*NEW* Easter Fitness Challenge *Join Us*

Today starts a new fitness challenge! Each person should set their own fitness (and related) goals and check-in here daily to let us know how you are doing, to get support, and to celebrate your successes! The more the merrier so join us today!

My goals will be to continue using my charts to motivate me to do what needs to be done. I am going to continue with the same goals I've had for the last 2 weeks as I don't have them down yet. If it weren't for the chart reminding me I would have forgotten my pills so many times. And, I'm positive I wouldn't have gotten my waters in. So, my chart (at least for another 2 weeks) will have the following goals:
Ride Bike or Complete an Exercise DVD/Show
Drink 8 Waters
Take my Vitamins & BP Meds

If (when) I fill in at least 20 of the 21 squares on my chart each week I will get to go shopping for a new piece of clothing. Additional goals for this challenge will be to weigh 158 (no longer obese), to notice a difference in the way my clothing fits due to toning, and to chart my food better on MFP. I'm excited to get going on a new challenge and actually making it this time!

As for how I did yesterday on the challenge I did Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease (yep, me and my crazy dance workouts that I'm inept to figure out), I drank my waters, & I took my vitamins & meds. I also gained 4 lbs this week due to eating like crud (well, and that nice time of the month). The only thing I can think of that's postive about that is that I should have a decent loss next week getting if all back off! :tongue:

+++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
Welcome to our new challenge! *See* you at tomorrow's check-in!


  • NTBoard
    NTBoard Posts: 363 Member
    Today starts a new fitness challenge! Each person should set their own fitness (and related) goals and check-in here daily to let us know how you are doing, to get support, and to celebrate your successes! The more the merrier so join us today!

    My goals will be to continue using my charts to motivate me to do what needs to be done. I am going to continue with the same goals I've had for the last 2 weeks as I don't have them down yet. If it weren't for the chart reminding me I would have forgotten my pills so many times. And, I'm positive I wouldn't have gotten my waters in. So, my chart (at least for another 2 weeks) will have the following goals:
    Ride Bike or Complete an Exercise DVD/Show
    Drink 8 Waters
    Take my Vitamins & BP Meds

    If (when) I fill in at least 20 of the 21 squares on my chart each week I will get to go shopping for a new piece of clothing. Additional goals for this challenge will be to weigh 158 (no longer obese), to notice a difference in the way my clothing fits due to toning, and to chart my food better on MFP. I'm excited to get going on a new challenge and actually making it this time!

    As for how I did yesterday on the challenge I did Carmen Electra's Aerobic Striptease (yep, me and my crazy dance workouts that I'm inept to figure out), I drank my waters, & I took my vitamins & meds. I also gained 4 lbs this week due to eating like crud (well, and that nice time of the month). The only thing I can think of that's postive about that is that I should have a decent loss next week getting if all back off! :tongue:

    +++POSITIVE THOUGHTS+++ Everyone!!! :flowerforyou:
    Welcome to our new challenge! *See* you at tomorrow's check-in!
  • moidyn
    moidyn Posts: 112
    I love it!
    This week was absolute hell for me, I refuse to get on the scale because I know it is bad. This week is also going to be tough, because I am going up to New York, but I have to keep my goals.
    This week I will:
    Eat half my meals.
    Walk instead of taking a cab
    Do 50 crunches a day
    It is so much easier to do things when you have to be accountable to someone else besides yourself!
  • hmmmm
    hmmmm Posts: 607 Member
    I was just going to post this challenge. I would really like to lose 9 lbs by then easter is early this year march 23rd. Just 38 days away from today (a little over 5 weeks) I would like to do something physical each day so I will start with a half an hour a day.I am starting this at 239 and would like to be 230 by then. Good luck everyone.
  • Margy82
    I have new goals and would love to set them for Easter.

    GOAL #1: NO MORE SCALE!!, I really don't care about my actual weight in lbs, I am to obsessed with my scale. Anyways, it's not how much I weight it's how I look! So my Goal for Easter is to not step on the scale once. if I can do that, I going shopping for new shoes! Then I'll step on the scale, :blushing: cause I will be curious by then!

