Exercise vs Calories

Alright...I'll explain first. Exercising has never been my problem. I actually have always loved exercise and I'm usually at the gym at least 6 days a week for an hour to and hour and half. However, food HAS always been my problem. Well, since I've started using MFP I've been trying to cut back my calories to between 1200-1500 a day. Since I've made this change, exercise is harder for me, I feel more sluggish, and don't seem to have a lot of energy. If I take a cheat day, and eat what I'd like to (probably around 2000-2500 calories) I feel great and could probably work out forever. Any suggestions to help beat this tired/sluggish/no motivation to exercise problem? Thanks for the help!


  • rpearce519
    just up your calories to about 1800 and try that.....I went thru the same thing and had to tweak my calories for a week or two to find what was right!!! good luck! :)
  • Jamcnair
    Jamcnair Posts: 586 Member
    If you're working out for that long, that often, you SHOULD be eating more to give your body energy and fuel
  • nmoreland
    nmoreland Posts: 183 Member
    I think it also depends on what type of food you are eating when you are eating fewer calories, and when you work out a lot, like it sounds like you do, I bet the type of food really matters.
  • SailingMike
    SailingMike Posts: 237 Member
    Sounds like with your workout schedule that 1200-1500 calories per day is not enough. Are you tracking your workouts here as well? If so, eat the calories you work out as well minus 100 or 200, and see if that helps.

    Your weight loss goal should not be more than 2lbs per week. Remember, it took years to put on the weight, don't try to take it off too fast. Slow weight loss is more likely to lead to long term success.
  • hyde1977
    hyde1977 Posts: 476 Member
    Yes...its simple. You need to eat more! if you are working out 6 times per week for 1.5 hours your body needs more energy!

    You could potentially benefit from increase to 1500-1750 per day.

    As we are all different I found since I have the same type of situation with going tot the gym it might be helpful to share with you!

    Make sure you are getting enough water as well! When I increased my water and calorie intake (ensuring I had a good portion of protein at lunch) I found I stopped feeling that way at the gym!
  • rgalisky
    rgalisky Posts: 11 Member
    I lose approx 20% of my energy when I am consistently on a lower calorie diet. What does help me is timing the exercising inconjunction with high and low calorie days.

    Have a high calorie day (normal) before and the day of exercise. Then have a low calorie day and repeat. So you exercising every third day. Do not expect to have the same energy levels as a fully fuel body.

    PS Eat 35%+ of your cals in protein to limit muscle loss or possibly gain muscle
  • kmjudge
    kmjudge Posts: 25
    Not all calories are made equal. You could probably do just fine on 2000 calories as long as it's low sugar, lower carb, high protein, lots of fruits and veggies. Do some nutritional research, I'll be you'd be surprised how much different your diet could be and how much energy just having lots and lots of veggies and omega-3's can give you.
  • sabrina2_8
    Hello Everyone,

    I am also in need of help . I am tracking my workouts as well as calories on the site. However, I am confused. Before I track my exercise for the day my daily calorie goal is 1590. After I track my exercise that number changes. To see the best results in my weight loss should I stick to the original calorie goal or lean more towards the calorie goal after i have tracked my exercise? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • rgalisky
    rgalisky Posts: 11 Member
    The MFP ups daily allowed calorie intake with exercise to meet your original non exercise goal. If you exercise and don't consume your exercise calories you will have a big deficit.
    Some days my deficit (net calories) is -300 1800 allowed + 2500 calories = 4200 calories.
    I consume only 2100 calories leaving a balance of 2100 calories.
    Therefore 1800 allowed minus the remaining balance of 2100 leaves net daily calories of -300

    I agree It is a litlle awkward to figure this out.
  • rgalisky
    rgalisky Posts: 11 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I am also in need of help . I am tracking my workouts as well as calories on the site. However, I am confused. Before I track my exercise for the day my daily calorie goal is 1590. After I track my exercise that number changes. To see the best results in my weight loss should I stick to the original calorie goal or lean more towards the calorie goal after i have tracked my exercise? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
    The MFP ups daily allowed calorie intake with exercise to meet your original non exercise goal. If you exercise and don't consume your exercise calories you will have a big deficit.
    Some days my deficit (net calories) is -300 1800 allowed + 2500 calories = 4200 calories.
    I consume only 2100 calories leaving a balance of 2100 calories.
    Therefore 1800 allowed minus the remaining balance of 2100 leaves net daily calories of -300

    I agree It is a litlle awkward to figure this out.
  • rgalisky
    rgalisky Posts: 11 Member
    Not all calories are made equal. You could probably do just fine on 2000 calories as long as it's low sugar, lower carb, high protein, lots of fruits and veggies. Do some nutritional research, I'll be you'd be surprised how much different your diet could be and how much energy just having lots and lots of veggies and omega-3's can give you.
    Sorry you are incorrect "all calories are equal". This is the scientific basis of the measurement unit. This is like saying your 150 lbs if body weight is different than my 150 lbs of body weight. Yes your % fat and mucle maybe different but your both still 150 lbs.

    The unit of measure "calorie" IS NOT ARBITRARY. Sorry I am an engineer - I could not help my self.