


    DMORTIFF Posts: 22 Member

    the link above is an article on just that topic it should explain a little more
  • macollins79
    oh my....this was just a question....didnt mean for attitudes to start flying!

    Its not an attitude... I have a background in Nephrology and have seen young women put themselves into acute renal failure drinking too much water as a weight loss tool. Its not worth it. And I work with many brilliant doctors they do have a background in nutrition. I don't make many posts but the ones I do, I make sure I know what I am talking about first before I make them.... as for the link it was an example, You don't know what your kidney function is and if you over load your kidneys you can cause nephrons to die, you can not "grow" new ones, so my point is, is a few pound weight loss really worth causing your self damage
  • macollins79

    the link above is an article on just that topic it should explain a little more

    Thank you "DMORTIFF"
    I must point out on our food diary once you put in more than 8 glasses of water the cup over flows.
  • Kimono
    Kimono Posts: 367
    I am not dead yet. I know I have drank half my body weight in ounces. I am not sure how hard you guys work out, but just guessing from previous posts we have some pretty intense workouts going on. After I run for an hour I drink 40 ounces just to refuel. Not to mention the amount durring the rest of the day. If you drink an excess of water in a very short amount of time, you can die. It happened around here at a fraturnity as part of their rush/pledge. I also watched my best friend run a 1/2 marathon (under 2 hours) and she not drink enough and ended up in the ER and got 4 L. of fluid. If you are working out you need to be hydrated, or it can kill you.
  • macollins79
    I am not dead yet. I know I have drank half my body weight in ounces. I am not sure how hard you guys work out, but just guessing from previous posts we have some pretty intense workouts going on. After I run for an hour I drink 40 ounces just to refuel. Not to mention the amount durring the rest of the day. If you drink an excess of water in a very short amount of time, you can die. It happened around here at a fraturnity as part of their rush/pledge. I also watched my best friend run a 1/2 marathon (under 2 hours) and she not drink enough and ended up in the ER and got 4 L. of fluid. If you are working out you need to be hydrated, or it can kill you.

    After your work out you need to refuel.... your kindeys have somewhere to put the water (back into your cells) but if you are not doing the work outs and just drinking the water.... where is it going to go... it can sit in your system thats when you can have issues
  • plussizemommy
    Holy cow!! I weigh over 300 pounds. If I drank half my weight in water (ounces) I'd be a freakin camel lol!! I would literally be drinking over 150 ounces of water!!!
    Wouldn't water poisoning become a factor if you did that? Maybe if you were skinnier but not if your obese like me!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Water poisoning is not a factor unless you drink it all at one time and/or you are not receiving the proper nutrition.

    I try to drink around 6-8 + the four cups of coffee I drink a day so that would be around 10-12 cups intake of water. Usually one glass every hour or two before each meal one with each snack. I don't count sweat replacement water in my totals.
  • MattySparky
    Doctors Know about nutrition! They have to know the body as a whole and how it functions this includes nutrition! Yes and if you want a good base see a Dietarian not a nutritionist!

    Doctors know minimal things about nutrition, Im not arguing that they dont know anything but unless it's their specific field of study a "doctor" doesn't have a wide knowledge base for giving out specific nutritional advice... they will refer you to a nutritionist or dietarian or whatever you want to call them it really doesn't matter to me hehe.
  • MattySparky
    if you want to over drink water go ahead... if your kidneys don't shut down you will have a heart attack, is fast weight loss really worth your health.

    excuse my abruptness but how did this thread turn into "fast weight loss"?? She was asking about the amount of water to consume in a day and weather or not what she heard was true.
  • macollins79
    I have been told drinking half your body weight in water will help you lose weight faster...Does anyone know if that is true and if it is healthy?

    She also asked if it was healthy, and its not. There is a fine line and water is both good for you but can cause damage, I needed to and have the right to express this. I did not mean to start anything... so take what ever you want out of this.

    And way to go on your weight loss, keep it up, its worth it.
    Take care

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Food Diary
  • Mommy2Girls
    Water poisoning is not a factor unless you drink it all at one time and/or you are not receiving the proper nutrition.