    Goal #2: INCHES!! I am going to keep track of my inches, I have chart of what I am at now and the goals for each body part, for example, I want to gain an inch in my biceps and calves and loss two inches in my belly. So when I check in it will be my inches that I have lost/gained. If I meet 9 out of 11 of my goals, I get to go shopping for a new outfit (head to toe)!

    Goals #3: To exercise 6 out of 7 days a week, with three days of weights, for 60 minutes and three days of cardio of at least 60 minutes. If I achieve this goal I get to buy a new exercise outfit, shirt and pants.

    I love shopping, so it makes a great reward for achieving my goals!

    Good Luck to everyone for their own Easter Fitness Challenge! We're going to look great!!
  • JulieB21
    JulieB21 Posts: 492
    I'm going to be realistic and set two goals for myself. One is to continue to exercise at least 5 times a week for 60 minutes. I will continue my Biggest Loser Cardio & Sculpt until Easter. The other goal will be to weigh myself only once a week-Friday mornings. I'm not going to set a pound goal this time. Good Luck everyone and TGIF!
  • zmonster
    zmonster Posts: 33 Member
    Hmmmmmmm, With Easter being five weeks away I think I will try one week at a time....so here it goes:

    #1 cardio at least 5 days a week
    #2 weights 3 days a week
    #3 bikram at least 1 day a week
    #4 meditate daily for at least 10 minutes (very hard for me)
    #5 no soda

    That ought to take care of week #1.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    three days hard cardio per week (60 minutes)
    2 days light cardio (30-45 min)
    weights 2xs a week (30 min)
    Yoga at least once a week (60 min)
    So, for my chart:
    30 min. exercise (at least) per day (one day off)
    30 min. studying per day
    water everyday
    vits. everyday.

    Today is light cardio (30 minute walk) and weights.

    Welcome to the new folks, let's get started!:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,784 Member
    New fitness goals:

    Back in December, I think it was, there was a spring challenge. I had quite the list to do by March 25th (two days after Easter), well, I'm not sure any of it is going to happen unless I really put some effort into it. I know I will not run 1 mile - as little as that seems for someone of my fitness level, I just can't run. I will have to think of some sort of non-running related cardio goal. Maybe a setting of 5 on the elliptical, for 5 minutes, without my heart rate going to 90% (that's at 160 strides per minute). Maybe I'll make it 5 resistance, 5 minutes, 150 strides, at 75% heart rate - just to have all the "5s" in there. The interval training I'm in now, should make this possible.

    Strength goal - 2.5 hours a week! I think I may need to put this on my calendar. I'm very wishy washy about it now - oh, I'll go to tomorrow's class. Monday (class), Wednesday (class), and Friday or Saturday (class or weights for some leeway).

    Food goal - still putting that fork down. I'm beginning to see results, but still eat way too quickly. Last night I didn't finish a piece of cake, so this is really good for me.

    Weight goal, hmmm. Right now I'm between 159-160. I'll say 156. But I'm really going to focus on the above goals more than the weight goal. I will also start weighing only once a week - that's once at home and once at the gym though. Not three or four times at home and at the gym!:blushing:

    As for the original goals for Mach 25, well, we'll see. The running is out. I need to work on handstand more, but feel weird, or like a show off, at the gym doing it (and am too tired when I get home) I will figure out a way of putting it on my calendar though. - and as far as firefly pose goes, well I will do it, just not by March 25th - maybe side crow pose. I know, I must do a handstand out in the front yard 3 x a week until I can balance - there's motivation for you :laugh:
  • ariannedavis
    ariannedavis Posts: 520 Member
    Wow, talk about some ambition! Way to go ladies! :flowerforyou:

