Unhealthy/Gross foods growing up



  • kathakraz
    kathakraz Posts: 65 Member
    Doritos crumbled into my kraft mac & cheese (I still do this once every few years)
    Peanut butter, marshmallow fluff & jelly sandwiches for lunch
    Salisbury steak frozen dinners (the *thought* of the smell of these now makes me feel a little ill)
    We ate a lot of canned vegetables. I don't like them now.
    Grape jelly on eggs
    Sugar sprinkled on white rice

    I used to sneak whole cans of frosting out of the cupboard and go to town on them while reading piles of library books.

    Also, we used to get free Pizza Hut personal pan pizzas as a reward for reading in elementary school. I did little but reading much of the time. We ate a lot of pizza hut. We would do the salad bar and I would hollow out my cherry tomatoes, stuff them with cottage cheese and sprinkle them with sunflower seeds. This last part was not gross or unhealthy, particularly. Just a little weird.
  • bedwellchris
    bedwellchris Posts: 57 Member
    Ha! I had forgotten about the bread and butter. We actually ate pretty healthy though but I never liked the mushrooms, avocado, oysters, bread dressing, stuffed peppers, lima beans, zucchini, cooked tomatoes, and still don't care for those. We also had to sit at the table until dinner was consumed.
    Eating out was never for us and we never had pizza or tacos or sugar sandwiches (thank goodness.) I remember the first time when I came home from college and made tacos for dinner. After my dad tried to eat one, he asked me to break up the shell so he could eat it as a salad.
    Harvard beets? Anyone grow up with those?
  • skinnyheather
    skinnyheather Posts: 38 Member
    Elbow noodles mixed with warm milk.... and salad with mayo instead of dressing!
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    edited March 2018
    Is bread and butter really that bad? I used to eat bread and butter all the time and still do just because I love it, lol.

    Doritos and french onion dip
    Toast doused with butter and cinnamon sugar
    Pasta with potatoes added (probably out of not having enough money to buy meat to "hearty' it up)
  • zolofthaver
    zolofthaver Posts: 8 Member
    edited March 2018
    not unhealthy persay but my mom was such an 80's diet queen. fat and flavor were forbidden sins. grew up on a lot of boiled chicken, frozen veggies and rice dinners. some of my gross improvised joys: ketchup sandwiches, whole cans of olives, microwave omelets, KIDS CUISINE, that captain crunch-pixistix-butter sandwich from the breakfast club, and just taking a bottle of fake eggo maple syrup and chugging the stuff.
  • robingmurphy
    robingmurphy Posts: 349 Member
    When I was a kid, I hated anything green, so when we'd go to Ponderosa for the salad bar after church on Sundays, I'd always get a pile of shredded cheese, ham cubes, and croutons topped with ranch dressing.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited March 2018
    Graham cracker/frosting sandwiches

    Peanut butter and marshmallows melted in the microwave, mixed, and eaten with a spoon

    Peanut butter and chocolate chips melted together and eaten with a spoon

    Cheddar cheese, melted in the microwave. We'd pick what was left of the cheese out of the oil that came out, and eat that.

    Cinnamon and white sugar on buttered toast

    Spaghetti sandwiches on buttered Wonder bread

    Rice with milk and sugar (usually as a breakfast). I think this was one of the "we're out of food, what do I feed the kids?" meals.

    We'd put Tang in a ziploc baggy with a little bit of water until it formed a ball, then eat the ball.

    ETA: Not sure I find any of these particularly gross or inherently unhealthy, now that I think about it (except maybe that last one).

  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    not unhealthy persay but my mom was such an 80's diet queen. fat and flavor were forbidden sins. grew up on a lot of boiled chicken, frozen veggies and rice dinners. some of my gross improvised joys: ketchup sandwiches, whole cans of olives, microwave omelets, KIDS CUISINE, that captain crunch-pixistix-butter sandwich from the breakfast club, and just taking a bottle of fake eggo maple syrup and chugging the stuff.

    Chugging the fake maple syrup reminds me of some of my friends/cousins coming to my house and getting into the fridge or pantry. I was confused & dumbfounded by some of the stuff they wanted to snack on (listed below). I think some of it was being an only child, left on my own a lot, and they were from big families where the parents were stricter...I never wanted to get into any of this stuff myself, maybe because I always had cookies and fast food in my belly, lol.

