What are your favorite,healthy, filling snacks for when you want to biinge?

OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
Hi there, I have a problem with binge eating, mostly at around 10pm-3am. But I'm trying to break the cycle as I have been gaining and gaining. But I get so hungry! It's probably because my stomach has stretched at this point, but do you guys have any tips to feel full at night so not biinge? Thanks so much in advance!!


  • MB_Boston
    MB_Boston Posts: 7 Member
    lots of cut melon or grapes ready to stuff in my face helps at times.
  • OhHon97
    OhHon97 Posts: 48 Member
    edited March 2018
    Thank you!!! :smiley:
  • mcdb83
    mcdb83 Posts: 1 Member
    Love a Snack a Jack - 51 cal :)
  • triciale555
    triciale555 Posts: 57 Member
    Tangerines, bananas, berries all filling -won’t keep you full for 5 hours- but if you stagger your eating it’ll work
  • mutantspicy
    mutantspicy Posts: 624 Member
    Cottage Cheese late at night for me. Hard Boiled eggs I always have a carton on the go. If I had a magic genie who could whip up snacks at will, I love a veggie party tray with hummus dip.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I keep my food environment pretty sparse. There aren't really highly palatable foods in my cupboards. I plan a large/high volume low calorie dinner and always plan another high volume dessert. I eat them spaced out. Between the food environment, the high volume meals, and the time...I'm binge free.

    Ideally, we should get to the root of the problem. But for now, this works for me.
  • SinfulBinger
    SinfulBinger Posts: 110 Member
    Yogurt, papaya, nuts, green tea and apricots
  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Fruit, popcorn, nuts
  • sfcrocker
    sfcrocker Posts: 163 Member
    I *LOVE* cashews but limit myself to a small handful because they're pretty high in calories. I also love good quality cheese, but try to limit that for the same reason. When I want to "binge snack" I chop cherry tomatoes in half, and mix them with some Trader Joe's sweet and hot jalapeño peppers.
  • freenowphoever
    freenowphoever Posts: 52 Member
    Sugar free pudding with a banana or other fruit mixed in
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited March 2018
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Plain rice cakes with hummus or rehydrated powdered peanut butter
    Celery/carrots with hummus

    You'll do yourself a favor if you can figure out why your binge eating during that time. Sometimes knowing why helps get it under control.
  • bootyrubsandtacos
    bootyrubsandtacos Posts: 775 Member
    A large honey crisp apple with a 1/2 a cup of cottage cheese mixed with splenda. It’s incredibly satisfying, because the apple takes awhile to eat and the fat and protein from the cottage cheese is satiating.
  • Kelkat405
    Kelkat405 Posts: 166 Member
    You should not eat after 7 PM period. Your probably not hungry, you're bored, drink some water.

  • Healthyhunny231567
    Healthyhunny231567 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I love wheat thins <3