Unhealthy/Gross foods growing up



  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Mr. Noodles (aka ramen noodles) with the beef seasoning. I used to eat the full package (apparently the serving is half. who knew?) = 380 calories and 1140 mg of sodium. Still scares me haha but I crave them every once and a while .. so I make rice noodles with my own sauce to kill it
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I remember eating mayo and cheese sandwiches as a child. I want to vomit just thinking about eating that now. :s

    I could handle a good cheddar on a substantial bread that way, but a staple in my lunch was Velveeta & Miracle Whip on plain white bread. :(
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    These are so entertaining. It is funny how things go...I was never allowed to have ramen noodles or sugary Kool-Aid and my mom strictly limited how much juice I could have. Meanwhile I ate so much fast food and snack cakes!
  • mat4843
    mat4843 Posts: 1 Member
    af240 wrote: »
    The sugar post currently on the front page got me thinking it could be fun to start a new thread to share all the unhealthy and gross foods you had as a kid, that you now look back and shake your head at (or still have as an indulgence, we're not here to judge lol). I'm sure this has been done before, but it's still fun to share...

    We had "bread and butter" with spaghetti which was just a slice of untoasted wonder/white bread with a generous slather of butter on top. It was my favorite meal as a kid just for that bread lol I know this isn't very far from garlic bread/toast, but the thought of just plain untoasted white bread makes me want to gag!

    My Mimi would make me sugar grapes, which was just regular grapes wetted and rolled in sugar, as if they aren't sweet enough already lol. But it was "our thing" and I always asked her to make them for me when we would go visit.

    Mine are pretty tame haha

    Oh yes, we definitely did the bread and butter with spaghetti, too! And I would put the spaghetti on the bread and butter and fold the bread over for a little spaghetti sandwich LOL.

    My mom would sometimes make "chip dip" which was just a tub of sour cream with just enough salsa to make the sour cream turn a pink-ish color and then we would dip the Doritos plain chips in it. The thought of that makes me want to gag now!!! EW.
  • jillij7
    jillij7 Posts: 10 Member
    Kraft dinner with boiled hot dogs.. those M&M's steak ems... beefarnoi, pizza pockets.. all things I don't like anymore, but might have a bite of for the memories :)
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    How about Twinkies??? Thinking about those things to this day makes me want to vomit.
  • Kimmotion5783
    Kimmotion5783 Posts: 417 Member
    I used to eat bread and mayo a lot as a snack when I was a kid. Not as a sandwich or anything, just bread and mayo as you would do bread and butter (although sometimes I had that if mayo wasn't available).

    Looking back, I cringe at how I ate growing up- lots of fast food and takeout in my family, tons of high-sodium Italian cooking, and not-so-healthy snacks. Oh and soda. Omg, there was so much soda in our house we could run our own beverage store. It was just disgusting! It's no wonder to me now why my grandmother has high blood pressure and my dad ate tons of takeout/fast food/processed crap... because that's what his parents did. Then I ended up doing this and ballooned up to 355 pounds! But I'm turning it all around now. :smile:
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    "Graham Cracker Cereal" was one of my favorites as a kid. This was before golden grahams came out, I think. Take graham crackers, break them up, and pour milk over. Probably way more nutritionally void then actual cereal, but it was soo delicious. Not something I do much as an adult. Once every few years. Maybe, lol.
    PBJ's with potato chips mashed in was one of the weirder ones. Adds a nice crunch, but not something I'll eat as an adult. Mostly because I rarely eat PBJ's with potato chips for some reason, lol. I grew up eating Hamburger Helper. It got me through my early 20's too, but I have discovered I usually have enough ingredients to throw together a "pasta & meat surprise". It takes exactly as much effort, tastes better with , & has less preservatives. So hamburger helper is a pointless pantry item for me now.
    Oh, and cinnamon sugar on toast or tortillas. I LOVED buttered toast or a warm tortilla with cinnamon and sugar as a kid. But it's a snack I rarely eat as an adult. It's just not as good as I remember. Also, it leaves me hungry an hour later.
    Just remembered another one before I hit post. TANG and Nestea mixed together. I think I bought TANG once in my adult life, and I was not impressed, lol. That's all now...before it turns into a book. (so much nostalgia)
  • TheVonada
    TheVonada Posts: 66 Member
    My mom used to make what she called "goulash" with limited veggies (lima beans, corn, and tomatoes?), and then melt a TON of velveeta cheese into it, top it with bread, and throw it in the oven for like, 15 minutes. That was usually a side dish to... god know what. I have since learned that this is NOT what ANYBODY ELSE knows as goulash, and my mother was (well, is...) crazy.
    Also, just thinking of breakfasts... the amount of massively sugary cereals we used to eat - Trix, Oreo O's, Fruity Pebbles, Lucky Charms, and Reese's Puffs... can't stand ANY of them anymore! Just thinking about them makes my teeth hurt a little bit.
  • Merlotmom16
    Merlotmom16 Posts: 124 Member
    My lunch box for school was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, chips and a twinkie or dingdong and chocolate milk! We had dessert -either cake or ice cream every night after dinner. At least once a week we went to McDonalds for dinner.
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    try2again wrote: »
    Not sure what the issue is with white bread & butter... my mom used to have to have a small piece with *every single meal*. It's my 12 year old son's favorite thing too. :)