    - powdered International coffees mix
    - straight brown sugar
    - peanut butter out of the jar by the spoonful (over and over again) with sugar sprinkled on top
    - chocolate syrup out of the bottle or in a cup
    - chocolate milk, period
    - "Can we make mashed potatoes!?" a girl at my sleepover proceeded to make the remainder of the instant potatoes box and put butter and salt on top and eat it all.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Sauerkraut and ketchup sandwiches...always knew we were waiting on pay day when we got that for dinner.
  • Crafty_camper123
    Crafty_camper123 Posts: 1,440 Member
    I keep remembering more of these. @seltzermint555 I think I have done every single one of those at some point as a kid! LOL I used to eat those non dairy creamer packets as a kid whenever we went out to a restaurant. ...I was a weird kid.

    With the mention of marshmallows, peanut butter, and chocolate it jogged my memory of a favorite I had on my way to the bus stop. Two toaster waffles with peanut butter, marshmallow cream, and Nutella sandwiched in between. Yum. I'm not sure it would taste as good now as an adult. So much sugar! :worried:
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    edited March 2018
    :D:D:D basically we all ate crap. :D:D:D
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Sauerkraut and ketchup sandwiches...always knew we were waiting on pay day when we got that for dinner.

    Oh my :(
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    Graham cracker/frosting sandwiches

    Peanut butter and marshmallows melted in the microwave, mixed, and eaten with a spoon

    Peanut butter and chocolate chips melted together and eaten with a spoon

    Cheddar cheese, melted in the microwave. We'd pick what was left of the cheese out of the oil that came out, and eat that.

    Cinnamon and white sugar on buttered toast

    Spaghetti sandwiches on buttered Wonder bread

    Rice with milk and sugar (usually as a breakfast). I think this was one of the "we're out of food, what do I feed the kids?" meals.

    We'd put Tang in a ziploc baggy with a little bit of water until it formed a ball, then eat the ball.

    ETA: Not sure I find any of these particularly gross or inherently unhealthy, now that I think about it (except maybe that last one).

    Your list jogged so many memories for me of the crazy snacks we used to come up with. I used to love scooping handfuls of spaghetti up with buttered bread, and would eat 2-3 slices with dinner. Also my cousins would microwave old popcorn with marshmallows, then we'd stir it up and eat it from the bowl.

    I completely forgot about when I would sneak Kool-Aid mix from the panty and eat it as a snack. I just carried around a zip-lock baggy full of it all the time, my hands would be stained all summer because I did it so often.
  • scribblemoma
    scribblemoma Posts: 115 Member
    As a kid I loooved Saltine crackers with that spray cheese! My Mom would write letters on the crackers and we’d have secret messages as a bonus =)

    I was also a frosting fiend! I loved nothing more than a can of cake frosting with some vanilla wafers to eat it with. I can barely stomach the thought of doing that anymore!
  • ashliedelgado
    ashliedelgado Posts: 814 Member
    The bread and butter. I remember being too good to eat it, and would make myself toast. Because, toast. Also, to sugar sandwiches, you guys don't even know until it was cinnamon and sugar toast.

    My mom always made spaghetti with the bread and butter, and a can of corn mixed in.

    My husband used to (and still does) eat milk and saltines. It's his favorite late night snack and he eats it like cereal.
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I remember eating Spam occasionally--wasn't bad fried!

    My mom made me eat peaches with cottage cheese once--for "dessert"!! I'm still traumatized by the cottage cheese...


    On the yummy side--cinnamon toast for breakfast!! My grandma gave it to me when I was little, and I've just recently introduced it to my kids. I do use wheat bread and a lot less sugar for theirs, but they love it!!

    My husband had a thing for Cheetos in yogurt. Blecchh!!
  • af240
    af240 Posts: 37 Member
    I keep remembering more of these. @seltzermint555 I think I have done every single one of those at some point as a kid! LOL I used to eat those non dairy creamer packets as a kid whenever we went out to a restaurant. ...I was a weird kid.

    and that reminds me that I use to drink those tiny liquid French vanilla coffee creamer cups! (you know the ones that are always at coffee stations and don't need refrigerated lol) I would sip it so slowly like it was the worlds smallest coffee haha I was a weird kid too...
  • MonkeyMel21
    MonkeyMel21 Posts: 2,395 Member
    I used to make nachos with tortilla chips and melted AMERICAN CHEESE slices and nothing else, dipped in mild Pace Pecante salsa.