    I try to drink around 6-8 + the four cups of coffee I drink a day so that would be around 10-12 cups intake of water. Usually one glass every hour or two before each meal one with each snack. I don't count sweat replacement water in my totals.

    Be sure that you are drinking 8oz of additional water per cup of coffee you drink per day. So if you are drinking 4 cups of coffee/day then you need to drink an additional 32oz of water plus the 48-64oz you are already drinking.
  • kristineh86
    I drink more water than anyone I know and I am still alive. It bothers me when people tell me there is such thing as drinking too much water. I feel gross when I don't get enough water in a day!
  • jenerik
    I went over to my sister in laws to visit and when i got back I obviously missed alot. I see a few good points. I am not going to just sit around and drink myself silly with water. I run around with my 3 kids all day and i also babysit 2 other little ones in age of 3 and almost 1. so im constantly going. now im starting to work out everyday on top of it all. Ill be honest, my weight is 227 so i dont think drinking twice as much water than the recommended amout is going to hurt me. you can also feel when you have had too much water in your system at one time cuz you can feel it swish around in your stomach.

    i just talked to my sister. she has talked with her OBGYN when she was pregnant with her last child about how much water she should drink while being pregnant and what is safe for the baby. He told her that she can drink up to half her body weight in ounces. she is also bigger than i am...

    i see the points where you can overload your body with water but if you are working out and keeping yourself active i dont see how it can drown your body...i could be wrong. plus the more i lose the less water i will drink :) until i reach my goal weight and it will be right at 64 ounces a day :)
  • macollins79
    I went over to my sister in laws to visit and when i got back I obviously missed alot. I see a few good points. I am not going to just sit around and drink myself silly with water. I run around with my 3 kids all day and i also babysit 2 other little ones in age of 3 and almost 1. so im constantly going. now im starting to work out everyday on top of it all. Ill be honest, my weight is 227 so i dont think drinking twice as much water than the recommended amout is going to hurt me. you can also feel when you have had too much water in your system at one time cuz you can feel it swish around in your stomach.

    i just talked to my sister. she has talked with her OBGYN when she was pregnant with her last child about how much water she should drink while being pregnant and what is safe for the baby. He told her that she can drink up to half her body weight in ounces. she is also bigger than i am...

    i see the points where you can overload your body with water but if you are working out and keeping yourself active i dont see how it can drown your body...i could be wrong. plus the more i lose the less water i will drink :) until i reach my goal weight and it will be right at 64 ounces a day :)

    you know your limits! thats the key... but there are people out there that don't and that was my concern.
    All the best to you... This web site is great.
    Take care
  • jenerik
    Thank you so much! this is my first day on here and i already enjoy it. reading different posts has really got me motivated. i wanna see that 0 on my ticker turn into a bigger number :)
  • macollins79
    It will !
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    I have been told drinking half your body weight in water will help you lose weight faster...Does anyone know if that is true and if it is healthy?
    Welcome!:flowerforyou: Just saw your thread and your water question.

    I have drank 1/2 my body weight in oz.'s since I began my fitness journey in 2007. It was suggested to me by my nutritionist and dietition, it's working for me!:drinker: :bigsmile:

    I say find what works for you and realize you will find many opinions on message boards so check in with who you work with on your heatlh and you're good to go:flowerforyou:

    Good to have you here jenerik:happy:

    Here are a couple good links on water:


  • spiritmi
    spiritmi Posts: 61 Member
    oprah did a show about a year or so that stressed most people don't drink enough water...they agreed with the idea of taking 1/2 your body weight and drinking that amount in oz.....200 lbs. = 100 ounces of water....i found that when i replaced the 2 liter bottle of diet soda i could swig down daily with water, i felt so much better!!!...amazing i didn't think drinking 64 ounces of diet soda or sweet tea was a problem at all...but i sure balked at the idea of 64 ounces of water!!!...now i aim for 100 ounces of water a day spread out throughout the day...good luck with your weight loss journey...this is a great site...but, remember, it is made up of people with various ideas and beliefs...read the posts and take from them what rings true for you...if it doesn't feel right to you, leave it...it probably isn't right for you...blessings to all...
  • jenerik
    Good point and I agree!!
  • phed0017
    phed0017 Posts: 90 Member
    8 - 10 glasses per day is enough for any body type.