    Guess I have to step it up on my end too. Let's see.
    #1- multivitamin min of 5 days/week (this is going to be tough, I'm so bad at remembering pills I use the birth control patch!)
    #2- 8 waters (I just get busy and don't have time to drink all day)
    #3- 145 lbs. (I haven't lost anything in two months, but have also become stagnant in my effort)
    #4- 2 days/week lifting (I've been doning resitance work, but not a true lifting session.)
    #5- 90 min aerobic exercise (again, I've been faithful and not missed a day since early Jan, so the only challenge here is longer, more intense sessions)

    Hold me to these! I'm going to try the chart, as I am a VERY visual person!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    My goal is to lose a total of 30 lbs by end of April. 10 down, 20 to go!
    So by Easter I should lose another 9 lbs about. That will be my goal
    and to be more consistant with working out - up to about 4 times a
    week - trying for 5.
    So goals for Easter Fitness Challenge
    1. Lose 9 lbs
    2. Work out 5 times a week

  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I'm in too!!!

    I want to lose 10 pounds by Easter....

    Do Turbo Jam 4 or more times a week

    Drink 8+ glasses of water

    Take my vitamin daily (good one which I stole from above ..thanks!)

    & exercise at least 30 mins a day regardless!

    oh and to watch my sodium intake too!

    okay woo hoo I"m excited!
  • vicky1
    vicky1 Posts: 236
    I want to lose 10 to 14 lbs by easter so 188 now aim to be 174 to 178 ish

    Elliptical 4 times per week
    Walk 60 mins per day
    Core strength training 3 times a day
    Eat my cals and get out of starvation mode (think it gettin better I was actually hungry between meals today) 3 x main meals plus two snack of at least 150 cals one at 10 one at 3 (NO PICKING).

    And finally drink my water everyday plus at least 1 cup of green tea and 1 cup of camomile.

    I like the idea of making a chart I think I will get onto that on Monday with my daughters help.

    I hope to be near my goal by 13th mar as this is my anniversary and 1 year soon I will be the same size as I was when I got married.

    Good luck to all!
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • His_Kelly
    I would like to lose 13 pounds by easter... that would put me at 200!

    I would also like to keep up my exercise routine and lose a few more inches.

    Let's keep eachother motivated!:flowerforyou:
  • jdonahue
    jdonahue Posts: 41 Member
    Bauekel we are in the same boat--13 pounds would get me to 200!!

    This is my first challenge so I'm really excited about meeting my goals:

    GOAL #1-Gym at LEAST 3 days a week
    GOAL #2-Situps at least 6 days a week (I need the leeway just in case)
    GOAL #3-WATER WATER WATER (I pause typing to take a sip :drinker: )
    GOAL #4-Strive for five--fruits and veggies!!

    I'm feeling pretty motivated--good luck to you all :smile:
  • RowanC
    RowanC Posts: 38
    Ok.. I want to do this. I'm not sure how it works but I think I just need to list my goals to begin with.

    1. Every other day do an upper body weight workout (approximately 20 minutes) PLUS 45 minutes of yoga.

    2. Alternating days do 30 minutes of rebounding and a 10 minute ab workout.

    3. Eat 1200 calories (this is so hard for me.. too much food!)

    4. Walk up the steps at school instead of taking the lift.

    5. I'd like to lose this belly enough to tell if I'm a girl or a boy in the shower! ::laughing:::

    That's it!
    I love this challenge stuff!!!!

    #1 DRINk WATER
    #2 Eat more calories- 1200 daily
    #3 lose 4 pounds
    #4 maintain weight loss
    #5 workout 4 times a week
    #6 STOP being so hard on myself!

  • vderoso
    I'm in.... Need to lose about 15 pounds. It was 10 and since has crept up to 15. My goals will be to fill in my charts daily. Something I don't do and if I did I think I would be surprised on how much I really do eat. Next cardio 5 days a week of at least 30 minutes, water 8 glasses a day. I am lucky enough to be able to workout at work during lunch so I will set my goals on the other 3.
    Fill in my charts daily
    Cardio 5 days a week
    Water 8 glasses a day

    Good Luck to all.........:flowerforyou: