Spring into Summer 2018 Goal



  • okdem
    okdem Posts: 14 Member
    Starting Weight: 50 kg
    Weight loss goal for 11 weeks: 2.2 kg

    March 19 - 50
    March 26 - 49.6
    Goal for March: - 0.4/0.5 kg
    Total loss for March: 0.4
  • rasta_bb
    rasta_bb Posts: 109 Member
    I just started but I'm working towards 2 lbs a week and so far, 1000 calories a day isn't going as horribly as I initially expected. #BasicallyAVegitarian
  • gd09
    gd09 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting Weight: 164 lbs
    Current weight: 138 lbs
    Goal June 21st: 124 lbs
    UGW: 108 lbs
    Good idea, I need more accountability now I'm almost at the half way point!
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    My challenge within a challenge for the week is 10,000 steps before 10am. I find that if I don't get moving first thing in the morning it just doesn't happen!
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Great idea! I've lost 30lbs since 1/1/18 and want to lose at least 45 more.
    My goal for the first day of Summer (think its June 21) will be to be down 25 lbs.

    SW (3/20): 194.4
    Mini Goal (4/16): 188.9
    GW (6/21): 169.4
    Utimate GW: 150

    3/26: 194.2
  • Mz2nd2No1
    Mz2nd2No1 Posts: 14 Member
    My first weigh in is tomorrow...Super anxious cause I've been working hard.
  • e_fou
    e_fou Posts: 23 Member
    Hello all,
    I 'd like to join you. In my fourties as well so everything is much more difficult!
    Starting weight (March 27) : 140
    Target weight (June 1): 125
    Height: 5'7

    My plan is to increase my exercise (30 mins a day) and keep as close as possible to my calorue goal. I need to feel nice in a swimming suit this summer!
  • brittdee88
    brittdee88 Posts: 1,873 Member
    edited March 2018
    I am definitely in, as I would LOVE to reach goal by the start of summer, especially because I will be spending it in LA! I have ~16 lbs to go.
    My goals are to stick strictly to OMAD and join the 60-minute plank challenge for April. Once the semester ends, I want to join the step challenge for May.

    SW: 179+
    CW: 145.6
    UGW: <130
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    I'd like to join your challenge! Thanks for starting it.
    • Current weight 161.9 lb (starting weight 177.4 Jan 2nd)
    • I am 5' 5" and turn 54 on Apr 6th
    • June 21st target is 143 lb
    • Goal weight 142 lb by June 30th
    • Building muscle tone while maintaining 142 lb through to Sep 30th
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Starting Weight: 177.4
    Weight loss goal for 13 weeks: 14 Pounds

    March 20- 177.4
    March 27- 179.0
    Goal for March: 2
    Total loss for March: -1.6 Well, that didn't go as expected. I just need to stick with it :/
  • 1theresamcvean
    1theresamcvean Posts: 934 Member
    Starting Weight: 177.4
    Weight loss goal for 13 weeks: 14 Pounds

    March 20- 177.4
    March 27- 179.0
    Goal for March: 2
    Total loss for March: -1.6 Well, that didn't go as expected. I just need to stick with it :/

    @MsArriabella My starting weight was exactly 177.4 on Jan 2nd. I'm at 161.9 now and it was an up and down journey. Just stick with it and you will succeed. Perhaps an adjustment or two along the way but it will happen.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    Welcome to our new members... thank you... as I am sure you can tell by my original post ... I am not into rules or specifics... just come here with a positive attitude and share your success and your "bad days" but keep coming back because I don't want one bad day to turn into two for you or me. Friend me... if you want... I will accept. I will find strength in your progress and since I am a bit competitive... it will push me on the days I just don't feel like doing it.... I will switch it up a bit with my own personal weekly challenges within a challenge... i.e. this week 10,000 steps before 10am. So far.. I am on track... join me with those as well or do your own thing because it may be my inspiration for next week.
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,861 Member
    Im in for this. I would like to lose 15 by then (which will put me at my goal)
    Starting weight (as of 3/14)-150.6
    Goal weight-135

    March 26-151.6
  • okdem
    okdem Posts: 14 Member
    Starting Weight: 50 kg
    Weight loss goal for 11 weeks: 2.2 kg

    March 19 - 50
    March 26 - 49.6
    Goal for March: - 0.4/0.5 kg
    Total loss for March: 0.4 - Done!

    April 2 - 49.6
    Goal for April: - 0.7/0.8 kg
  • mrsjhardin
    mrsjhardin Posts: 692 Member
    Great idea! I've lost 30lbs since 1/1/18 and want to lose at least 45 more.
    My goal for the first day of Summer (think its June 21) will be to be down 25 lbs.

    SW (3/20): 194.4
    Mini Goal (4/16): 188.9
    GW (6/21): 169.4
    Utimate GW: 150

    3/26: 194.2
    4/2: 193
  • typeitdaily
    typeitdaily Posts: 3,322 Member
    I'm in
  • MichelleWithMoxie
    MichelleWithMoxie Posts: 1,817 Member
    I’m in. I want to drop about 5-10 lbs by mid June. I’m 33 y/o, 5’1”, 113 lbs. I had a *kitten* day eating today, so tomorrow is my day 1.
  • Cora0477
    Cora0477 Posts: 326 Member
    Last week I wrote out a plan that ended on June 23, so how perfect is this?

    SW: 136
    CW: 134.4
    GW: 125

    My CICO goal is a 500 calorie deficit. My exercise plan each week is 3 days of circuit training and 60 minutes elliptical, 3 days of a couch to 10K program, and 1 day of rest. I will also do an abs program and a stretching program every day.

    One week in and I feel proud that I’ve met my goals for each day so far and lost a pound and a half!
  • sunariel1
    sunariel1 Posts: 34 Member
    Totally in. I've been doing keto, lost like 30 lbs. But stalled, and cheat days though.... time to start the workouts. Anyone else working their way through bodyboss?
    SW (4/3): 198.2
    Mini Goal (4/20): 192
    GW (6/21): 178
    Utimate GW: 154
  • MsArriabella
    MsArriabella Posts: 469 Member
    Starting Weight: 177.4
    Weight loss goal for 13 weeks: 14 Pounds

    March 20- 177.4
    March 27- 179.0
    Goal for March: 2
    Total loss for March: -1.6

    April 3- 181.6
    Goal for April: 4
    Total for April: -2.6

    I wasn't tracking for a good chunk of last week while I was showing family around town and eating out almost everyday. On the upside I was able to get my run in on Sunday and my brother even came along :)B)
    Birthdays/Easter/Company are all over now so it's time to get back on track!