    Now, you want to talk gross- my mom often made a can of corned beef hash with a poached egg over it. I had to sit at the table until I ate ("enough") of my dinner, and on hash nights, I just planned on a long night at the table ;)

    My dad used to cook hash until it had a crispy coating you could cut with knife. Then slather it with ketchup. Now that's strictly a nostalgic craving food, every other year or so.
  • JetJaguar
    JetJaguar Posts: 801 Member
    mat4843 wrote: »
    My mom would sometimes make "chip dip" which was just a tub of sour cream with just enough salsa to make the sour cream turn a pink-ish color and then we would dip the Doritos plain chips in it. The thought of that makes me want to gag now!!! EW.

    We did something like that, but our version was made with onion and garlic powders, and something green. Dried chives I think, I don't remember exactly. We ate this with nacho chips.

    I can't think of anything too weird. Maybe Spam burgers? You take a can of Spam and slice it vertically, producing three square patties. Cook in a skillet on both sides and serve on a bun, like a hamburger.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    How about Twinkies??? Thinking about those things to this day makes me want to vomit.

    For a brief time right out of college, I worked for the company that made Twinkies, Ho Hos, Ding Dongs, and of course Hostess cupcakes. The funny thing was, I could have those things for free all day everyday and I lost about 20 lb while working there. My coworker friend and I were both sick of their snack cakes within the first couple of weeks, and the only thing we liked was the Banana Flips filling...so we would open a packet and scoop out the filling with a spoon, but that's it.
  • emcclure013
    emcclure013 Posts: 231 Member
    On the butter note.... my mom used to put butter with any sandwich. Ham sandwiches had butter, turkey sandwiches had butter, pb&j had butter. The one I did like, and I still enjoy, is a toasted English muffin with butter and jelly with a slice of cheddar cheese in the middle. Rarely have it these days, but it's nostalgic!
  • ccol4him
    ccol4him Posts: 79 Member
    Waxed candy or candy cigarettes
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    spam :#:s:#
  • 08_GreenEyedMomma
    08_GreenEyedMomma Posts: 62 Member
    Buttered white bread with spaghetti was apparently a wide-spread delicacy! :D Still occasionally have it, and my son loves it.

    My mom wasn't a great cook, we often had microwaved frozen meals (Salisbury steak & gravy, turkey slices & gravy) and mushy veggies. Especially broccoli. It was cooked to mush & then mixed with american cheese. Might as well have been broccoli soup. I didn't like meatloaf (or lasagna) until I was almost 20 & had some of my now-mother in law's. Another fave we had at my grandparent's every breakfast after a sleepover; it was called "gravy bread". I got the recipe when I was craving it during pregnancy. I never knew it was basically melted crisco, flour, salt & pepper poured over torn up white bread. I couldn't eat it. It tasted horrible compared to the memory, and it was my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE as a kid. Haven't had it or even thought about having it in years.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I grew up in the 70s/80s and my mom grew up in the 50s. I think she was one of those who was very much fascinated with all the new convenience foods that came her way. She loved frozen pizza, even though all of us kids were always begging for her "homemade" version (which also started from a boxed mix), and frozen anything, really.

    Just thought of a new one... Swanson's pot pies! (But mom would at least slit the top crust & add some extra frozen veggies ;) )