypress 5K 2007. I ran a 19:49, thanks to my buddy Joe who help pace me to first sub 20 finish.

    3) Fontana Half 2011. After being slow, injured and fat for well over a year, I was shocked to break a 4 year old PR on this all downhill course for a 1:28:48.
  • AZTrailRunner
    AZTrailRunner Posts: 1,199 Member

    1) 2007 Calif Intl Marathon (CIM). My tenth marathon and I finally learned how to run smart and within my abilities and put together almost even splits (1:40/1:41). I ran a 3:21:11 which is still my current PR.

    2) Cypress 5K 2007. I ran a 19:49, thanks to my buddy Joe who help pace me to first sub 20 finish.

    3) Fontana Half 2011. After being slow, injured and fat for well over a year, I was shocked to break a 4 year old PR on this all downhill course for a 1:28:48.

    I was waiting to hear from you! Great job man! Also, glad to see the post-marathon recovery looking smooth!
  • bbush18
    bbush18 Posts: 207 Member
    This topic made me laugh out loud because my most "memorable raceS" were when I was high school.
    1--My very first cross country race EVER was on JV...The course was poorly marked so I thought I was lost. Walked for 2-3 mins then found out I was on the right path...only to see the finish line 200 yards ahead! I booked it--thought I was last...turned out, I came in FIRST with a 24:36/3mi!! From that point on, I was on Varsity.

    2--My sophomore year...5k...the girl in front of **** her shorts--needless to say, I passed her with the quickness (no more drafting off of her!!)

    Now--other memorable races are:
    3--End of Running Camp Race to the Top in NC--The scenery at the top of the mountain was breathtaking--LITERALLY!! The best 4 mi trail race, I've had--but looking forward to running more!

    4--McGuire's Halloween 5k in Destin, FL--Halloween, anything goes! ;)
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Unfortunately my most memorable races are ones I'd like to forget. Even those from my track days.

    And following this theme was my first marathon earlier this spring. Had a bad day, ended up eventually hitting the wall, but crossed the finish line despite many moments during the race where I wasn't sure if I would.
  • remembertheharddrive
    remembertheharddrive Posts: 133 Member
    The B.A.A. Half Marathon last year - namely because I was in so much pain from start to finish that I had tears coming down my face the last couple miles; but it was worth it, since I ran for Dana Farber and had so many people that had donated and cheered me on that I couldn't live with a DNS or DNF. Of all my races though, it was my very worst/slowest. But somehow it felt like a much bigger accomplishment than the much longer/faster races.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    The B.A.A. Half Marathon last year - namely because I was in so much pain from start to finish that I had tears coming down my face the last couple miles; but it was worth it, since I ran for Dana Farber and had so many people that had donated and cheered me on that I couldn't live with a DNS or DNF. Of all my races though, it was my very worst/slowest. But somehow it felt like a much bigger accomplishment than the much longer/faster races.

    Nothing better than hearing all the great people of Boston yell "Go Dana Fahbah" as you run by!