Bikram Yoga is awesome!!!



  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I love it but I hate it! I get nauseous and dizzy every single time! That's why I had to stop.
  • Kissxx
    Kissxx Posts: 99
    I love it but I hate it! I get nauseous and dizzy every single time! That's why I had to stop.

    Oops double post.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i have a groupon to try it for a month once my boys start up school again. :) i can't wait!
  • wyants
    wyants Posts: 18
    Hi I love this. HOT yoga is the best.
  • vegansara
    vegansara Posts: 192 Member
    Rhondast, you are not practicing Bikram yoga. It sounds like the studio you go to may use some of the postures in the Bikram series, but the Bikram series is very specific - no planks, no downward dogs, and the heat is always 105 with 40% humidity as the goal. Just an FYI, you are doing hot yoga but not Bikram yoga. But I'm glad you are enjoying it!
  • Rhondast
    Rhondast Posts: 93
    i have a groupon to try it for a month once my boys start up school again. :) i can't wait!

    Careful, now...that's how I got started. lol
  • kingkong123
    kingkong123 Posts: 184 Member
    I feel like I'd literally have a puddle of sweat around me...that would be awkward.
  • Pinaynblk
    Pinaynblk Posts: 3 Member
    I do the hot room yoga different I did Hot Yoga Sculpt (w/ weights) which kicked my azz. How can we add that to the exercise diary? it only shows Yoga and for 60 min it's only 152 calories. I know I burned more then that..
  • I bought a groupon for Bikram Yoga. I have only gone once. I was okay for the first 20 mins or so then I started to get really sick. My pulse was so slow and thready and I could not do any moves that had me raising my hands/arms above heart's level. It was intense. I just layed in the room for a good 15-20 mins. Felt like it was a waste but I keep hearing it is suppose to get better.
    So in that event, I decided to try regular heated power yoga last night. The room seemed almost as hot at the Bikram room! I felt good until the last 20 mins... same thing. Everytime I tried to do a warrior 1 or 2 my hearing would go, visions got snowy, and my pulse got slow and thready. I have had problems with heat intolerance in the past and my trainer would always say that i am prob just shallow breathing. I am not so sure... I seem to be breathing in yoga but i feel like the air quality is so poor. I may go to the docs b/c it sounds like low blood pressure but there is not much they could do. How many tries for bikram/heated yoga does it take for the sickness to go away? I'm sure it's diff. for everybody?

    found this ...
    maybe it's not for me..
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,046 Member
    On my way to Bikram right now as we speak! wish me luck.........
  • DayZee815
    DayZee815 Posts: 10 Member
    Love the Bikram. I did a 100 day challenge starting in January 2011 (100 classes in 100 days) and it was amazing watching the progress I was able to make in the class. I am not the skinniest yoga (far from it), but I get thumbs up from the instructors for my determination :) You get used to the heat and even the humidity eventually and learn to make it a mental practice. If you think you can, you can and you will. If you decide you can't, you won't. That simple. I love and hate it at the same time depending on how I do in class, but i'm getting hydrated for the 6pm class as we speak!
  • DayZee815
    DayZee815 Posts: 10 Member
    I feel like I'd literally have a puddle of sweat around me...that would be awkward.

    No way! Everyone has a puddle of sweat around them...that's the beauty of it. Everyone is so hot and concentrating on getting through the class that they don't even have the ENERGY to comment or think about your puddle of sweat! It's great.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    I did my first bikram class yesterday morning! My first Yoga class period. AMAZING. I mean when I was doing it it was like "10 more minutes, 10 more minutes" haha , but I'm going back today again

    Teacher was happy I was able to attempt each posture, didn't give up. My local bikram studio offers new members 20$ unlimited for a week, so I'm going to try to do 6 of 7 days

    I was really sore this morning (and I'm NO stranger to exersise) and I was worried about trying it again tonight, but then after seeing lady above me doing it for 100 days! haah, I'll be sure to go again tonight, and tomorrow, and the next day lol
  • Does anybody know any really good, mostly accurate sites to find how many calories you burn during hot yoga or bikram yoga? I feel like I've worked too hard to just earn 250 calories from 90 minutes of this!
  • dedpetal
    dedpetal Posts: 6 Member
    the studio I go to offers Power Vinyasa Yoga...90 degrees. I DID pass out the first time! My fault completely, I totally underestimated the heat, was really busy that afternoon so barely ate, drank minimal water, and to make it worse, actually drank a cup of coffee an hour and a half before....recipe for disaster. My vision got snowy, my hearing was strange, but I thought it would pass...standing in tree, I closed my eyes and felt my lip/tooth hit the floor and awoke to the instructor, and 2 peers putting a wet rag on my lip and comforting me. Weirdest experience ever!

    ANYWAYS........I go twice a week now, and have not passed out again. Like I said, it was my fault, and I learned from my mistake. I absolutely love yoga!!! Love it!!! And, I love it with the heat!! Nothing makes me feel as good as yoga, and since I started going to a studio, I love it even more. I had practiced at home for about 5 years before stepping foot into a studio, and I'm so glad I did.

    I'd love to try Bikram, my studio doesn't offer it, but I'm sure I could find one close to me that does...I know I'd love it. WATER, WATER, WATER!!!! :)
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    I've been doing it off and on since 2003 (lately, i've been doing it a lot). Definitely a "healing" type of exercise and a great workout.
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 733 Member
    Does anybody know any really good, mostly accurate sites to find how many calories you burn during hot yoga or bikram yoga? I feel like I've worked too hard to just earn 250 calories from 90 minutes of this!

    Some people have used an HRM and get varying results -- anywhere from 350 to 900 calories. I just put in 400 calories in my exercise tracker.which is just a guess on my part.

    It's like any other exercise, you have to eat correctly if you want to lose meaningful weight.